日期:2017-11-24 06:26



Noah, is this your first time on TV? Yes. Yes.
诺亚 这是你第一次上电视?对 嗯
How do you like it? There's a bunch of people there.
Do you like that? Yeah. Yeah.
你喜欢吗?嗯 喜欢
So you know all about the globe, I understand. Yes!
据我所知 你了解地球上的所有地方 对!
So what kind of globe do you have at home?
We have two of them. Two globes? Yeah.
我们有两个 两个地球仪?对
And what made you interested in the globe?
That's one of the globes, I guess. Yeah.
那就是其中一个吧 对
You hugging the globe. You love a globe, right? Yeah. Yeah.
你抱着地球仪 你喜欢地球仪对吧?对 嗯
And what is your favorite country? England.
England is your favorite. And why England?
用你最喜欢英国 为什么呢?
I want to see Big Ben. I see. I see.
我想去看大本钟 明白了懂了
And do you have other favorite countries too? Yes.
What else? Brazil. Ah, Brazil. And why is that?
还有哪儿?巴西 啊 巴西 为啥呢?
And then I'm going to see the Christ the Redeemer. Uh huh. Great.
我想去看里约热内卢基督像 啊哈 很好
That-- it just looks fun, so I'm going to do that too.
看起来好像很好玩 所以我也试试




What's the furthest that you've traveled?
Hawaii. Oh, Hawaii, yeah? Where in Hawaii?
夏威夷 哦 夏威夷 夏威夷的哪里?
What's the capital of Hawaii? Honolulu. Uh huh.
夏威夷首府是什么?火奴鲁鲁 哈
And what do you do in Hawaii?
I went to the Dole plantation. I did the hula dancer.
我去都乐种植园了 还跳了草裙舞
And then I went to the beach. Well, that's great.
我还去了海滩 很不错呀
What I'm going to do is I'm going to show you some images,
and I'm going to ask you questions, OK? OK. OK, here we go.
然后问你问题 好吧?好 好 开始了
All right, what country is this? Iceland. It is Iceland.
好 这是哪个国家?冰岛 确实是冰岛
And what is the capital? Reykjavik.
OK, and what continent is it on? Europe.
好 它在哪个大洲?欧洲
That is right. Three years old, everybody.
对的 才三岁啊 大家可知道
What country is this? Uruguay.
And the capital is? Montevideo. Of course, we all knew that.
首都是?蒙德维的亚 当然了 谁都知道
And the continent-- what continent is this on?
South America. That is right. OK?
南美洲 对了 好
OK, I'm sure everyone knows this country, right?
好 这个国家大家肯定都知道 对吧
But let's just get-- what country is this? Burkina Faso. Mm hm.
我们来 这是哪个国家?布基纳法索 嗯哼
What's the capital? Ouagadougou. That is correct.
首都是哪里?瓦加杜古 对了
And the continent is? Africa! That is right.
OK, what country is this? Madagascar.
好 这是哪个国家?马达加斯加
What's the capital? Antananarivo. Yes.
首都是哪里?塔那那利佛 对
And the continent is? Africa. OK. What country is this?
在哪个大洲?非洲 这是哪个国家?
Thailand. And what's the capital? Bangkok.
泰国 首都是?曼谷
And the continent is? Asia. Yes. All right, couple more.
大洲呢?亚洲 对 好 还有几个
What is this? Machu Picchu. And where is this? Peru.
这是哪儿?马丘比丘 这个呢?秘鲁
What is the capital of Peru? Lima. And the continent is?
秘鲁首都是哪里?利马 大洲呢?
South America. That is right. And, of course, you know this.
南美洲 对了 你肯定知道这个了
What is this? Stonehenge. And where is Stonehenge? In England.
这是哪儿?巨石阵 巨石阵在哪里?英国
What's the capital of England? London. And what continent?
英国首都是什么?伦敦 在哪个洲?
Europe. That's right. You always fake me out like you don't know, and you do.
欧洲 对 你老是装得好像不知道 但其实你知道
What is this? Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Uh huh, and where is this? In Italy. What's the capital of Italy? Rome.
啊哈 它在哪里?意大利 意大利首都是什么?罗马
And what continent is it on? Europe.
That's so good. That's so good.
很好 太棒了
I don't know how you remember all that. You're three years old.
不知道你怎么记住这些东西的 你才三岁呀
How do you remember all that? I study the globe and I read my book.
Wow, that's really good.
哇哦 太棒了
OK, well, I know you love learning from globes, so I got you something.
好 我知道你喜欢用地球仪学习 所以我给你准备了点东西
Come see. Come over here.
过来看看 过来
Look at that. Wow! Is that going to be fun? Yes!
快看 哇哦!是不是很好玩?是!
There's going to be all kinds of things that you can have.
This hanging in your room, and you have little placemats, and you have all this.
这个可以挂在你房间里 还有小垫布 这都是你的
That's so-- you're so smart, and I can't wait to see you again. Come back and see me, OK? OK.
真是 你太聪明了 我很期待下次见面 要回来看我哦 好不好?好
