日期:2017-12-03 06:15



OK, we're back with a very handsome Idris Elba. And I imagine you're pretty competitive, right?
好 我们和帅帅的伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴一起回来了 你应该挺好胜的 对吧?
Oh yeah, absolutely. I am too. So we thought we would play a game. It's one of my favorite games.
没错 绝对的 我也是 那我们来玩个游戏 是我最喜欢的游戏之一
It's called Danger Word. We need some people to play with. Where are Tanesha Jones and Megan Dester?
叫做“危险单词” 我们需要帮手 坦妮莎·琼斯和梅根·德斯特在哪儿?
Hi! Hey. Woo! Hi. Hi. Megan, you're going to be my partner. Oh, OK.
嗨 嘿 嗨 梅根 你和我搭档 哦 好
Tanesha, you're going to be Idris' partner. She's going to be my partner.
坦妮莎 你和伊德里斯搭档 她是我的搭档
Come on in. Oh, over there? Tanesha, on the stool over there.
过来吧 那边吗?坦妮莎 去那边的凳子那儿
You're going to sit on the red stool over there, Megan, OK?
你坐那个红色的凳子 梅根 好吧?




And here's how the game works. We're going to show the audience two words, a Winning word and a Danger word.
游戏规则是这样的 我们给观众看两个单词 一个是获胜单词 另一个是危险单词
Idris and I will have to get our partner to say the Winning word without saying the Danger word.
我和伊德里斯要尽力让我们的搭档说出获胜单词 不能说危险单词
And you can only use one-word clues, just like Password. If you say the Danger word, I will be forced to push this button.
只能说一个单词给你们提供线索 就像口令一样 如果你们说出了危险单词 我就得按下这个按钮
And if you guess the Winning word, I'll fire the cannon at the losing team. OK?
如果你们猜对了获胜单词 那我就会向失败的一队开炮 懂了吗?
OK. Twitch, we will tell the viewers at home our Danger word.
好 推奇 告诉电视机前的观众危险单词是什么
The winning word is Cheerios. The danger word is cereal. OK. Good Better.
获胜单词是Cheerios(麦圈) 危险单词是cereal(谷物) 好 好 更好
Bowl. Noodles. Noodles. OK, no. Million. Oh-- Powerball?
碗 面条 面条 好 不对 百万 哦 强力球?
Um-- cheerful I know you know what I'm saying. Cheerios? Oh, yeah! Is it? Oh my gosh! Great! Man! Is it Cheerios?
呃 开心的 我知道你肯定懂我在说什么 Cheerios?哦 耶 对了吗?哦天啊 很好 天 是Cheerios吗?
Woo! Wow. Is it Cheerios? Yes, because I was trying to say, Million Acts of Good! That's right! Oh!
哇哦 是Cheerios吗?是 我本来想说百万善事的!猜对了 哦!
That means that I have to-- yeah. Megan, I'm so sorry.
那我就得 没错 梅根 抱歉啦
So Idris will go first, right? OK. Matt, the Danger word, please?
伊德里斯先来 好 马特 麻烦告诉大家危险单词?
The Winning word is Popsicle. The Danger word is lollipop. Ah, OK.
获胜单词是Popsicle(棒冰) 危险单词是lollipop(棒棒糖) 好
Flavors. Tic Tac? OK, I see where you're going. Frozen.
味道 蹬壁跳远 好 我明白你的思路了 冰冻
Ooh, yeah. Uh-- um-- frozen, ICEEs?
嗯 呃 冰冻 装冰机?
Long. What? I mean, you know, I mean-- Popsicle? Oh my god!
长 咋了?你懂的 Popsicle?哦 天哪
Megan-- All right. I'm feeling bad now. I'm feeling bad for Megan. All right. No, we're playing one more.
梅根 好 我感觉不太好 很同情梅根 好 没事 我们再来一轮
All right. The Winning word is champagne. The Danger word is wine. I love both.
好 获胜单词是champagne(香槟) 危险单词是wine(葡萄酒) 两个我都喜欢
Megan is not walking away from here with three things in her face. All right. Pour.
梅根不输三轮坚决不走 好 倒
Um-- oh, cork? Um-- you know, Congratulations!
嗯 哦 瓶塞?额 恭喜!
Marriage? Yes, no. Sparkly. Oh! Champagne? Yep. Ah! Good job.
婚姻?嗯 不对 耀眼的 哦 Champagne?对 啊 很好
Congratulations you're winning a 55-inch 4K TCL Roku TV. You're getting one too! What? Yes!
恭喜你们获得了55英寸的4K TCL罗库电视机 你也有份儿哦 神马?没错!
You get a TV too! That's how you play Danger Word. You're getting one too!
你也有电视!这就是危险单词 你也有一台
