BBC纪录片《南太平洋》(MP3+中英字幕) 第148期:奇异的岛屿(24)
日期:2017-11-21 08:14


We've been left for dead by the old ladies and the kids that are carrying the generator and the cameras
我们已经断送了未来 老妪和儿童 带着发电机和摄影机
and our tents and all the rest of the stuff that we brought!
The team has reached the edge of the sacred area of Wutidi.
From here on in, everything changes.
从这里起 一切都变了
So from here, the trail gets really slippery and really dangerous, so we've got to go very slow.
因为从这里起 追踪将变得湿滑和危险 我们前进很慢
From here on out, some of the names we use change.
从现在起 有些我们使用的名称要改变
Wutidi is... We're not allowed to use that—we use the sacred name.
伍蒂迪是...我们不允许使用的 我们用教名
Same for the dingiso. We have to use the sacred name for the dingiso...
对于白腹树袋熊也同样 我们必须用白腹树袋熊的教名
we're not allowed to use the word "dingiso" any more.

BBC纪录片 南太平洋

The team continue to climb.
They are now over 3,000 metres above sea level.
It's madness. The landscape's totally changed.
这有点疯狂 景致完全变了
It's really dry and wiry and...sparse,
and I think this is the kind of habitat where the animal lives, kind of in the much more stunted trees.
我认为这里有点像动物生活的栖息地 多数是矮小的树木
Finally, they reach the sacred lake. They must remember the sacred rules.
最后来到了圣湖 他们必须牢记圣规
This is Lake Ezimoga, which is the name they use in the sacred area.
这是艾兹莫迦湖 这是圣区里用得的名字
And this is a central point from which it's a good area to look for the manimomaga,
这里是中心点 是寻找美尼莫玛迦理想之地
which is the other name for the tree kangaroo we're looking for.
And everyone's...everyone's pretty emotional to be here.
Even Chief Pilemon is deeply moved.
This lake is one of the most important parts of the Moni culture.
It's a really, really big deal for these guys to come here, to see this place.
对于来到这里 看到这块地方的伙计们来说 它是真正的大人物
