BBC纪录片《南太平洋》(MP3+中英字幕) 第166期:脆弱的天堂(15)
日期:2018-01-02 07:09


Each island nation owns the fishing rights up to 200 miles offshore.
Beyond these territorial waters are the so-called "high seas".
Bounded by national waters, the high-seas pockets of the western Pacific cover half a million square miles.
被各国海域所包围 西太平洋的公海口袋形水域面积有五十万平方英里
The surrounding island nations would like these pockets to be declared marine reserves—
周围的岛国希望这些"口袋" 被宣布为海洋保护区
safe havens where migratory fish can breed.
The idea is being promoted by Greenpeace.
Greenpeace made their name campaigning to save the whales.
They're now responding to concerns about the future of the Pacific's fish.
他们正在就人们关于太平洋鱼类 未来的担忧作出回应


The high-seas pockets they're now patrolling were once a fishing free-for-all.
他们现在所巡逻的"公海口袋" 曾经一度自由捕渔
Although now regulated by international treaty, they are rarely policed,
虽然现在受国际条约约束 这些地方还是极少被管制
so Greenpeace have assigned a monitoring role to themselves.
This is the Esperanza—Greenpeace's largest vessel.
The crew are searching for any sign of fishing activity but it's a huge area.
船员正在寻找捕渔活动的迹象 但这是片广阔的区域
After two weeks at sea, a blip on the radar indicates a fishing vessel is near.
出海两个星期之后 雷达上的信号显示有一艘渔船在附近
Greenpeace want to discover where the vessel is from and what it's been catching.
绿色和平组织想知道船是从哪里来的 和它捕获了什么
They launch their inflatable boats.
Although Greenpeace film their own activities,
we put our cameraman on board to ensure an unbiased record of events.
我们仍在船上安排我们的摄影师 以确保对事件作没有偏见记录
As these are international waters, any nation can fish here legally, and many do,
因为这是国际公海 任何的国家都能合法地在这里捕渔 很多国家都这么做
including the US, the European Union, Japan and other East Asian countries.
