So nice to meet you. What an incredible voice you have.
很高兴认识你 你的嗓音好棒啊
Wait till you hear him, he's amazing. So what is it-- were you nervous?
大家一听就知道了 超棒的 所以 你紧张吗?
You didn't seem like you were nervous at all. No, I wasn't that nervous.
你看起来很轻松啊 不 我不太紧张
I just feel like everybody's human, so I can't mess up too bad. No.
我觉得大家都是人 我也糟不到哪儿去 嗯
That's a great way to think. And so you've been singing for how long?
这种心态很好 你唱歌多久了?
I've been singing since I was in diapers, so at least before I was two.
我还是婴儿的时候就开始唱歌了 至少是在两岁以前
And I remember when I used to get my TV, and I would play Thriller and Bad,
because we had a little CDs, and I would dance to it.
我们有那种CD 然后我就会跟着它跳
It was really fun. So really, you actually started singing when you were in diapers?
可好玩了 那你真的是从婴儿时候就开始跳舞了啊
Yes. Wow. And you were good immediately? Like you were pitch perfect immediately?
对 哇 那你很快就找着调了?立马就轻车熟路了?
Do you know? I'm not sure about that. OK.
你知道吗?我不清楚 好
And you're being compared to Michael Jackson, that's quite a compliment.
大家把你比作迈克尔·杰克逊 这个称赞不错吧
Oh yeah, that's an honor. I just feel like sometimes I mess up, and I feel like I just need to do more work.
嗯 不胜荣幸 有时候我觉得自己还挺差的 还需要更上一层楼
But I really appreciate everybody that thinks that I'm at the level of Michael Jackson.
Really an honor. No, well, yes. So you're obviously a big fan? Yes. I'm a big fan.
非常荣幸 不 嗯 那你肯定是MJ的深粉儿了?对 我是老粉儿
And you're a Clippers fan. Did you get to meet any of the Clippers? Yes.
你还是Clippers的粉丝 你见过Clippers的成员吗?见过
I got to meet Blake Griffin. He is so tall. Oh my god.
我见过布莱克·格里芬 他好高啊 天哪
Like he has the biggest hands, he could grab my whole face.
他的手太大了 能直接盖住我的脸
Yeah, he is a tall guy. He's a basketball player.
嗯 他是很高 他是篮球球员
So you're going to be in The Lion King remake. I mean, how cool is that?
你将出演翻拍的《狮子王》 真是难以企及啊
Oh, yeah, that was awesome. I got to meet a lot of people who I look up to.
哦 对 棒极了 我会遇到好多特别敬仰的大神
And I feel like me and Simba have a lot of similarities.
Like, we can both sing. We both love and look up to our dads.
比如 我们都会唱歌 我们都很爱也很尊敬我们的爸爸
We both have really scary uncles.
Well then, you were meant to play the role. And you're going to perform now.
嗯 那你就是这一角的不二人选了 你现在要表演
What are you going to sing? I'm going to sing Who's Loving You by the Jackson 5.
要唱什么?唱the Jackson 5的Who's Loving You
Wait till you see please
大家等着看 有请
You're incredible.