This is BBC news for headlines.
这里是BBC世界新闻头条 。
The UK has threatened to cut funding to charities unless they cooperate over safeguarding issues.
英国威胁切断对慈善机构的资金援助,除非他们同意在安保问题上协作 。
It comes as Oxfam faces allegations that Elvis's staff used prostitutes on missions in Haiti and Chad.
这段时期,牛津饥荒救济委员会(Oxfam)被指控埃尔维斯的员工在海地和乍得执行任务时与妓女有染 。
The British charity says it's shocked and dismayed by the claims.
该英国慈善机构称其对这些指控感到极其震惊和失望 。
Tensions between Israel and Syria have intensified after Israeli fighter planes launched bombing raids across the border.
以色列战斗机跨越边境进行轰炸导致其与叙利亚之间的紧张局势加剧 。
Israel says it's been targeting Iranian positions on Syrian territory.
以色列称此次轰炸的目标是叙利亚境内的伊朗基地 。
The US and Russia have expressed concern over the attacks while the United Nations has called for an immediate de-escalation.
美俄对此次攻击表示担忧,同时联合国呼吁立马降低战争热度 。
And the British Foreign Secretary has arrived in Myanmar where he will call for Rohingya Muslims to be allowed to return safely to their homes.
英国外交部长已抵达缅甸,他将呼吁让罗兴亚穆斯林安全返回家乡 。
Earlier Boris Johnson visited a refugee camp in neighboring Bangladesh ahead of meeting the Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
早些时候,鲍里斯·约翰逊在与缅甸领袖昂山素季会面之前,去邻国孟加拉国参观了一处难民营 。