Welcome to English in a Minute!
Here’s an idiom about arguments, and legs.
今天栏目的内容是一个与论点和腿有关的习语 。
Not Have a Leg to Stand on
Let’s listen to my friends talking, and using this American idiom:
大家一起听听我的朋友们是如何谈论和使用这个美国习语的 。
At first,the insurance company didn’t believe me when I said the driver ran the red light before hitting my car.
起初,保险公司并不相信我,当我说司机闯了红灯才撞到我的车时 。
But, there’s a video that clearly showed his car going through the red light.
但是,当时的监控视频清楚地显示,他的车闯了红灯 。
Oh, in that case,he doesn’t have a leg to stand on! He’s going to have to pay to fix your car.
哦,在那种情况下,司机说的话就站不住脚了 。他将不得不支付你修车的钱 。
Not having a leg to stand on means a person does not have any evidence to support his or her argument.
站不住脚的意思是,一个人没有任何证据来支撑他自己的论点 。
Without evidence, your argument does not stand up under questioning because,if you think about it,not having a leg would make it difficult to stand.
没有了证据,你的论点就不会站得住脚,在受到质疑的情况下,这是因为,请你想想,没有一条腿是很难站立的 。
And that’s English in a Minute!