Welcome to English in a Minute!
An envelope is a flat paper container used to send a letter. So, what could it possibly mean to…
信封指平板纸容器,用来寄信 。那么,今天的短语是什么意思呢?
Push the Envelope
There has got to be more to this expression. Did you see what Adam is wearing today?
今天的表达包含了很多内容 。你看到亚当今天穿的衣服了吗?
Yeah...well… he has always liked bright colors. That guy really likes to push the envelope.
好吧,看到了,他总是喜欢穿亮色 。他真的喜欢挑战极限 。
I could not get away with wearing that to work.
我不能容忍自己穿那样的衣服工作 。
You know,I like that he is pushing the envelope. This place needs some more color!
你知道吗,我喜欢他能够挑战极限 。这里需要一些新的色彩!
To “push the envelope” means to go beyond the limits of what is usual.
“挑战极限”指,逾越界限,超出惯例 。
It can also mean to be very creative. This expression comes from airplane pilots.
它还指具有创造力 。这个表达源自飞行员 。
The word “envelope” in this idiom is actually a mathematical term.
这个习语中的“信封”一词,实际上是数学术语 。
It means a set of limits that may not be safe for a plane to go beyond.
它指许多极限点,若飞机超过这些点飞行是不安全的 。
And that’s English in a Minute!