This video was a collaboration between me and Psych2go.
本视频由本人与Psych2go合作推出 。
Please go check out their channel, they have some really cool videos about psychology and other topics.
请登录Psych2go频道,观看有关心理学和其他话题的超酷视频 。
What is the most common mental disorder in the United States?
Depression? Bipolar disorder? Autism? It's actually anxiety!
This affects 40 million adults in the U.S. or 18 percent of the population. But how this anxiety come about?
焦虑症影响着美国四千万成年人,占人口18% 。但焦虑症到底是怎么产生的呢?
The University of Wisconsin-Madison found that anxiety could be inherited.
威斯康星大学发现焦虑症是会遗传的 。
They went further into their studies using an extended family of rhesus monkeys to examine which regions of the brain were involved.
他们对这一研究进行了深入探究,利用猕猴大家庭诊察到底是大脑的哪个区域参与其中 。
First, let's go back to 1969 where developmental psychologist, Mary Ainsworth would perform an experiment known as 'The strange situation'.
首先,让我们回到1969年,那时发展心理学家,玛丽·爱因斯沃斯进行了一次被称为‘陌生情境’的实验 。
In this experiment young children were introduced to a mildly stressful situation being left alone with a stranger.
在这次实验中,幼儿被带入一个适度的应激情境中与一名陌生人独处 。
Don't worry, the stranger was actually a research assistant.
别担心,这名陌生人实际是一名研究助理 。
Researchers were then able to derive the different temperaments of the children when they were in that stressful situation.
这样研究员就能够获取孩子们处于应激情境中的不同性情 。
Children either had a secure temperament or an anxious temperament when pared with a stranger.
当和陌生人待在一起时,孩子们表现出的要么是安全性情要么是焦虑 。
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison did the same experiment to rhesus monkeys,
scanning the brain of about 600 young monkeys both with and without anxious temperaments when exposed to a stranger for 30 minutes.
扫描了约600只幼猴的大脑,这600只幼猴与一名陌生人待在一起三十分钟后,部分表现出焦虑 。
They found 3 parts of the brain linked to inherited anxiety:
the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system and the amygdala in the middle of the brain.
前额皮质、边缘系统以及大脑中区的杏仁核 。
These areas were shown to have an overactive connection which in turn links to an increase risk of developing anxiety or depression.
这些区域都于过度活跃关联,反过来也会增加患上焦虑或抑郁的风险 。
Kalin, senior author of the study explains what we find as more activity in the anxious brains.
Kalin,该研究的资深作者解释了我们在过分活跃的焦虑大脑中发现了什么 。
It's as if the part of the brain that we have evolved to deal with normal threats have gone super critical responding to mild threats as if they were major
就像是我们大脑中为了处理常态威胁而进化的部分已经变得超级关键并会像应对主要威胁一样应对温和威胁 。
Researchers were also able to trace the inheritance of anxiety, discovering 35% of the variations of anxiety can be explained by genetics,
while the other percentage is determined by environment.
而其他部分则由环境决定 。
Kalin explains: "Basically, we think that to a certain extent, anxiety can provide an evolutionary advantage
Kalin 解释道:“我们基本上认为,在一定程度上,焦虑能够提供一种进化优势
because it helps an individual recognize and avoid danger,
but when the circuits are overactive, it becomes a problem and can result in anxiety and depressive disorders".
但当这种回路过度活跃,焦虑就会变成一种问题并能够导致焦虑症和抑郁症 。”
So what are your thoughts on anxiety? Do you have anxiety? Let us know in the comments down below.
所以大家对焦虑有何想法?你患有焦虑么?请在下方评论留言告诉我 。