民间高手 厉害的后空翻
日期:2017-07-21 15:51



You have good weekend? Everybody have a good weekend? Yeah!
My weekend--thank you for asking--was crazy. You know what?
我的周末…嗯谢谢提问…很疯狂 你们知道吗
"Crazy" Isn't even the right word. My weekend was spicy. It was very spicy.
“疯狂”甚至不是一个恰当的词 我的周末是很刺激的 它非常的刺激
I spent saturday night organizing my spice rack.
Some of you may have had a wilder weekend than I had.
I don't know; maybe you had a little too much to drink and discovered you had a hidden talent,
我不知道 也许你们有点小酒可以喝 并且发现你们自己隐藏的才华
Maybe like this woman in our audience just a minute ago.
And there's a few more people that I would like for them to share their talent with you.
并且这儿有更多一些这样的人 一些我想让他们分享才华给你们看的人


It's our hidden audience talents. And the first person is ricky ryba.
它是我们观众隐藏的才华 下面 第一个是里基里巴
Hey, ricky. Hi, ellen. Where do you live? What do you do?
嗨 里基 嗨 艾伦 你住在哪儿呢?你是干什么的?
I live in marina del rey, and I'm a naval officer. Wonderful.
我住在玛丽安德尔湾 并且我是一位海军军官 好极了
Thank you. Wonderful. And what is your hidden talent?
谢谢 太好了 你隐藏的才华是什么呢
I can do some things with my stomach.
Well, who wouldn't want to see that?
好吧 你们有谁不想看的吗
Do you need to take your shirt off for it?
I do need to take my shirt off. Aw, that's a shame. Wow.
我确实得脱下我的t恤衫 啊 有点羞耻呢 哇
That's impressive. Thank you. I bet your fellow officers are very impressed with that.
真是令人赞叹 谢谢你 我打赌 你的那些军官同事一定也对此印象深刻
Yeah, right? Yeah. All right, ricky, thank you. Don't put your shirt on if you don't want to.
啊是吗?是的 好吧 里基 谢谢你 别穿上你的t恤了 如果你不想的话
All right, but you can stand on over there. Thank you.
好的 但你可以站到那边去 谢谢你
Our next bit of entertainment is from kenan heppe, "Heppy," Heppe?
我们下一个娱乐表演的是基南·赫佩尔 “赫佩尔” 赫佩尔?
Where do you live, and what do you do? I jump back and forth between l.a.
你住哪? 做什么的呢? 我在洛杉矶周围住
And the place I have with my girlfriend, jessica, in oregon, and I'm a chemist.
我和我的女朋友杰西卡在俄勒冈州也有这么个地方 并且我是一名化学家
Wow, impressive. What's your hidden talent? I play the piano.
哇 真棒 那么你隐藏的才能是什么? 弹钢琴
All righty. Yeah. A lot of people play the piano. That's not--
行 好吧 是的 但许多人弹钢琴啊 这不算是…
All right, do we have a piano here? Seems to be a hula-hoop over there as well. Ah.
好吧 我们这儿有一架钢琴吗 那边貌似还有个呼啦圈 啊
I should move that piano right now. That would be funny. Whoa!
我现在应该移动下那架钢琴的 那会很有趣 哇
Wow. Thank you very much. Stand over there next to ricky.
哇 非常感谢 站到里基的旁边去
The next person is mikayla clark. What do you do? What's your hidden talent?
下一个是米凯拉·克拉克 你干什么的?你隐藏的才华是什么?
I flip. You flip? Yeah. Like, backwards, forwards? Backwards. Backwards.
我会空翻 空翻?是的 比如 后翻?前翻? 后空翻 后空翻
A lot? Yeah. All right, are we gonna see it right here? Yeah.
翻得很多吗?是的 行 我们是在这儿看你的表演吗 是的
This always scares me when I see people doing backwards flips.
这总是会让我感到害怕 当我看到有人做后空翻的时候
It makes me so uncomfortable, but please go right ahead. Very impressive.
会让我感到很不舒服 但还是请你继续吧 太了不起了
I may send you out on the street to do it. I may actually think--
我可能应该让你去外面的大街上做的 我确实觉得…
Because i think that would be fun to send you out on the street and...
因为我想那会很有趣 让你去街上做空翻然后…
Not in the street. Not in the street. Yeah. On the sidewalk.
不是在这个街上 不是 好的 在人行道上
Thank you for sharing your talents with us.
You're each getting a 50-inch insignia tv for doing that.
你们这样做 每个人都能获得一个50英寸的电视机作为奖励
Thank you so much. And we now shall all dance.
非常感谢 现在我们全都该跳舞啦
