The government of Bangladesh pressed Myanmar today to end the violence against Rohingya Muslims.
今天,孟加拉政府敦促缅甸结束与罗兴亚穆斯林冲突 。
Some 370,000 have fled across the border in less than three weeks.
不到三周时间,约37万难民已逃往孟加拉 。
Today, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh visited camps sheltering the refugees.
今天,孟加拉总统探访了难民营 。
She called for an end to atrocities, and said Myanmar should take them back soon.
她呼吁结束这一残暴行为,称缅甸应该尽快接他们回家 。
In Syria, new claims of victory today by allies of the government.
叙利亚方面,叙政府军同盟今天再次品尝胜利果实 。
Russia's military reported 85 percent of Syria's territory has been cleared of rebels and militants.
俄罗斯军方称,政府军已控制85%国土,极端组织接近覆灭 。
The leader of the Lebanese group Hezbollah went even further. He declared we have won in the war in Syria.
黎真主党领导人此番言论更是如此,称叙利亚战事取得成功 。
Bashar al-Assad's regime was on the brink of losing the war before the Russians intervened two years ago.
而就在俄罗斯介入叙利亚的两年前,阿萨德政府几乎已被打垮 。
Back in this country, the Justice Department has decided not to bring charges in the case of Freddie Gray.
国内方面,司法部称不会对弗雷迪·格雷一案提出质控 。
His death in police custody sparked riots in Baltimore two years ago.
两年前,格雷在被警察关押时离奇死亡,该事件在巴尔的摩引发骚乱 。
Three police officers were acquitted on state charges last year, and charges against three others were dropped.
去年三名警察被无罪释放,另有三人被撤销指控 。
U.S. household incomes are finally recovering from the great recession.
美国家庭收入开始从经济衰退中苏醒 。
The Census Bureau reports that last year the median household earned just over 59,000 dollars. That's the best since 2007.
人口调查局报道称,去年家庭收入中位数超过了5.9万美金,达到了自2007年以来的最高值 。
In addition, the percentage of Americans without health insurance dipped below 9 percent, the lowest on record.
此外,无医保人口比例也降至9%以下,达到了历史最低值 。