日期:2020-05-11 16:48



We are back, and with Hugh Jackman, we have been playing a "late, late show" and tell,
我们回来了 今天和我们连线的是休杰克曼 我们一直在深夜秀上让嘉宾分享自己的生活
Taking advantage of the fact that you are in your home and whether there was something you might want to share with us,
鉴于你现在在家 你有什么东西要和我们分享吗
on any other type of talk show we might never get to see it.
Have you got anything to "late, late show" share with us?
I have, i have never shared this with anyone, i really haven't.
有的 我从没和任何人分享过 真的没有
Okay. What is that? You don't know what that is? No. My bread maker, that is my bread maker.
That is an alarm clock in the house. We wake up to the smell of fresh bread. It's the greatest invention ever.
这就是一个闹钟 我们醒来后就闻到新鲜面包的味道 这就是最伟大的发明
You don't need to be a cook. So simple, put in the ingredients, happy day.
你不需要是个厨师才可以做 很简单 放上调料 快乐的一天
So you do the ingredients the night before. Yes. And it cooks overnight.
所以你是前一天放好调料的 是的 它晚上就做好了
Like you set-- like you set your coffee machine, you know, night before, so you wake up to the smell, coffee, you set it i want bread,
就像你在前一天设置好咖啡机 你知道 醒来时就能闻到咖啡的味道 你可以选好时间
Can the kids get up, let's have 7:30, so from 7 to 7:30 that smell is wafting around the house
孩子们起床的时候 比如七点半 所以从7点到七点半 面包味就漂浮在房间里
Stvment the greatest thing ever. See this annoys me, because you look like you haven't eaten bread in a decade,
这是最棒的事情 有件事让我烦恼 因为你看起来像是十年都没有吃面包了
And i look like-- i look like i sort of bathed in a bath of bread and eaten my way out.
我看起来就像 洗了个面包浴 吃着面包就出来了
How are you-- how are you keeping this physique if you are wake up to fresh bread every day?
你每天都闻着面包味醒来 你是怎么保持这个体型的




Yeah, no, It's completely unfair. It's absolutely unfair.
这很不公平 非常不公平
My wife is laughing in the background because she is like yes, that is what i say all the time.
我妻子就在后面笑 她会想说 这就是我一直在说的事情
I'm right. I'm this skinny. But you got this metabolism and it annoys me.
我很瘦 你的新陈代谢让我很酸
I didn't realize how much it annoyed me until you showed me your bread maker. That's true.
在你让我看你的面包机之前 我没发现这会让我这么烦恼 确实
Thank you for sharing. Reggie, do you have a question for our guest this evening?
感谢分享 雷吉 你有没有问题问我们的客人
Yes, i do. Tonight's question goes to Hugh jackman. Hi, Reggie.
有问题 这个问题问休杰克曼 你好 雷吉
Hi. So my question is, this is a question that was send to me by a community in Mallanbi--
所以 我的问题是 这个问题是从马里毕的一个社区传来的
And the question is if you were able to go off the grid, would you go hydrogen or solar.
问题是 如果你可以人间蒸发的话 你会选氢气还是太阳能
I guess solar, particularly if i was in Mallanbi. A lot of sunshine there.
我觉得是太阳能吧 尤其是我在马里毕的话 那里有很多阳光
He's gone solar. Actually the answer is correct. It's absolutely correct.
他选了太阳能 实际上答案是正确的 完全正确
Please thank our wonderful guest Hugh jackman, thank you so much for being here, Hugh.
感谢美好的嘉宾休杰克曼 非常感谢你能来这里
My pleasure, Reggie, can you tell me what is wrong with hydrogen, because i really don't know what is wrong.
我很乐意 雷吉 你能告诉我氢气有什么问题吗 我真的不清楚
I will connect you after the show. You can discuss it after the show.
节目结束后 我会联系你 可以到时候再讨论
When we come back we have music from Alec Benjamin. You don't want to miss it. Come on back, everybody.
待会儿 阿历克·本杰明会带来好听的音乐 不容错过 回来吧 大家伙
