Hello? Is anybody there? I can’t move. Why can’t I move? Hello? Somebody help me! Please!
有人在么?我动不了了 。为什么我动不了了?有人能帮帮我么?请帮帮我!
The following is the first video in a twelve part series on disturbing sleeping disorders.
下面这个视频是睡眠障碍症系列的第一期 。
In this first installment, we'll be discussing sleep paralysis: what causes it and how it affects the body.
Sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move.
睡眠麻痹症是一种明明有意识却无法动弹的感觉 。
It occurs when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep.
当人们处于觉醒和睡眠之间这个阶段时 就会出现这种症状 。
In the Philippines, sleep paralysis is often referred to as the “bangungot”,
and some folklore has even suggested that people have died from this.
民间甚至传说,人们因此丧命 。
Sleep paralysis happens during REM sleep, when the body is temporarily immobilized.
睡眠麻痹症发生于快速眼动睡眠的过程中,这时身体会暂时被固定住 。
This immobilization occurs as a natural way to prevent us from acting out our dreams and potentially injuring ourselves,
这种身体的固定是为了防止我们表现出梦境并阻止我们伤害自己的一种自然方式 。
but the paralysis normally goes away once the body is roused when we awaken.
但是一旦当我们醒来,身体也跟着苏醒后,麻痹通常就会消失 。
When experiencing sleep paralysis, however, the mind wakes up often several minutes before the body does,
当遭遇睡眠麻痹时,首先苏醒的是我们的意识,几分钟后身体才会苏醒 。
and thus, the body is still paralyzed despite the mind being fully conscious.
因此,虽然意识已经完全清醒,但是身体仍然麻痹 。
The experience can be terrifying, and it often coincides with sleep hallucinations,
where reports of an evil presence are common.
通常是会看到有恶魔出现 。
Also commonly associated with the experience are the feelings of being crushed or choked.
与这种体验相关联还有身体被压住或是窒息的感觉 。
These sensations have given sleep paralysis a firm place in the world of paranormal folklore, and also in the world of alien mythology.
这些体验感也使睡眠麻痹症在超自然民间传说和外星人神话世界占据了稳定地位 。
So, why do we experience sleep paralysis?
Well, many people have experienced sleep paralysis at some point in their lives,
and it can sometimes be triggered by sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, or even certain kinds of medications..
睡眠麻痹可能是由睡眠剥夺、焦虑、沮丧或是某种药物所引起的 。
The key to dealing with it when it does occur though is to not fight it,
and instead try to relax and take slow controlled breaths.
而是尝试放松自己,放松呼吸 。
Then, while remaining calm, attempting to move the extremities,
such as toes or fingers can often do the trick, as the feeling of paralysis is often less prevalent in these parts of body.
比如,通常可以活动脚趾或手指,因为麻痹的感觉在这些部位并不是很严重 。
So, that’s it for part one of our series on the twelve disturbing sleep disorders.
以上是睡眠障碍症系列的第一期 。
If you would like to see part two, which is on insomnia, make sure to like this video and subscribe to Pysch2Go.
如果想观看第二期《失眠症》,请订阅我们的频道Pysch2Go 。
As it for know, good night and sleep tight.
美美睡上一觉 。晚安 。