日期:2017-10-27 11:21



Hello. I'm Jade. What we're talking about today is an aspect of grammar.
When is it okay to say somebody's name and then followed by "and me" or "and I" or "and myself"?
什么时候在说别人名字后面接"and me",什么时候接"and I",又什么时候接"and myself"呢?
This is an aspect of grammar that native speakers get confused about.
But more than just confused about, they avoid -- completely avoid sentences where they might say your friend's name and "me".
而且不仅仅是搞混,他们会刻意避免说这种别人名字后面接"and me"的句子。
They completely avoid it because in British English, at least, it does have this association with being common language, not being posh language.
And people avoid it because they don't want to sound common.
But actually, there's a lot of misunderstanding about it.Saying "and me" is really, really judged.
但实际上,这方面语法有很多容易误解的地方。说"and me"确实很容易被评判。
But if you used it in a grammatically correct way, there's absolutely nothing wrong can saying "and me".
但是如果你完全按照语法来用的话,那说"and me"也没什么问题。


In fact, sometimes people are wrong because they try to avoid it.
实际上,有些时候反而是因为要避免说"and me"而犯了错误。
So what you'll learn in this lesson, if you're a native speaker, you'll not be confused anymore,
but if you're learning English as well, maybe you had a confusion about it, and you didn't really understand why it's different sometimes. So you'll learn, and you won't be confused anymore.
So let's check what you already know.I've got some example sentences.
Let's see if they're right. Let's see if they're wrong."Me and Tom went skiing."
看看他们是不是正确的。"Me and Tom went skiing."
How does that one sound to you? Did you think that one's right?
This one is wrong. This one is wrong.We're going to look at why later.But this one is wrong.
Second one. "Amjad and me played football."How is this one?This one is wrong.
第二句,"Amjad and me played football."这个怎么样?这个也是错误的。
Slightly better than the first because it's considered more polite to put the other person before yourself.
So it's slightly better in that respect, but still wrong.Next example. "My mum and I went for lunch."
从哪个角度来说是好一点,但是还是错的。下一个,"My mum and I went for lunch."
What do you think about that one? Is that one okay?This one's okay.
What about this one? "I and Janet study French."How does that one feel?
这个呢?"I and Janet study French."感觉这个怎么样?
Well, actually, this one just sounds wrong.It should be swapped.
If we say "Janet and I", it's okay, but no one would really say it like that.
如果说"Janet and I"是可以的,但是没人会真的这么说。
And this example -- more and more, people are saying "myself" because I think they're a bit -- I have to tell you something else.
In British English, if you say "and I" all the time, it makes you sound quite grand and a little bit posh.
在英式英语里面,如果你总说"and I",就会显得你有点儿过于“高雅“。
And not everybody wants to use that language.
Not everybody wants to feel like they're using elegant language. And for them, they don't like to say it.
并不是所有人都想要感觉自己在用“高雅”英语,对于这些人来说,他们并不喜欢说"and I"。
So it's being replaced a lot with "myself".Someone might say "my mum and myself".
所以经常就拿"myself"代替。有些人可能就会说"my mum and myself"。
So here's an example."Myself and Leo are going on holiday."How is this?
这里有个例句。"Myself and Leo are going on holiday."这个怎么样?
Well, with "myself", you can put it first or you can put it second.You can change the position. It's okay.
My feeling about "myself" is also that it's a little bit too formal just for everyday conversation. So I personally don't use it.
I prefer the other two ways of saying it, either the name "and I" or "me", as we'll get to in a minute.
我比较喜欢另外两种方法,名字+"and I"/"me",我们一会儿来讲一下。
So when we come back, we're going to look at the actual grammar.
Why can we say it "and I" sometimes, or why can we say "and me" sometimes?
为什么有的时候说"and I",而另一些时候"and me"?
Let's take a look at the grammatical reason why there's a difference and sometimes we say "and I", and sometimes we say "and me".
Well, it all comes down to the position of the pronoun you're talking about.
So if the sentence is correct, if "I" is in the subject position -- so I'm talking about grammar now.
How do you know it's in the subject position?Well, you find the verb, the main verb.Here's the main verb.
And if it's before the main verb, then, it's in the subject position.
But if it's after the main verb, it's in the object position.
So we have a name, and we have "I" -- "I" the pronoun.
These are both in the subject position.So this one's correct.
These are all correct here as examples, but we'll go through them all one by one.
"My husband and I like gardening."Where's the main verb in there?
"My husband and I like gardening."主要动词是哪个?
"Like" is the main verb.Let's have a look at the subject position, then.
"My husband", also "I" in the subject position.This one is fine also.
"My husband"和"I"都是主语。所以这个也是没错的。
A new example."Ryan, Paul, and I share a flat."
还有一个例句。"Ryan, Paul, and I share a flat."
You can have more than one name in a list, and then have it followed by "I".
That's absolutely fine.Main verb is "share".Everything before "share" is in the subject position.
"I" is in the subject position.It's okay.And the next example is a question.
"Shall Sarah and I help with the dishes?""Shall" is a verb, but it's not the main verb.
"Shall Sarah and I help with the dishes?""Shall"是动词,但不是主要动词。
"Help" is the main verb.Everything before "help" is in the subject position.
So "Sarah", the name, is in the subject position.But also, "I" is in the subject position.
So of course, this one's okay.Now, when can we say "me"? When can we say "me"?
The thing that confuses everyone.We can say "me" if it's in the object position.
So let's take a look and compare."Sheila invited Stacy and me."How do we know if it's in the object position?
来比较一下。"Sheila invited Stacy and me."那我们怎么确定宾语呢?
Well, we find the main verb.Remember before, it's to the left of the verb?
Well, this time, the object position is to the right of the verb.So "Stacy" is a name.
And "me" is in the object position, so it's right. It's right. It's okay. You don't have to worry.
You don't have to worry that people are going to think you're common because you're saying it correctly.
Next example. "My boss asked me to stay late."Where's the main verb there?
下一个例子,"My boss asked me to stay late."谓语动词是哪个?
Because it's a little bit confusing because there are two verbs.Well, the main verb is "asked".
And this is just the continuation of the sentence is in the present simple.
So this is the second verb. It's not the main verb.Everything before the main verb -- subject.
After the main verb, we're talking about the object position, now.
And there's only "me" there.There's only one pronoun.That's your object.
There's no other name here or anything, so "me" is absolutely fine.
Next example. "Tom's sister reminded Jane and me to feed the cat."
下一个单词,"Tom's sister reminded Jane and me to feed the cat."
Again, no full stop.What's our main verb?"Reminded" is our main verb here.So let's mark that.
What's the subject?Well, the subject position is "Tom's sister".What's in the object position?
主语是什么?主语是"Tom's sister"。宾语的位置上是什么?
First of all, "Jane" the name is in the object position.And that's followed by "me" as a pronoun.
So again, this one's okay.We don't need to worry about that. We can say that.
And let's look at the question form."Will Alex apologize to Chris and me?"
来看看问句形式。"Will Alex apologize to Chris and me?"
When we're asking questions, the first question word or verb, that's not the main verb.
The main verb here is "apologize".To the left of the main verb, here's the subject.
We don't see "me" there, so there's no problem there.In the object position, do we see "me"? Yes, we see "me".
But what we're going to do just now is find a way to check if your sentences are right.
Because if you're still not that confident using "and me", when you've got this check, you'll be okay whenever you're writing in English.
因为你不确定能不能用"and me",一旦你确定了,你就可以在写英语的时候这么用了。
And then after, when you've said it lots of times -- when you've written it loads of times and you feel more comfortable, you'll be more comfortable in speech also.
So how to check that it's okay to say "and I" or it's okay to say "and me"?
So you don't even need to worry about subject and object.There's an easier way.
Let's have a look at the easy way.So you remove the other name from the sentence.
And if it makes sense, then it's okay.But if it sounds wrong, you've got it the wrong way around.
So we'll go through some examples here."Tom and I went to the party."
我们这里有几个例句。"Tom and I went to the party."
We want to keep "I" there because we're checking to see if it's okay here in this position.
So I'm going to remove the other name.I'll just use my finger. Rub it out.
Does it make sense? "I went to the party."Yes, it makes sense.
这句话通顺吗?"I went to the party."通顺的。
Correct. I'll give it a tick.And what about this one?
"Tom and me went to the party."We're going to keep "me" in, remove the other name.Does it make sense?"Me went to the party."
"Tom and me went to the party."我们还是保留"me",去掉另外一个名字。通顺吗?"Me went to the party."
It's okay in different varieties of English, but not British or American English.
It's definitely not standard. It's wrong.And what's this one? This one's terrible."Me and Tom went to the party."
这么说绝对不标准,是错的。这个呢?这个太糟糕了。"Me and Tom went to the party."
This is the one that -- it's a really common one that really scares some people, and they don't like to say that.
So you hear it, but this is the one that I'm talking about that people really don't like.
So we don't need to check that one.Next one. "Sheila invited me and Stacy."
我们就不看这句了。下一句,"Sheila invited me and Stacy."
Okay, there's more than one name here, so what do we do?We want to know if "me" is right.
So let's take away the name closest to it because it's in the -- it's either in the subject position or the object position with "me".
So we don't want it.By the way, it's in the object position.Does it make sense without it?
"Sheila invited me."Does it make sense? Yes.And our last example.
"Sheila invited me."通顺吗?通顺的。最后一个例子。
"Sheila invited Stacy and I."We've got the same thing happening.We've got more than one name.
"Sheila invited Stacy and I."同样的事情。超过一个名字。
So we need to remove the name closest to the pronoun.Does it make sense when I remove that? Does it make sense?
"Sheila invited I." No. Not okay.So it should be clearer to you now.
"Sheila invited I." 不对。现在你应该更清楚了。
When you get more familiar with this structure and you're saying it in speech, it does become a natural thing after a while.
You don't need to think about it.There's a quiz for you to do.You can go to www.engvid.com and do the quiz.
And then -- yeah, you don't need to be worried about all this. Is it posh? Is it common stuff?
You can say it with confidence whenever you say "'name and me". You don't need to worry.
If you liked my video, please do subscribe to my EngVid channel.I'd really appreciate it.
Plus you can subscribe to my personal channel because I've got two YouTube channels.
On my personal channel, there are more than 200 videos there.
So you can learn loads and loads and loads and loads of stuff from me.
I'm finished now, but please come and watch me again. And yeah. Bye-bye.

  • removev. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁 n. 去除,间距
  • confusingadj. 使人困惑的,令人费解的 动词confuse的现
  • elegantadj. 优雅的,精美的,俊美的
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握
  • apologizevi. 道歉,谢罪
  • misunderstandingn. 误会,误解 misunderstand的现在分词
  • channeln. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法 vt. 引导
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • slightlyadv. 些微地,苗条地