You're watching BBC world news. I'm David Eads, these are the headlines.
您正在收看BBC世界新闻,我是大卫·伊兹,新闻头条 。
Donald Trump's top economic adviser has resigned in a dispute with the president over the threat of a trade war.
唐纳德·特朗普的高级经济顾问已经辞职,因为他与总统就贸易战威胁出现了争论 。
It's understood that Gary Cohn disagreed with the plan to impose steep tariffs on steel and aluminium imports.
据悉,加里·科恩不同意对钢铁和铝进口施加大幅关税 。
British chemical experts are working to identify the substance blamed for poisoning a former Russian spy and his daughter.
英国化学专家正在鉴定毒害前俄罗斯间谍及其女儿的物质 。
The Kremlin has denied any involvement and accused the media of trying to demonize Russians.
克里姆林宫否认与此事有任何关联,并指控媒体试图黑化俄罗斯 。
The US State Department has formally confirmed that it believes the North Korean government used the nerve agent VX to assassinate the half-brother of North Korea's leader Kim jong-un in February last year.
美国国务院正式确认,其相信去年二月,朝鲜政府使用神经毒剂VX暗杀了朝鲜领导人金正恩同父异母的兄弟 。
And a Canadian man's admitted assisting jihadists who carried out a suicide attack in Iraq in 2009 which killed seven people.
一名加拿大男子承认2009年曾协助圣战者在伊拉克进行自杀式袭击,导致7人死亡 。
Mohamed Issa pleaded guilty at a court in New York to providing money to the Tunisian suicide bombers.
穆罕默德·伊萨在纽约的法庭上承认有罪,曾为突尼斯的自杀炸弹事件提供资金 。