日期:2017-10-25 06:11



People are always asking me questions. And my response is usually the same-- talk to my lawyer.
人们总是问我问题 我的回答通常都是一样的——跟我的律师谈去吧
But today, I thought I would let my audience ask me some questions. Hopefully, you have some good ones.
但是今天 我想让我的观众们问我一些问题 希望你们都有些好问题啊
And we have people to run a mic up. Raise your hand if you have anything to ask. Yes. Yes.
会有人传递麦克风 如果有问题就举手 好 好
Hi. Hi, Ellen. How are you? Good. How are you?
嗨 嗨 艾伦 你好吗?好 你呢?
I guess I want to ask you, when you have a bad day, how do you turn it around and make it more peaceful and happy?
我想问 如果你这天很糟糕 你怎么扭转局势让它变得更和谐更开心呢?




Well, when I come here, it's pretty easy to do that. I mean, the energy in this room is amazing.
嗯 我来录节目的时候这就很容易了 这个屋子里的能量太惊人了
And I have people that I work with at the show that are creative and funny.
And I have bad days. I have sad days. You know, I just try to-- I try to focus on my animals or the good things that are in life.
我也有糟糕的时候 也有过不开心的时候 我就会试着 试着关注我的动物们或者生活中美好的事情
And we have people on the show that do amazing things that inspire me. So I mean, this show helps keep me positive. Oh, thanks.
我们的节目上有一些人做了很棒的事情激励了我 我是说 这个节目能让我保持乐观 哦 谢谢
OK, if you were stuck on a deserted island, and you could only bring two people with you, would you bring Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon?
好 如果你被困在一座荒岛上 你只能带两个人一起 你会带贾斯汀·汀布莱克和吉米·法伦吗?
Or would you bring Bear Grylls and the winner of Survivor?
Those are my only choices? Yes. Really? Yes. Ugh. It's fun, or do you want to be safe and live? Yeah, yeah, I know.
我只有这两种选择?对 真的吗?嗯 呃 很有趣 或者你想安然无恙吗?嗯 嗯 明白
But there would be people-- I don't know them. I would rather bring just Portia. Is that OK if I just bring Portia? Absolutely! Good answer!
可是有人—我都不认识他们 我宁愿只带波西娅 我可以只带波西娅吗?当然可以!答的好!
I mean, why would I want to live without somebody I love? I'd rather just be with somebody I love.
On this side. Hi. Ellen. Hello. My name is Dawn. And I wanted to ask you-- well, actually, I'm 10 weeks pregnant. Congratulations. Thank you.
这边 你好 艾伦 你好 我叫道恩 我想问你—嗯 其实我怀孕10个星期了 恭喜啊 谢谢
And I wanted to ask your advice on the best parenting skills you might have. Oh, I'm glad you're asking me. Yeah.
我想问一下你对当最好的父母有什么建议嘛 哦 你可真是问对人了 嗯
I am the one to ask. What specifically-- what area? How about like the best lullaby to sing to them or a story to tell them.
这问题就该问我 具体指哪一块儿?比如唱给他们最好的摇篮曲或者给他们讲的好故事
No one sang me lullabies or told me stories. Look how I turned out. Huh? All right. Thank you. All right. Over here, yes.
没人给我唱过摇篮曲或讲过故事 看我现在多棒 哈?好 谢谢 好 这边 嗯
I wanted to know what you do to relieve stress. Like, I'm so busy with school and work, I have no days off. So I'm pretty stressed out.
我想知道你会做什么来放松压力 比如 我学校和工作的事情忙的焦头烂额 没有休息日 所以压力挺大的
And I wanted to know what you do. I hike. I hang out at the beach to take deep breaths of fresh air.
我想知道你会怎么做 我去徒步 我会去沙滩上呼吸新鲜空气
I play with my animals. I meditate. I work out. I'll do everything. Can I do it with you?
我跟我的小动物们玩耍 我还会冥想 锻炼 我什么都愿意 我能跟你做吗?
All right, one more question. Jeannie, it's up to you, right next to you. yeah, perfect. Yeah, over there. OK?
好 再来一个问题 珍妮 你选一个人 你右手边的 好 很好 嗯 就那儿 好吧
Thank you so much for picking me. So it's my grandmother's 80th birthday. Happy birthday!
太感谢你把机会给了我 我奶奶要过80岁生日了 生日快乐!
And that's all I wanted. I just wanted to hear you say happy birthday. So thank you.
这就是我的全部心愿 我只是想听你说一句生日快乐 谢谢你
What's her name? Noreen. Happy birthday, Noreen!
她叫什么名字?诺林 生日快乐 诺林!
All right. That was the last one? One more, one more on this side. Yes.
好 那就是最后一个了?再来一个 这边再来一个 嗯
Hi, Ellen. I'm Candice. Hi. I turn 40 tomorrow. Uh-huh. Don't tell anyone.
嗨艾伦 我叫坎蒂丝 你好 我明天就40岁了 啊哈 别告诉别人
Anything I should be made aware of? Do you know-- have you heard anything? I haven't heard anything.
I-- nobody has told me what they're doing for you. I don't know anything that's happening to you at all. Any good advice?
我 没人告诉我他们要对你做什么 我完全不知道你发生了什么事 有什么好建议吗?
It's all going to be exactly the same as it was today except that the number is different. That's the only thing that changes.
所有东西都和今天一模一样 只不过是变了个数字 那是唯一改变的事
So nothing-- it doesn't go-- No, it actually gets better. I'm going be 60 this year. And it gets better and better.
没什么 它不会 不会 其实会更好 我今年就要60岁了 我感觉越来越好
Yeah. You should ask that guy. It's Andy's 40th birthday today. So ask him.
嗯 你应该问问那个家伙 今天是安迪的40岁生日 问问他
Andy? What's your advice? I feel one day older than 39. Yeah.
安迪?你有什么建议?我只感觉比39岁老了一天而已 没错
It's really this-- nothing changes as long as you continue to have fun and play and don't think about it like that age means anything.
真的 没什么不一样的 你就只管吃好玩好 别去在意年龄就好了
It doesn't mean anything. Just stay healthy. Take care of yourself.
它没什么实际含义 健健康康的 照顾好自己

  • relievev. 减轻,救济,解除
  • meditatev. 想,考虑,计划
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • peacefuladj. 安宁的,和平的
  • creativeadj. 创造性的
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • lullabyn. 摇篮曲,催眠曲,任何轻柔的音乐 v. 唱摇篮曲使安
  • stressn. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.