And in the day's other news: President Trump touted the benefits of the tax reform that he is pushing Congress to adopt.
其它方面,特朗普总统赞扬了新税改的诸多好处,并希望国会能够尽快通过 。
He said it is going to bring 4 trillion dollars back into the country.
他称此次税改或将为国家带来4万亿美金的收入 。
But Republicans and Democrats disagreed sharply over what the real effects would be.
但共和两党对改革所产生的实际作用并不苟同 。
What the tax plan that we are putting forward does is it lowers rates on middle-income families,
it doubles the standard deduction, you know removes a number of Americans from even having tax liability all by doubling the standard deduction,
and also expands the child tax credit to make it easier for families to afford the cost of raising children.
税改还将加大儿童保育的税收抵免力度,让更多家庭养得起孩子 。
The chasm between what they say the bill it does, just the people talking here and the president,
and what the bill actually looks like it's going to be from the outlines are just light years apart.
它的实际作用和它的表象之间的区别是巨大的 。
It's appalling. It's not what you see in a democracy, such deviation from the truth.
这真是骇人听闻,这不是民主国家应该有的,它与事实背道而驰 。
The House of Representatives is set to give final congressional approval tomorrow to a budget plan that sets the stage for the tax overhaul.
众议院或将在明天通过预算决议,为特朗普的税法改革铺路 。
The Senate today approved and sent the president a disaster aid bill worth nearly 36.5 billion dollars.
参议院今天通过决议,批准了近365亿美金的救灾援助草案 。
It includes money for Puerto Rico and other areas ravaged by hurricanes and wildfires.
这笔款项将用于美属波多黎各等受飓风和大火影响的地区 。
There's also funding for flood insurance claims and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
还包括支付洪涝保费,以及为联邦应急管理局提供资金 。
A U.S. watchdog agency says that climate change has led to billions of dollars in federal spending to deal with major storms.
美国监管部门称联邦政府已在飓风方面花费了数十亿美金 。
The Government Accountability Office reports that disaster aid and insurance cost more than 350 billion dollars over the past decade.
政府问责局报道称过去十年间,赈灾款项和保费支出已超过3500亿美金 。
That does not include this year's hurricanes and the California wildfires.
还不包括今年飓风和加州火灾的支出 。