日期:2017-11-11 05:23



You're here for breast cancer awareness month and we thought we'd challenge you to try to raise some money for breast cancer.
你是在防治乳腺癌月来的节目 我们让你试试为乳腺癌筹集一些钱
And oh, look at. He changes. He's somebody different every time you turn around.
看 他又变了 每次你回头的时候他就变了个样
All right, we're going to chip some golf balls. Let's do it. All right.
好 我们要打高尔夫 来吧 好




And you're very good though. You're very, very good. I'm not. That's too much pressure. No, you really are.
你打的很好 你高尔夫非常非常棒 没有 你这么说我压力太大了 不 你确实打得好
And I'm going to try just because it's fun. But you go ahead first. I want to see.
这挺好玩的 我也试试 你先来 我想看看
OK, but this, I don't want to hit. OK. OK, everyone be careful.
好 但 我不想打到 好 好 大家都小心点
Get in there! Oh no. Uh oh. Oh, OK. Not bad.
进去啊 哦天 啊哦 哦 好吧 还不错
Oh. Don't worry, don't worry. It's going to be OK. Oh!
哦 别着急别着急 没关系 哦!
Just cut off that first part. We're not stopping until we win a lot of money. Oh!
把第一部分剪掉 要挣到很多钱我们才能停 哦!
It's the music. Get in there! That's horrible music, that's terrible music. Oh! Come on. Yes!
是音乐的问题 进去啊!音乐太烂了 音乐太糟糕了 哦!拜托啊 好!
Come on, baby. That's not any better. Oh. Come on. Oh god.
拜托啦 那也没好到哪儿去 哦 快 哦 天啊
I'm so close to the $2,000. Come on. God, this is terrible.
离2000美元的洞好近 快啊 天啊 太可怕了
Hey Andy, come here. I'm out of breath. Andy, come here.
嘿安迪 过来 我快喘不上气儿了 安迪过来
So close. Yeah! I think I figured it out. Wow! I think I figured it out.
好接近 好!我觉得我找到窍门了 哇哦!我找到窍门了
You got it? Almost, almost. Wow! Oh. Oh. Ow!
你找到了?很接近 很接近 哇哦!哦 哦 嗷
A butt cramp. A butt cramp? I've got a butt cramp. Oh man.
屁股抽筋了 屁股抽筋?我屁股抽筋了 哦天啊
Well, we're going round that up. Alta is going to round that up to $20,000. "The Big Bang Theory" airs Monday night on CBS.
我们会凑个整数 Alta会把它凑成整数20000美元 《生活大爆炸》每周一晚上在CBS播出
