Eleven things people with Anxiety would like their family and friends to understand.
患焦虑症的小伙伴希望自己的家人和朋友能够理解的11件事 。
Can you relate?
Disclaimer:Anxiety is different for everyone. So these statements might not apply to everyone.
免责声明:焦虑症因人而异 。以下陈述不可能适用于每个人 。
This does not make the experiences mentioned which we gathered from people who have experienced Anxiety any less valid.
以下从焦虑症患者中收集的经验,我们无法保证其是否更加有效 。
One: Please stop telling me to just NOT worry about it, that's EXACTLY my illness.
1. 请不要告诉我‘不要担心了’,这正是我的问题所在好么 。
I'm bad at 'just not worrying about it'. If I could, I would have done that a long time ago.
我厌恶‘不要担心了’这句话 。如果我能够不去担心的话,我早就摆脱焦虑了 。
Two: I'm trying really hard to not dismiss my efforts.
2. 我已经尽力去维护自己的努力了 。
It's exhausting to feel frightened, and worried, and scared most of the time.
不断地受惊、担心和害怕让我精疲力竭 。
The fear is pushing out the real me at times and I really hate it.
有时这种恐惧将真实的我驱逐出身体,我真的非常痛恨这样 。
I'm trying so hard, so don't tell me I'm not, because you probably don't fully understand what it's like.
我正在努力尝试,所以不要说我还不够努力,因为你可能无法切身体会这种感觉 。
Three: Do not take it personally if I'm frightened.
3. 如果我受到惊吓,请不要太往心里去 。
When you have anxiety and you're feeling particularly bad, it's often anyone's fault in particular.
当你感到焦虑、感觉特别糟糕时,这通常不是某个人的错 。
The same situation sometimes does trigger the anxiety, and sometimes it doesn't.
有时同种情况确实会引发焦虑,有时并不会 。
You might have triggered it, but I'm not usually blaming you for it.
你可能引发我的焦虑,但这并不是你的错 。
I'm sorry if I repeat myself quite often.
如果我经常重复说些事,我感到抱歉 。
It just means that that's the thing worrying me the most at the moment.
这只是意味着,此时这件事正困扰着我 。
I know I repeat myself, but it sort of helps saying these things out loud.
我知道我重复说着这些话,但是说出来对我有所帮助 。
As anxiety can lock me in my own thoughts with worry,
bringing it out bit by bit sometimes lightens the fear ever so slightly.
将这些担心说出来有时能够稍微缓解我的恐惧 。
I'm so sorry if I annoy you, but if you want to help me, I just need someone to listen at those moments.
如果惹恼了你,我很抱歉,但如果此时你想帮我,我需要有人倾听 。
Five: My coping methods will be different in different situations.
5. 在不同情况下,我的应对方法也会有所不同 。
The thing that helps the first time might not do anything useful the next time.
上次的方法下次可能就不管用了 。
Again, we would really appreciate patience.
此外,我们非常感谢你们的耐心 。
Six: Consent still matters as always.
6. 表示赞同还是一样重要 。
'No' still means no even when I'm experiencing severe panic and/or anxiety. Don't force things on me.
即使是当我正经历极度恐慌和/或焦虑,‘不’还是否定的意思 。不要向我强加任何东西 。
Seven: It's more than just stressing over a test.
7. 并不仅仅是考试紧张 。
I wish that people understood that anxiety isn't just stressing out over a test.
我希望大家理解,焦虑不只是担心考试 。
And it isn't being nervous about giving a presentation.
紧张也不仅是因为要演讲 。
It's something that takes over my life. I have really bad anxiety about dying.
焦虑管控了我的生活 。我真的非常担心死亡 。
For example, whenever I think about future plans like 'On Saturday, I'm going grocery shopping',
I force myself to think, 'Well, unless I die', because if I don't worry about dying, I will die.
我强迫自己去想,‘好吧,除非我死’,因为如果我不担心死亡,我真的会死的 。
I know it's total bullshit and I sound ridiculous, but my brain tells me otherwise.
我知道这完全是瞎说,我也知道这听起来很荒谬,但是我的大脑却不断地这样告诉我 。
Eight: People often invalidate us.
8. 大家经常让我们感到毫无价值 。
I think the biggest thing for me is that whenever I vent to someone about it,
they always, in attempting to help me get over it,
tell me that I shouldn't be anxious but that's what makes me feel invalidated.
他们告诉我,我不应该焦虑,但是这样只会让我感觉自己毫无价值 。
Nine: It can also affect other emotions than just fear.
9. 除了恐惧,焦虑还会影响其他情绪 。
I wish people understood how every emotion is felt 10x stronger no matter how little the situation is.
我希望大家理解,不论情况多么乐观,焦虑都会将我们所感受到的情绪放大10倍 。
At least for me, it is when my anxiety is peaking.
至少与我而言是这样,此时我的焦虑也达到了巅峰 。
Ten: I generally cannot ignore it, and if I could, I wouldn't have clinical anxiety.
10. 我通常都无法忽视焦虑,如果我可以,我就不会患有临床焦虑症 。
I wish that more people would understand that most of the time, it's not something you can just ignore or get over,
it's really crippling, and it's a daily challenge.
焦虑是有害健康的,是一种日常挑战 。
I wish people knew that I can't knock on doors or talk on the phone,
not because I'm a millenial, but because I have an actual problem.
并不是因为我是千禧一代而是因为我真的遇到了实际问题 。
Eleven: I'm not being dramatic or doing it for attention.
11. 我的种种表现并不是为了夸张或是为了博取关注 。
I'm not being overly dramatic, and sometimes normal tasks and situations can be too stressful for me.
我没有夸张,有时常规的任务和情况也会让我非常紧张 。
Also the phrase 'everyone has some anxiety' invalidates me, and I wish people would stop using it.
同样,像‘每个人都会有些焦虑’这样的话,只会让我感到毫无价值,我希望大家不要这么说 。
Have you experienced it? What do you wish people would understand? Let us know in the comments below!
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