日期:2017-11-28 06:20



So there's only a few more days until Halloween.
If you haven't figured out what your kid is going to be yet, I came up with a new costume ideas.
如果你还没想好让你的孩子扮演什么角色 我来给大家出几个点子
And I'm going to show them to you right now. Let's see the first costume. Come on out.
现在给大家看看 先来看第一个 出来吧
Hi. Step on up over here. Hi. What is your name? Sky. Hi, Sky. What grade are you in? Fourth. Fourth-- how old are you?
嗨 往前来点儿 你好 你叫什么呀 斯卡伊 你好啊斯卡伊 上几年级了?四年级 四年级 几岁了?
Nine. OK, and who are you supposed to be? Steve Harvey. That's right, Steve Harvey.
九岁 好 你扮演的是谁呀?史蒂夫·哈维 没错 史蒂夫·哈维
How does that feel, that mustache? Good. It does? All right, good. All right, that's a big desk, huh?
感觉如何 这小胡子?挺好 是吗?好 很好 这桌子很大啊
He's got a big desk right there. And those are his cards and everything.
他有一张大桌子 还有些卡片啥的




All right, let me give you some candy to put-- and you can spread it all out on your desk later on.
好 我给你弄点糖果 你一会儿可以把它们撒在桌子上
All right, thank you so much. Stand on over there with your--
好 非常感谢你 到那儿去
That is not cumbersome at all. To walk the neighborhood with that is--
那玩意儿还真是轻便呀 带着桌子在社区里到处跑
I'm glad I'm helping you come up with ideas. Let's see our next costume.
看我给你们出的这啥主意 来看下一套装扮
Hi, there. What's your name? Riley. Hi, Riley. How old are you? Six. Six.
嗨 你好呀 你叫什么?赖利 你好赖利 几岁了?6岁 6岁
And when is your birthday? May 17. OK, so you're really six. And what grade are you in? I'm in first grade.
生日啥时候呀?5月17日 好 这么说你已经整六岁了 上几年级?一年级
First grade also-- and who are you supposed to be? I'm working mom. You're a working mom.
一年级 你扮演的是谁呀?我是上班族妈妈 你是上班族妈妈呀
So you've got a lot of kids, you've got Cheerios in your hair. That's just sad.
你有好多孩子 头发上还粘着麦圈呢 真同情你
Well, first of all, I want to give you some candy for those kids. That's what I want to do first of all.
首先呢 我要给你一些糖果分给孩子吃 那是第一件事
And then because you're a working mom, I have something else. You wait here. I have something else. Come on out.
其次 因为你是上班族妈妈 所以我还给你准备了点别的 你在这儿等一下 还有别的 出来吧
Hi. How are you? Good. You're a Shutterfly check, right? Yes. All right.
嗨 你好吗?好 你是一张Shutterfly支票呀 对 好
I just need to-- because Shutterfly heard your story, and you're a working mom. So I just have to sign it.
Shutterfly了解了你的情况 你是个上班族妈妈 所以我得签个字
See, you two go together, so you get the Shutterfly check. Head on over there. Oh.
看到了吧 你俩一起 你得到了Shutterfly支票 到那儿去吧 哦
Well, you are absolutely right. I'm so sorry.
嗯 你记性真好 是我的锅
Yeah, I know. You've got $5,000 on your neck, and you want candy. Yeah, I get it. Let's see the next costume.
嗯 是啊 你脖子上挂着5000美元的支票 还在乎这些糖果 嗯我懂 来看下一个
Hi. Move up a little bit more. OK, all right, there-- and then move back a little bit. OK, move up again.
嗨 往前来点儿 好 好 往后去点儿 好 再往前来点儿
What's your name? Maya. Hi, Maya. How old are you? I'm six. Six? Are you in first grade? Yeah.
你叫什么呀?玛雅 嗨 玛雅 几岁了?6岁 6岁?上一年级吗?对
I'm getting good at this. And what are you supposed to be? I don't know. You don't know?
我轻车熟路了 你扮演的是什么呀?我不知道 不知道呀?
Well, you're a teat. No, I'm not. Yes, you are. Watch.
嗯 你是个小奶头 才不是呢 就是的 看
See? You get it? Yeah. OK, yeah. I don't. All right, what do you really want to be for Halloween?
看到了吧?你看懂了吗?懂了 好 我没懂 好 万圣节你想扮什么呀?
I really want to be a princess. A princess? All right, well, you can do something with that and then still be a princess, I think.
我想当公主 公主啊?好 你可以扮成这样但依然是个小公举
Let me give you some candy. Thank you, Maya. You all look great.
给你点糖果 谢谢你玛雅 你们都太好看了
And for helping me out, you're each getting four tickets to go to Legoland. How about that?
为了感谢你们帮我忙 给你们每个人四张乐高乐园的门票 开心吧?
