BBC纪录片《南太平洋》(MP3+中英字幕) 第151期:奇异的岛屿(27)
日期:2017-11-28 07:46


As soon as they can, the team set off to return the dingiso to its forest home.
一旦可以 小组就出发返回 白腹树袋熊在森林中的家
The dingiso is so highly revered in Moni culture that Pilemon wanted to share it with the outside world.
Strange as it seems, bringing it to the team was his way of showing great respect for the animal.
这似乎是奇异,用他的方法给小组 展示了对动物的极大敬意
Filming it now depends on how the dingiso behaves once it's released.
现在拍片更多是依赖白腹树袋熊 被释放后的表现
We're finally where the manimomaga was found.
I think it was literally at the of these trees just around us.
We're gonna release it in the jungle and see what happens.
我们准备在丛林里释放它 看它会发生什么

BBC纪录片 南太平洋

To the crew's great relief, the dingiso doesn't appear to be stressed or harmed in any way.
白腹树袋熊没有出现紧张或任何的伤害 这让小组大大的放心了
It bounds up a tree, and then acts as if nothing unusual has happened.
它跃上一棵树 然后的行动就像什么事也没发生过
OK, he's started to feed a little bit, which is a great sign.
它开始吃点东西 这是个好信号
After all this trouble, and walking and everything,
不管麻烦 护送等等一切
it's really great just to see him chewing on a bit of food and kind of half dozing and looking a lot happier.
看到它咀嚼着食物真的好高兴 打着几分盹 看上去好幸福
There he is, where he should be, up in a tree.
在那里 也应该在那里 在树上
Tree kangaroos!
This had been an emotional journey for the whole team.
Finally, intimate shots of the elusive, almost mythical dingiso back home in the place that is truly a world park.
最终 详细拍到了难以找到的几乎只存在神话里白腹树袋熊
