Hi, my name is Emma, and today we are going to talk about a very important topic, we're going to do a vocabulary lesson on "disability."So what is a disability?
Well, a disability is a physical or mental impairment that limits a person.
So, it's a limitation that can limit a person in one or more major life activities.
So. Pretty much the reason why we need to talk about disability, is because currently in the world according to the World Health Organization,
there are over 1 billion people who have a disability.
So that's a large number that's about fifteen percent of the world's population.
So you may have a friend who has a disability, maybe your parents have a disability,
you might have...there might be a family member, friend of yours who has a disability, or yourself might have a disability.
So in Western culture, in North America especially, the way we talk about disability has changed over the years.
People are very sensitive when they talk about disability.
So you need to be careful of the words you use, because you don't want to offend someone.
Now one thing to note about the language we use when we talk about disability is, that it's constantly changing.
So what might have been acceptable 40 years ago is no longer acceptable today.
So you constantly have to look and see if these words are still the acceptable words.
But currently as of now this is the best, these are the best ways to talk about disability.
Ok, so let's get started, so I already told you what a disability is.
I have a list here of acceptable words, so those are ok to use.I have examples using those words.
And then I have unacceptable words, so these are words you should not use.
If you use these words, you will probably offend somebody.
This is also very important if you work in business, because you really have to be careful with the way you talk to your clientele.
You definitely do not want to use any of these words.Alright, so let's get started.
So when we talk about disability, we refer to the person with the disability, as a person with a disability, or we can also use the adjective disabled.
当我们讨论残疾的时候,我们更倾向于说这个人有残疾,"a person with a disability"(这个人有残疾),我们也可以使用“disabled”(残疾)这个形容词。
So for example, fifteen percent of the world's population has a disability.So in this case disability is a noun.
Now when we talk about disability, it's good to always think people first, so instead of defining somebody by their disability.
It's good to use the person first (with a blank) , that's always a good general role.
So fifteen percent of the world's population has a disability, you could also say fifteen percent of the world's population is disabled.
“fifteen percent of the world's population has a disability”(全球百分之十五的人口有残疾),你也可以说“fifteen percent of the world's population is disabled”(全球百分之十五的人有残疾)。
Now what are words you shouldn't use?Handicapped this used to be a popular word, but it's no longer in use.
Cripple, that is a very offensive word and special.
I don't know if you've ever heard that it's a euphemism that is also no longer used.
Ok, next we have types of disabilities.So one type of disability is to be blind.
What does this mean? it means you can't see.So blind people their sense of sight has been affected.
So blind is an adjective.Like I said before, you can also say a person with blindness.
“blind”(失明)是个形容词。如我之前所说,你可以说“a person with blindness”(这个人失明)。
Now the thing about blindness is there are different levels.Some people are completely blind, for them you would use this.
Other people are sort of on a range, they can see a little bit, but they have vision problems.
So this is what we refer to as visually impaired.So this is an adjective, again.
So somebody who is visually impaired can see a little, but they can 't see perfectly, they have some problem with their vision.
So for example, my aunt is visually impaired.If my aunt was blind, i could say my aunt is blind.
比如说我姑姑“visually impaired”(视力受损)。如果她是“blind”(盲人),我可以说,我姑姑“blind”(失明)。
Now unacceptable words is when we talk about a group of people who are blind, you shouldn't call them the blind.
现在说下禁用词,我们在讨论盲人群体的时候,不要叫他们“the blind”(盲人)。
So groups of people who are blind don't call the blind, you call them people who are blind.
不要称呼盲人群体“the blind”(盲人),要说他们"people who are blind"(失明的人)。
So when you refer to them as a group, refer to them as people who are blind.
因此当你指代他们为一个群体时,最好说“people who are blind”(失明的人)。
All right next, deaf. So someone who is deaf cannot hear, they have hearing problems.
Again, just like blindness, there are different degrees.So some people cannot hear a thing, there are born deaf.
Other people can hear a little bit that have hearing problems. These people are called hearing impaired.
So the hearing impaired or you could say they have a hearing impairment.
因此,“hearing impaired”(听力受损)的人你可以说他们有“hearing impairment”(听力障碍)。
She is hearing impaired. She has a hearing impairment.What you shouldn't use, again.Just like you shouldn't use the blind.
她听力受损。她有听力障碍。再说一遍禁用的。就像刚才说到的讨论盲人群体时不要用“the blind”。
When you're talking about a group of blind people. You shouldn't call a group of deaf, people the deaf, instead it's better to say people who are deaf.
当你讨论聋人群体时候,最好用“people who are deaf”(失聪的人)来说,而不是“a group of deaf”(这群聋人)“the deaf”(聋人)。
Alright, so now we're going to talk about a couple of disabilities.Mobility disability.What does mobility disability mean?
Well, mobility has to do with movement.A mobility disability therefore means you have problems with movement.
So for example, some people when they're born, they can't use their legs, this would be a mobility disability.
Other people who use wheelchairs, they usually have a mobility disability, they can't walk.
Sometimes people are in car accidents and they become paraplegic, they have a mobility disability.So let's look at some examples.
Stephen Hawking a famous scientist has a mobility disability, he uses a wheelchair.
So when we talk about wheelchairs, this is another important point. We don't say someone is wheelchair-bound, never say that.
We say or confined to a wheelchair, we say somebody uses a wheelchair.
我们在说被困在轮椅上时,要说这人“uses a wheelchair”(用轮椅)。
So Stephen Hawking uses a wheelchair because he has a mobility disability.Now what are some unacceptable words.So words you shouldn't use.
Deformed, that is a very offensive production and use. Lame. Maimed. These are three words you really should not use,
it will have repercussions the consequences, if you use these words.
Next developmentally disabled or an intellectual disability.
So somebody who is developmentally disabled, usually at birth has some sort of mental limitation.So they're born with some sort of mental problem.
Same with an intellectual disability, sometimes that's a learning disability, you have problems when it comes to learning.So let's look at some examples.
Parents of developmentally disabled kids need more support, so developmentally disabled this is an adjective.
患有发育障碍孩子的家长需要更多帮助,“developmentally disabled”(发育障碍)这个词就是形容词。
Anytime we use the word disabled, it's going to be an adjective, while disability is a noun, so you are disabled, you have a disability.
Now here are some unacceptable words you might hear them in pop culture, references. So sometimes you might hear them in movies and comedies, but they are offensive.
So if you use them some people might get offended.The first one is retarded.
The second one is mentally challenged.So try to avoid using these words. Developmental disability is a lot better.
第二个词是“mentally challenged”(智力障碍)。尽量避免使用这些词,用“developmental disability”(发育障碍)更好些。
Finally we have non vocal person.We're sorry non-vocal (comma) , for a person who is nonverbal.
So what do I mean by this, somebody who is non-vocal can't talk.Sometimes this is because they are deaf and they can't hear as well.
Other times it might be some sort of psychological illness, or some sort of developmental disability as well.
So an example, Helen Keller was non-vocal, or Helen Keller was nonverbal, both are correct.
比如说“Helen Keller was non-vocal”(海伦·凯勒就是非语言交际的人),或是说“Helen Keller was nonverbal”(海伦·凯勒是非语言交际的人),这两种说法都对。
What you should not use is mute or dumb.These are outdated terms that people don't use anymore, and they are also offensive.
Learning disability.So there are many different types of learning disabilities.What is a learning disability?
Well it's some sort of limitation or additional challenge that makes it difficult to learn in some way.
So for some people this might be dyslexia, where they have problems are reading words on a piece of paper.
For other people it might be discalculer, where they have problems learning math.So as an example.
A lot of people don't know this, but Tom Cruise has a learning disability.He's dyslexic. He has a learning disability.
So words we no longer use, when we talk about learning disability disabilities are slow and special.
We don't say: Oh! Tom Cruise is slow, when we're talking about his ability to learn.
You might say that when you're talking about how he walks, but when it comes to talking about learning, you don't say somebody is slow,
You also don't say somebody is special like I said earlier.
Last but not least, mental illness and psychiatric disabilities.So both of these are noun.
And as I said before, you can turn any of these nouns of disability in to adjectives, you could say disabled.
So somebody who has a mental illness, psychiatric or a psychiatric disability, they're the same thing.He has some sort of a mental health issue.
So in the past, we used to use terms like crazy, insane, lunatic, mental.
We don't use those when we're talking about somebody who has a mental health issue anymore.
So instead we use psychiatric disability or mental illness.
取而代之的是,我们使用“psychiatric disability”(精神障碍)或“mental illness”(精神疾病)这样的措辞。
Van Gogh, who was a famous painter had a psychiatric disability. I think he had schizophrenia.So a psychiatric disability.So again.
These words often times we use them in slang. So we might say all that's insane, or that's crazy.
That's okay, you can use them in slang, but don't call somebody who actually has a disability, crazy, insane, lunatic or mental.
All right, well, again, I want to stress the importance of these words.
Because if you call somebody crazy, if you call somebody retarded, slow, if you call somebody dumb, stupid. It's very very offensive and it could get you in trouble at work.
So in the West, we are very sensitive when it comes to talking about disability.
So you have to be careful with the words you use.
So if you would like to learn more about this, or to practice these terms in our quiz. Come visit us at www. engvid. com.Until next time.
想学习了解更多,可以用我们的测试练习这些措辞,欢迎访问我们的网站www.engvid. com。我们下期再见。