Welcome to English in a Minute!
In English, we may call a person you share your DNA with a “blood relative.”
在英语中,和你的DNA相似的人,我们称你和他有“血缘关系” 。
In your blood
Anna,my sister just won a big karaoke competition in New York City!
安娜, 我妹妹刚刚赢得了一个大型卡拉OK歌唱比赛的冠军,这个比赛是在纽约举办的 。
Congratulations! Wow,you and your sister are both into singing!
恭喜啊!真棒, 你和你妹妹都很擅长唱歌啊!
I think it’s in our blood. I think it’s in my blood,too!
我觉得这是我们与生俱来的特性 。我也觉得我也有这样的特性呢 。
Somewhere under the rain cloud...
下雨天,在云朵下的某个地方 。 。 。
Something that is“in your blood ” is a quality or ability that you get from -and share with-- your family.
你“与生俱来”的某种特性指的你和你的家人都拥有的某种特质或者能力 。
The phrase “in your DNA” means the same thing.
短语“在你的基因里” 和这个意思一样 。
And don’t worry, Anna.Singing is definitely not in my blood either.
安娜,不用担心 。 我肯定也没有这种与生俱来的特性 。
And that’s English in a Minute!