日期:2018-03-02 06:37



We're back. I'm being told that someone wants to wish me a happy birthday.
我们回来了 据说有人想祝我生日快乐
Is it on the phone? It's like a live shot. A live shot-- Justin!
是电话吗?还是现场直播 现场直播 贾斯汀!
Hi! Hey! Hey! Hi, Justin. Hey! Hey!
嗨 嘿 嘿 嗨 贾斯汀 嘿 嘿
What are you-- where are-- what are you doing? Hey, baby.
你在 你在哪儿呢 在干什么呀 嘿 宝贝
What are you doing? Are you rehearsing for the Super Bowl, Rehearsing for the Super Bowl, rehearsing for the tour.
你在干什么?是在为超级碗排练吗 为超级碗排练 为巡演排练
Yeah. We-- I'm so sorry I can't be there to kick off your birthday week.
对 很遗憾我不能去庆祝你的生日周
You know I would want to be there. But I have to make sure that we are great. Yes.
你知道我很想去的 但我得确保我们的表演万无一失 嗯
That's right. And you will be great. I can't wait to see this. So you've done the Super Bowl before.
对 你们一定会很棒的 我很期待 你以前在超级碗上表演过




You've done it twice before. But how do you-- what are you doing?
表演过两次 但你是怎么 你在干什么?
What are you going to do? That's what I'm saying. It's going to be a spectaculare spectacular.
你们打算表演什么?我想说 绝对会是壮观中的壮观
Uh-huh? And so there's rumors that you're going to have some guests with you.
Are you going to confirm that? Or you probably won't. Here we are.
你能证实这个消息吗?或者不也行 这就是
These are my guests right here, the Tennessee Kiss.
他们就是我的嘉宾 the Tennessee Kiss
Yea! That's all you need. Y'all are so amazing. And congratulations on the new music.
耶!这就够了 你们太棒了 恭喜你出了新歌啊
I love it. You're welcome to come out with me if you want. Oh, yeah. OK. All right.
我很喜欢 你愿意的话 可以跟我一起表演啊 哦 好吧 好
You know, I'm really great with lyrics, so I can sing along with you.
你知道 我台词功底很好的 可以跟你合唱
You're very good at dancing too. And we all know that. You're sweet. And no.
你舞还跳的很好呢 众所周知 嘴真甜 我还是不去了
I sent you something though. Can you guys bring it out?
我给你送了样东西 你们能拿出来吗?
We all sent you a little something, to say happy birthday. What? OK.
我们都给你送了点小礼物 祝你生日快乐 什么?好
Well, aren't you sweet? Thank you so much. That's so sweet. All of you chipped in on this?
真是太贴心啦 谢谢你们 太感人了 你们所有人凑钱买的?
Yeah. It was only me. Hey, Justin, will you do me a favor?
对 我一个人买的 嘿 贾斯汀 能帮个忙不?
I know there's a lot going on in your life right now.
But during the performance, if you could give some kind of signal so I know you're thinking of me?
不过在表演的时候 能不能给出某种信号让我知道你在想我?
Oh, during the Super Bowl performance? Yeah. Like, one of these? No. No.
哦 超级碗的表演中吗?嗯 比如 这样?不 不
Like I don't know, like, bump, bump, buh-bump, bump-bump, bump, buh.
不晓得 比如 叭叭叭叭叭叭
Like that. Like, work in, like, a dance move. And then like, a rubbing of the stomach.
那样 就像 一种舞步 然后再揉揉肚子
That was either the "Macarena" or "The Three Amigos." It's a combination. Yeah, I mean, what was it?
那既不是Macarena也不是The Three Amigos 它是两种的结合 嗯 怎样来着?
Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba? Ba-ba-ba-ba. Was that it? Yes. You got it.
叭叭叭叭叭叭?是这样吗?对 就是这样
And then it's a rubbing of the stomach in a sexual way.
Whoa. Whoa, whoa. OK, well, I mean, you are my other girls, so I'll get you that.
哇哦 哇 好 毕竟你是我的另类女友 所以我就为了你这么做吧
All right. I appreciate it. Although that feels creepy, doesn't it? That got creepy.
好 谢谢你 感觉很奇怪啊 不是吗?很诡异
No, you'll make it look good. That looks like you're either hungry or too full.
不会 你会让它看起来很帅的 你那样看起来要么是饿了要么是撑了
I want you to make it like you're thinking of me and it's more of a sex-- Yes, yes.
我想让它看起来像是你在想我 然后性感点的 对 对
Something like that? I knew you could do it. Thank you so much for taking time.
那样吗?我就知道你可以的 谢谢你愿意花时间
I know how busy you are. And of course, I asked for you to be here because I love you.
我知道你有多忙 当然了 我让你这样是因为我爱你
So thank you for doing this. And I can't wait to see you.
谢谢你为我做的这些 等不及想见到你
I'm sure everybody is excited about the halftime show.
So we'll all be watching. Yeah. And those tickets are on sale for the tour too.
我们会看的 嗯 我的巡演门票正在卖哦
So if y'all wanna go get them-- Hey! Hey!
如果你们想买的话 嘿!嘿
Wait, before we go, before we go though, before we go though, this is from me and the Tennessee Kids.
等一下 结束之前 我和Tennessee Kids要送你这个
Ready? So C? OK, ready? Yeah. Yessir.
准备好了吗?C调?好 准备?好
Happy birthday to you. Studio audience, join in with us.
祝你生日快乐 拍摄现场的观众 跟我们一起
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Ellen. Happy birthday to you.
祝你生日快乐 祝你生日快乐 亲爱的艾伦 祝你生日快乐
We love you, Ellen! I love you. I love you.
我们爱你 艾伦 我爱你 爱你
We'll be right back. Thank you so much!
马上回来 谢谢你们!

  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • bowln. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场 v. 打保龄球,
  • spectacularadj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的 n. 惊人之举,壮观的表演
  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体
  • signaln. 信号,标志 v. (发信号)通知、表示 adj.
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.