日期:2017-06-26 18:24



You're so good, because everything you're saying, it just is so natural for
你太厉害了 你么一句话都说出的那么自然
you just to give those notes like that.
And you just signed on for season 13, right?
你刚刚签下了第十三季 对吧?
Yes, I can't wait. Good, so there's a break.
是哒 我已经迫不及待啦 好 那先来一段广告
And then Gwen comes back with the rest of those guys, and then you come back.
回来的时候 我们会和剩下的那些人一起 然后你也来
I know, I'm getting jealous. I just saw them out there right now, filming.
我懂 我有些小小的嫉妒啦 我刚看到他们在外面拍摄


And it's hard, I miss my chair. Yeah.
对我来说 有点难 我想念我的座位 恩
Yeah, I know, someone else's ass is in my chair right now, I don't like it.
恩 我知道 别人的屁股正蹭在我的位子上 我不喜欢
But I guess it used to be her ass, and I'm now in her chair, so.
不过我猜 以前可能是他的屁股坐在了我的位子上 所以
You're territorial with chairs. Yeah, hell, yeah. Good. Of course. No need to curse.
椅子是你的领地 对啊 我的妈太对了 好 当然 不用爆粗口啦
All right, so there's a photo that got a lot of attention of your engagement ring.
好吧 所以你订婚戒指的照片 吸引了很多人的注意
Uh-oh. Are you wearing it right now? I am. So congratulations.
啊偶 你现在带着吗 带着呀 那 恭喜你啊
Okay, so listenI actually don't really talk about it that much
恩 听着 我其实不爱多谈这个事儿
but I think something that people should understand is I think young people in
general, and what we wear, and what a relationship and
我们穿什么 我们怎么界定双方之间的关系
a commitment means is very different to what tabloids like to make it mean.
婚姻的承诺 和小报上传说的那些流言蜚语有很大的区别
I think young people have a different idea of partnering
我想年轻人对于伴侣的界定 有他们自己的理解
and not feeling that this necessarily means this is going to
而不是说 一段关系一定要有
have a legal document signed and dated.
法律文件的签署 和正式的约会
Because it's really- sharing a life with someone
因为 这其实是和伴侣共享一种生活
and not about a legal paper that tells me anything-
even though I fought so hard for LGBTQ rights so they'd be able to get married
即使为了LGBTQ人群争取结婚的权力 我已经付出了极大的艰辛
but I don't even really want to. Yeah, right. Yeah. So it's fun.
但并不是我想要这么去做的 恩 对 恩 所以说这很好笑
Well, I think the reason you fight whether you want to or not
我觉得 无论是不是出于你的意愿 你去争取这份权力
is just- everybody should have the exact same rights.
仅仅是因为 每一个人本就都应该享有同样的权力
It's very weird cuz this is real jewelry.
这有点怪怪的 因为这是一颗真的珠宝
And most of my jewelry is made out of gummy bears and cotton candy. Uh-huh.
而我的首饰 大部分都是小熊糖或者棉花糖做成的 啊哈
And they don't look that good together, cuz they kind of mix up.
它们看起来不那么像样 因为他们会混在一起
So sometimes I replace it with an actual unicorn or a Looney Tune.
所以有的时候 我会把它们换成独角兽或者《宝贝一家通》里面的角色(比如兔八哥)
And he's kinda like, what's going on?
他就会说 发生了什么
It's like, well, this really isn't my aesthetic, but I'll wear it cuz you love me.
就像 好吧 这其实不是我的审美 但我还是会戴着 因为你喜欢我啊
God. He could've saved a lot of money by giving you a gummy bear ring or something.
天哪 那他可以省下好多钱 就给你一个小熊糖的戒指或者其他的
I know. I know, good girl to have. Aw! I can just wear cotton candy.
我懂 我懂 一个好女孩值得有用 啊哦 我可以只戴棉花糖的戒指的

  • unicornn. (传说中的)独角兽
  • jewelryn. 珠宝,珠宝类
  • cursen. 诅咒,咒骂,祸端 vt. 咒骂,诅咒,使受罪 vi
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • engagementn. 婚约,订婚,约会,约定,交战,雇用,(机器零件等)
  • replacevt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处
  • tunen. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整 vt. 调整,为 .
  • documentn. 文件,公文,文档 vt. 记载,(用文件等)证明
  • candyn. 糖果 vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖 vi. 结晶为
  • legaladj. 法律的,合法的,法定的