Hi. Hi. I'm so happy to have you all here. I love stories like this.
嗨 嗨 很高兴你们能来 我很喜欢你们这样的故事
And yet, it's not a great story. But it's an inspiring story.
不过 不是什么好故事 但很励志
So you were vacationing. Tell everybody what happened.
所以你那时候是在假期期间 告诉大家发生了什么
Yeah, so in 2014, I was on holiday. My friends.
对 那是2014年 我在过暑假 跟朋友一起
And they were all down by the pool, and I was just messing around.
他们都在游泳池里玩 我就在旁边随便逛
And then I went down and just dove into the swimming pool.
然后我也下泳池了 想要潜进去
I wasn't drunk or anything, wasn't messing around, doing anything silly.
我没有喝醉 也没有瞎混 没做任何愚蠢的事
And I just hit my head on the bottom of the pool.
And managed to get to the side, and couldn't get out.
我努力游到泳池边上 但是却上不去
And I realized I was paralyzed from just below my chest.
So when you dove in, it was the shallow end?
所以你潜进泳池的时候 它其实很浅?
Yeah, it was the shallow end. And you couldn't tell?
对 很浅 你当时没看出来?
You just didn't see how shallow it was? No.
I mean, there was no signs or anything like that. So we couldn't really tell. Yeah.
没有任何迹象表明它很浅 所以我真的没看出来 嗯
Wow, how old were you? Just turned 20. Just turned 20, wow.
哇哦 你那时候多大?刚满20 刚满20 哇哦
And you were really athletic before that, too, right? Yeah.
在那之前你就很有运动细胞 对吧 对
I mean, playing rugby, hockey like five, six times a week. So yeah, I was quite athletic.
我那时候每周都会玩五六次橄榄球 曲棍球 所以 对 我运动细胞很强
And trying to get back into sport was something that was important to me after my accident.
我出意外后 能重新运动对我来说很重要
That phone call must have been really tough to get. Yeah.
接到那个电话一定很过吧 对
6:30 in the morning, getting ready for work, and get a phone call from a number we don't recognize.
早上6:30 正准备上班 却接到了一个陌生电话
And it's one of his mates telling us that he's had an accident.
是他一个同伴 跟我说他出意外了
So second worst phone call you could probably ever want to receive-- or not want to receive, But yeah, very distressing.
这是你可能接到的或者不想接到的第二大噩耗电话 不过确实 很痛苦
So what was that like? You know, 20 years old and you're athletic, and all of a sudden you're told that you're paralyzed.
所以那是种什么样的感觉?20岁以前还活蹦乱跳 但突然之间你得知自己瘫痪了
Were you depressed for a while, or what happened? Yeah.
I'd say for the first two weeks or so, in the hospital it was very, very hard and the worst place I've been.
我在医院的前两周 真的特别特别难过 那真是最可怕的地方
But after that, I was kind of like, let's pick myself up and start going. Go on with life.
但从那以后 我就告诉自己要振作起来 继续前进 生活还要继续
Time's not going to go back. I've just got to get on with it and see how life treats me. Wow.
时光不可能倒流 我得接受现实 看看命运会如何待我 哇哦
You were depressed for a whole two weeks. That's amazing.
你颓废了两周 太惊讶了
I mean, that's not a lot of time to feel sorry for yourself.
我是说 顾影自怜了两周 这时间可一点都不长
To pick yourself up that quickly is pretty amazing. OK, so Tough Mudder.
能那么快振作起来真的很厉害 好 所以“最强泥人”
Explain what Tough Mudder is to people. It basically is just an obstacle course.
跟大家说说什么是“最强泥人” 它其实就是一种越障训练
There's different stages of Tough Mudders. It's not a race.
“最强泥人”有不同的阶段 它不像赛跑
It's about helping one another. If you go over it, you pull the next person over with you.
它是要互相帮助 如果你越过障碍了 你要帮一下你旁边的人
Had you done one before? No, it was the first one.
你以前做过吗?没有 这是第一次
I mean, I'd done local 10Ks just around my area back in the UK.
我在英国参加过当地的10千米 就在家附近
And I was just kind of looking on social media. And you did it with him, right?
当时只是在社交媒体上看过 你陪他一起参加的是吗
I did it with him. I wasn't supposed to be doing it with him.
是的 本来不是我跟他一起的
The Thursday before-- we did it on the Saturday-- his friend he was doing it with pulled out.
周四的时候—我们是周六参加的 但周四他的搭档临时退出了
So he said, dad, I need you to do this with me. Wow. And so we ended up just going down there.
所以他说 爸爸 我需要你帮我一起参加这个项目 于是我们就一起去了
You know, just as a father and son going. Not expecting anything.
只是以父子身份去的 并没有抱什么期望
Just going for a run around a field. Well, it's more than a run around the field.
只是想着去跑一圈 这可远不只跑一圈那么简单
So you're training for the Paralympics now, right? Yeah, that's my goal.
所以你现在是在为残奥会做准备是吧?对 那是我的目标
I'm skiing and hopefully power triathlon. That's amazing. That's incredible.
我在练习滑雪 希望能参加三项全能 太棒了 真了不起
I mean, what a remarkable guy, huh?
Yeah, from that place he was in summer of 2014 laying in bed,
对 2014年夏天他还躺在床上
not knowing what the prognosis would be, to where he is now he's just astounded us.
不知道未来会走向何方 但现在 他让我们所有人惊喜连连
I'm so proud of him. He's astounded everybody. Yeah, I know.
我真的超级为他骄傲 他让所有人都震惊了 我知道
But yeah, the effort and the work he's put in and the way he's overcome up to where he is now and where he can go, nothing stops him.
没错 他所做的努力 他的付出 他克服的困难让他有了今天的成就 他的未来也是一片光明 什么都阻挡不了他
I'm proud of you too. I don't even know you, but that's amazing.
我也很为你骄傲 虽然我都不怎么认识你 不过真的很棒
And we want to help you get to the Paralympics.
Walmart is currently running a campaign celebrating the importance of people coming together,
沃尔玛现在在组织一项运动 庆祝人们团结一致的重要性
so they want to help you continue and inspire people everywhere.
We're going to give you a check for $25,000. Oh, wow.
我们要送你一张25000美元的支票 哦 哇哦