In the day's other news: President Trump sharply criticized a federal judge who blocked his decision to end the DACA program.
其它方面,联邦法官叫停特朗普废除DACA计划,特朗普对此表示严厉斥责 。
It protects young immigrants brought here illegally from deportation.
年轻非法移民因该计划免遭遣返 。
In a tweet today, Mr. Trump said it just shows everyone how broken and unfair our court system is.
今天特朗普在“推特”上指出,美国司法体系破裂且不公正 。
Federal immigration agents showed up today at nearly 100 7-Eleven convenience stores nationwide.
联邦移民局今天现身全国近100家7-11连锁超市 。
They ran checks on employees' immigration status and arrested 21 people.
他们对员工进行了移民背景调查,逮捕21人 。
U.S. officials say that it was the largest such operation since President Trump took office, and they say "the first of many".
美国官员表示称,这是特朗普上台以来采取的最大规模搜查行动,称未来将展开更多搜查行动,这只是此类行动的开始 。
There is word that President Trump will not reimpose broad-based sanctions on Iran, at least, not yet.
有消息称特朗普将不重新向伊朗实施大规模制裁,至少现在不会 。
The Associated Press and others are reporting that he is expected to announce the decision by a Friday deadline.
美联社和其它媒体报道称,他有望在周五截止日期前宣布这一决定 。
That is despite his criticism of the 2015 nuclear deal.
尽管他对2015年核协议严厉斥责 。
But the reports say he will restore some targeted sanctions on specific businesses and individuals.
但有报道称他将恢复某些特定商业领域,以及个人的制裁措施 。
A new diplomatic effort on North Korea appeared to gain momentum today.
关于朝鲜参加奥运会的工作今天取得进展 。
Both President Trump and South Korea's President Moon Jae-in said they are open to direct talks with North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un.
特朗普总统和韩国总统文在寅表示称,他们希望与朝鲜领导人金正恩直接对话 。
In Seoul, Moon said that Mr. Trump's tough stance led to yesterday's North-South talks, and could yet pave the way to a summit with Kim.
文在寅在首尔称,特朗普总统的坚决立场成就了昨天的朝韩谈话,或将为朝韩对话铺平道路 。
I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing the inter-Korean talks.
特朗普总统为推进朝韩对话做出了卓越贡献 。
I keep myself open to any meeting, including the summit with North Korea,
if it's helpful for an improvement of South-North relations or a settlement of the North Korean nuclear issue.
如果这样的会议可以促进朝韩关系发展,或解决朝鲜核问题 。
In Washington, President Trump welcomed yesterday's North-South meeting and said "who knows where it leads?"
White House said that U.S. talks with the North are possible, at the appropriate time, under the right circumstances.
白宫称如果在特定的时间,特定的情况下,朝美会谈也是有可能的 。