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Separatist parties have kept an absolute though reduced majority of seats in Catalonia's regional election.
分离主义党派在加泰罗尼亚地区选举中以绝对优势占领多数席位 。
It's a setback for the Spanish prime minister who called the election in response to October's disputed referendum.
这对西班牙首相而言是个挫折,他针对十月份受争议的公投呼吁了此次选举 。
The vote hands a mandate back to the region's ousted separatist leaders.
此次投票将权力归还给了该地区被驱逐的分离主义领导人 。
The International Red Cross says the number of suspected cholera cases in war-torn Yemen has reached 1 million.
国际红十字会称遭受战争摧残的也门的可疑霍乱疾病已经达到了一百万例 。
Outbreaks of other serious diseases are also reported as more than 80% of the population struggle to find clean water, food and basic health care.
同时还有其他重大疾病爆发,超过80%的人努力寻求干净的水源、食物和基本医疗服务 。
The United Nations General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly to reject president Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
联合国大会压倒性投票拒绝特朗普总统承认耶路撒冷为以色列首都 。
The Saudi ambassador to the UN said the vote by 128 countries which is non-binding sent a message that the U.S. does not have the right to make such a decision.
沙特驻联合国大使称128个国家的投票发出了一个不具约束力的信号:美国没有权利做出此种决定 。