日期:2017-11-22 10:09



Hello, I'm Oli, I'm a teacher from Oxford Online English.Today's lesson is about greetings.Greeting means saying "Hello".
"Hello'" is probably the first word you learnt in English, right?
"Hello" (你好)大概是你们学的第一个英语单词吧?
Because it's such a simple thing to say "hello" to somebody, or is it?
Actually, there are many ways to say "hello" to somebody in English.
And it can sound strange if you use the wrong one in the wrong situation.
Today, we're going to look at greetings in English in some more detail.So first, let's look at formal greetings.
"Hello" is a very useful word because you can use it in almost any situation.
"hello" 是个非常有用的词,因为几乎在所有的情况下都能用它。
But, in a more formal situation, you might want to use a more formal greeting, like "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening".
但是在较为正式的场合中,你可能要用更为正式的问候语,比如 "Good morning" (早上好),"Good afternoon" (下午好), "Good evening"(晚上好)。
Note that you can't use "Good night" as a way to say "hello"."Good night" only means "goodbye" in English.
要注意,不能把 "Good night" (晚安)用作一种问好方式。在英语中,"Good night" 只有“再见”的意思。
Also, we never use "Good day" in modern English, except as a joke.
还有,在现代英语中,我们从来不说 "Good day" (日安),除非是开玩笑。
So, if you're introduced to someone in a formal situation, you can say "How do you do".
所以,如果你在正式场合中被介绍给了某人,你可以说 "How do you do" (您好,您怎么样?)。
And if someone says "How do you do" to you, you can say the same thing to them.
如果有人跟你说 "How do you do",你也可以回以同样的内容。
Note that "How do you do" is normally only used after someone is introduced.
要注意,一般只有在某人已经被介绍过了以后才能对他(她)说 "How do you do"。
So first you say "Hello", the other person says "How do you do", you can reply "How do you do".That's quite formal.
所以首先你说“你好”,另一个人说 "How do you do" ,然后你就可以回答说 "How do you do"。这样相当正式。
OK, but what if you want to greet someone informally?So "Hi" or "Hey" are the most common ways.
好了,但是如果你想非正式地问候别人该怎么做呢?最常用的是说 "Hi" (嗨)或者 "Hey" (嘿)。
In informal situations you might hear Americans say "How's it going?"British people say "Alright?"
在非正式的情况下,你可能会听到美国人说 "How's it going?" (最近怎么样?)英国人会说 "Alright?" (还好吗?)
These sound like questions, but they don't need an answer.If you want to answer, you can say the same thing back.
So if you're introduced to someone in an informal situation, "Nice to meet you" is the most common thing to say.
所以如果你在非正式的场合中被介绍给了某人,"Nice to meet you" (很高兴见到你)是最常用的问候方式。
You can use "Nice to meet you" in almost any situation, and the best reply is "Nice to meet you, too", very simple.
几乎在所有的情况下都可以使用 "Nice to meet you" ,而最好的回答就是 "Nice to meet you, too" (我也很高兴见到你),非常简单。
OK, what about asking "How are you?"Often, after we say "Hello", we ask the person "How are you?"
好了,问 "How are you" (你好吗?)怎么样呢?通常当我们说了 "Hello" 以后,我们会问那个人 "How are you?" 。
There are many ways to ask this question, for example, "OK.How are you?" "How's it going?" "How are things?" "How's life?"
有很多问这个问题的方式,比如 "How are you?" (你怎么样?) "How's it going?" (最近怎么样?) "How are things?" (最近事情怎么样?) "How's life?" (最近生活怎么样?)
Most of these are quite informal.So, if you're in a more formal situation, it's best just to use a simple "How are you?"
这些中大多都是非常不正式的。所以,如果你身处于一个较为正式的场合中,最好直接简单问个 "How are you?" 。
OK, let's look at introducing yourself and introducing other people.In a normal situation, introductions are very simple.
To introduce yourself, you say, "I'm Oli," and to introduce someone else you say, "This is my friend."
介绍自己的话,你可以说 "I'm Oli" (我是奥利),介绍别人时你可以说 "This is my friend." (这是我朋友)。
But in a more formal situation you could use another phrase, for example: "Let me introduce myself, I'm Oli."


"Let me introduce my colleague, this is Rob.""Allow me to introduce my good friend Ben.""May I introduce our speaker today, Mrs. Jones."
In these situations, it can sound very strange if you use a greeting which is too formal or too informal.
So if you aren't sure, use boring, neutral language: "Hello, how are you, I'm Oli, this is my friend."
But, if you can use different styles of greeting correctly, your English will sound more natural.If you want more practice with this topic, come to our website oxfordonlineenglish. com.
但是,如果你能正确地使用不同风格的问候语,你的英语就会听起来更加自然。如果想再练习一下这个话题,请登陆我们的网站 oxfordonlineenglish. com。
You can find a text and exercises, as well as many other free lessons.That's all for today, thank you for watching.I'll see you next time.Bye bye!
