日期:2018-03-26 07:43



Christmas is here,
and for many people that means presents, caroling, and getting together with family,
对很多人来说圣诞节是一个收礼物 唱颂歌以及和家人
but for me, Christmas reminds me of the day I proposed to my wife.
团聚的时刻 但对我来说 圣诞节会让我想起我想我妻子求婚的哪一天
I did it on Christmas day. Aw!
我就是在圣诞节求的婚 哇塞
I know. You're thinking it's romantic. It's actually a good ploy.
我知道你们想什么 你们觉得这也太浪漫了吧 实际上这是个精心策划的计谋
Because you don't have to get a present.
You have to buy the ring anyway. No present.
反正戒指是怎样都要买的 圣诞礼物就省掉了




Now if you're thinking of proposing to your wife,
there is one service you may be interested in checking out.
Because there's a new internet start-up called Swanluv
that will give you $10,000 to help pay for your wedding.
However, if you get divorced, you must pay the money back, plus interest. Right? I know.
然而 如果你们离婚 你们就必须把这笔钱还回去 外加上利息 我知道你们在想什么
What better way to start your life together than with the threat of financial ruin hanging over your head.
Some people think these guys prey on tragedy,
but the company also offers marriage counseling once the couple is married, right?
但是与此同时 这个公司还为夫妻提供婚姻咨询的服务
That's how they sort of justify it.
So let me get this straight.
The company that makes money from that couple breaking up will be offering up advice to save that couple's marriage.
这家公司在通过别人婚姻破裂来获利的同时 还提供挽救婚姻的咨询服务
Why do I get the feeling every counseling session will just be, I don't know.
为什么我觉得 这个婚姻顾问会说 嗯 我觉得吧
I think she is cheating on you, man.
If the couple breaks up, they have to pay back the loan.
如果婚姻破裂 夫妻就要偿还这笔钱
I think this company is underestimating a couple's ability to stay in a terrible relationship.
I once didn't break up with a woman for two years because she owned a washer/dryer combo.
我曾经跟一位女士在一起两年 就因为她有一台洗干一体机
One guy who shouldn't make this deal with Swanluv is a man in Houston, Texas,
who is in some hot water after shutting down traffic on one of the busiest freeways in the United States
他现在正面临一堆麻烦 他妨碍了美国最繁忙的一条高速公路的交通
so he could propose to his girlfriend.
Love can make you do some crazy things, especially when you're young.
爱情使人疯狂 年轻时犹会如此
But shutting down one of the busiest freeways in the nation to get on one knee and propose.
Love makes you do stupid things.
If you think that's inconvenient,
their wedding will take place on the day before thanksgiving in the security checkpoint line at the airport.
他们还要在感恩节那一天 在机场nag的安检处办婚礼
When people ask how he popped the question, she's going to have to be like
当被问到他是怎么求婚的时候 妻子会说
you remember last Tuesday when it took you two and a half hours to get home from work?
你还记得上周二 你下班回家时用了两个半小时吗
Well—The proposal was actually very sweet.
The man was like, Michelle, from the moment I met you I knew that we would—dodge caravan!
男方说 米歇尔 从我见到你的那一刻起 我就知道——闪开 有车
People on that freeway knew there was a proposal coming because their GPS was like,
走这条高速公路的人都知道 前面有人求婚 因为他们的导航系统说
In a quarter of a mile, prepare to throw up in your mouth a little.
前方四分之一英里处 请准备好您的口水
But the girl did actually say yes.
We actually have a photo that she posted on her Facebook page. It is very sweet.
我们这还有一张女方发在脸书上的照片 看起来非常甜蜜

  • inconvenientadj. 不方便的
  • nagn. 小马,驽马,竞赛马 v. 不断地唠叨恼人,说话唠叨
  • threatn. 威胁,凶兆 vt. 威胁, 恐吓
  • proposaln. 求婚,提议,建议
  • ployn. 花招,手段
  • preyn. 被掠食者,牺牲者 vi. 捕食,掠夺,使 ...
  • ruinv. 毁灭,毁坏,破产 n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟
  • justifyvt. 替 ... 辩护,证明 ... 正当 vi. 调
  • dodgev. 避开,躲避 n. 躲避
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券