This is BBC World News, the headlines.
这里是BBC世界新闻头条 。
Hundreds of people are feared dead after a mudslide near Sierra Leone's capital Freetown, a hillside collapse following heavy rains engulfing many homes.
塞拉利昂首都弗里敦附近发生泥石流以后,可能已有数百人遇难,强降雨后出现了山体滑坡,很多家庭被吞没 。
The Red Cross says more than 300 people are confirmed dead so far.
红十字会称目前已确认有300多人遇难 。
President Trump has finally spoken out against racist violence two days after a woman was killed in Charlottesville during a rally by white supremacist.
一名女子在夏洛茨维尔的白人至上主义者集会中被杀害,两天后,特朗普总统终于站出来谴责种族主义者的暴力行为 。
This follows an outcry at his initial statement blaming violence on many sides.
这紧随人民强烈抗议了他将暴力归罪于多方的最初发言之后 。
Pakistan is celebrating the 70th anniversary of its creation as a sovereign state.
巴基斯坦正在庆祝其作为主权国成立70周年的纪念日 。
The country's Air Force put on an aerobatic display to mark partition from India at the end of British colonial rule.
该国的空军进行了特技飞行展示,纪念其在英国殖民统治末期从印度脱离 。
And the bones of London's Big Ben will fall silent next week for four years for major conservation work on its tower.
伦敦大本钟将从下周起沉默四年,因为其塔身将进行大型维修工作 。
The chimes will still be used for important national events.
重要国家大事场合还会用到大本钟 。