日期:2018-02-02 13:54



Thanksgiving is all about sitting around the table and spending time with family.
感恩节一到 大家都会跟家人一起围着桌子坐一圈 增进下感情
And no one in the family knows you as well as your mother.
而在一个家庭里 最了解你的人莫过于你的妈妈
But how much do you know about your mom?
但妈妈的事情 你知道多少呢
Today we found some guys in our audience and their moms for a game called Face Your Mother.
Facing your mother now
接下来进入 直面母亲
OK. So playing today are Josh.
好的 参加的观众有乔什
Thank you for coming. How are you?
感谢你的参与 你好
Nice hair. Good hair. You get good hair.
你发型不错 发型不错
I love it. It is a triumph.
And you, Jordan. You lovely boy.
还有 乔丹 可爱的小伙子
Nice to see you. Thank you for coming down and seeing us.
很高兴见到你 谢谢你能来参加这个活动
All right. So. Now thanks to the joins of Skype, we are joined by Jordan and Josh's mothers.
好的 我们通过Skype连接到了乔丹和乔什的妈妈
Kim and Beverly are here, everybody.
Hi! Hi!
I already love Beverly and Kim. This is fantastic.
我已经爱上她们了 他们好漂亮




OK, so Jordan, how well do you think you know your mother?
好的 那么乔丹 你觉得你对你妈妈了解多少
I know my mom pretty well.
Yeah. And how well do you think she knows you?
很好 那你妈妈了解你多少
Maybe a little too much.
OK, so Josh, are you ready to see how well you know your mom? I'm ready to go.
好的 那么乔什 准备好参加这个游戏了吗 准备好了
All right. Good. So here is how it works.
好的 规则是这样的
I'll ask you questions about your mothers.
And your mothers are going to quickly write down the correct answer. OK?
All right. Here we go. Let's go, Joshua.
好 那我们开始吧 约书亚
Let's do this, mom. It's already getting competitive.
开始啦 两位妈妈 我已经闻到火药味了
OK, Beverly, do you want to give a little pep talk to Jordan?
比弗利 你想给乔丹加个油吗
Oh, no.
All right. OK. Has your mother ever hated one of your girlfriends?
好 你们的妈妈有没有讨厌过你们的女朋友
OK. Jordan, I'm going to come to you first.
好 乔丹 你先说
What do you think? Do you think your mom has ever hated one of your girlfriends? Yes.
你觉得呢 你妈妈有没有讨厌过你的女朋友 有
Do you think that is what she is going to say?
Well, I reckon this one might be a point for you guys. What do you think?
我觉得 这个问题大家可以想想 你们怎么看
OK. Beverly, have you ever hated one of Jordan's girlfriends?
好 比弗利 你有讨厌过敲乔丹的女朋友吗
Of course!
Hang on. Which girlfriends have you hated, Beverly?
等会儿 比弗利 你讨厌他的哪一任女朋友
Which one didn't I?
Look at Jordan's face! Look at—
注意乔丹的表情 看——
All right. Let's move over to Kim and Josh.
好 再来看这边 金和乔什
Josh, do you think your mom has ever hated any of your girlfriends?
乔什 你猜你妈妈有没有讨厌过你的哪一任女朋友
I don't think so. I think I did a pretty good job at picking them out. Yeah.
我觉得没有 我觉得我选女朋友的眼光很好 嗯
I want to say so. OK.
我就想说这个 好
Also I know they are watching.
You guys has been great.
You guys have been great and it is thanksgiving tomorrow.
你们都很好 明天是感恩节
I might want to come around, if you know what I'm saying.
我可能会去到处转一转 不知道你们听懂我意思没有
All right. Let's find out.
好 我们来揭晓答案
Kim, have you ever hated any of Josh's girlfriends?
金 你有没有讨厌过乔什的哪一任女朋友
No, till later.
本来没有 后来有了
What do you mean?
Well, he has really good taste in women, and I have loved all of them,
嗯 他跳女朋友的眼光很好 每一个我都很喜欢
but then he told me a story afterwards about one that wasn't so great.
但后来他跟我说了其中一个人的事情 我就觉得不太好了
Oh, yeah. Sorry, Joshua.
嗯 抱歉 约书亚
I think we have got a little look into that, haven't we?
我觉得这件事我们要八卦一下 不是吗
Man, mom.
妈 喂
What-what happened, Josh?
后来发生了什么事 乔什
Man, there was just—we date, it was all good and fun and dandy.
就是——我们出去约会 一切都很好
But then afterwards, I just found out information that happened during the relationship that I didn't need to know.
但后来 我发现了一些我不应该知道的事
OK. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. I hear what you're saying.
好吧 我知道了 我知道了 我知道了
What's her name?
Whisper, whisper.
Her name is Ari.
I know what you're saying. Ari, if you're watching—
我知道了 奥里 如果在看这个节目的的话
All right. Hey, listen. Don't mess with my boy.
听我说 不要跟这个男生在一起
You don't mess with my boy, Josh.
Not on my watch. Not on my watch.
All right. Question two. Here we go.
好 第二个问题来了
Has your mother ever sent a sexy photo of herself to someone?
I'm going to come to you first, Jordan.
你先来 乔丹
What do you think? What do you think?
What do you reckon, Jordan?
Has your mom ever sent a sexy photo of herself to someone?
Well, she used to have like parties with drinks and stuff. So I mean she—
她以前经常参加聚会啊 喝酒啊什么的 所以我想——
Yeah, because that is the same.
嗯 因为这两个本质上是差不多的
Well I mean like her favorite drink was long island, iced tea. OK.
我是想说 她最喜欢喝长岛冰茶嘛 好
So I mean yes.
You think she has? Yeah.
你是说你觉得她给别人发过性感照片是吗 是的
Let's find out, Beverly, have you ever sent a sexy photo of yourself to someone?
来看看答案 比弗利 你给别人发过性感照片吗
When was this, Beverly?
什么时候 比弗利
Back in the day, now.
I did send some photos so there are probably some old Polaroid still circulating right now.
我的确是发过 可能现在还有一些还在流传
Well, it just so happens that I have got one of them here tonight.
是的 而且我这里还带了一张
All right. Let's move over here. Josh, what you think?
好 再来看这边 乔什 你猜呢
Do you think your mom has ever sent a sexy photo of herself to someone else?
I think so. She works out all the time.
我觉得发过 她老不在家
She is probably doing it for a reason.
Oh, dear.

No health reasons. No health reasons.
Nothing like that. No absolutely not.
绝对不是 完全不是
Just for the benefit of sending photos. Let's find out.
只是为了享受发照片带来的好处 来看答案
Kim, have you ever sent a sexy photo? Oh, my gosh! Yeah!
金 你给别人发过性感照片吗 天 真的有
Hang on. Kim, when was this?
等会儿 什么时候发的
About six months ago.
OK. This has been a bad night for Josh.
好吧 那个夜晚对乔什来说一定很难熬
Oh, well, I love both of your moms. This is a wonderful amount of honesty.
我很喜欢两位母亲 非常感谢你们的诚实
I did say earlier that the winner of this game gets three months free therapy.
OK. Well, listen. Now it is time to turn the tables.
听我说 现在是时候换边了
And this question is going to go to the moms, OK?
And then the sons will tell us the correct answer, OK?
然后儿子们来揭晓正确答案 好吗
You don't need to write this one down. OK? Guys, you just need to tell me.
这道题的答案不用写出来 回答就好了
Let's go first to Beverly.
Beverly, do you think Jordan has any tattoos he hasn't told you about?
比弗利 你觉得乔丹身上有没有什么你不知道的纹身
Why so sure, Beverly?
No. I don't think he would have to dig a needle.
No. It is not going to work.
No? Jordan, do you have any tattoos your mother doesn't know about?
没有是吧 乔丹 你身上有你母亲不知道的纹身吗
No, he doesn't. The right answer. Well done!
他身上没有 答案正确 漂亮
Kim, has Josh got any tattoos that you don't know about?
金 乔什身上有什么你不知道的纹身吗
If he does, I will kill him. So I am going to say no.
如果有 我就杀了他 所以我选没有
Josh? Joshua?
Do you have any tattoos—he just went—oh, do you have any tattoos that Kim doesn't know about?
It is not exactly a tattoo.
Two years ago I had the idea to brand my butt with the letters—No!
My name's Josh. I tried to brand the letters j-o-s-h.
我叫乔什嘛 就想文上 JOSH四个字母
I got the j and o. And it is too painful.
我就纹了J和O 太疼了
What are your branding yourself with?
I think we would all like to see it. Reggie's moving.
我觉得大家应该都挺想看的 雷吉要过来了
Oh, my god! Look at that.
天 看
Well, listen, guys. You are fantastic.
听我说 你们太棒了
You going to have a lot to talk about at thanksgiving tomorrow.
Thank you so much for playing.
Ladies and gentlemen, give a huge rounds of applause. Stick around.
女士们先生们 热烈的掌声送给他们 不要走开 精彩马上回来
