Did you know video games can give you superpowers? Okay, not really.
你知道电子游戏能够赋予你超能力么?呵呵,假的 。
But they can improve your lucid dreaming powers. Let's got to be close.
但是它们确实可以增强你的清醒梦境能力 。解释一下 。
You can literally do anything you want inside your head, anything.
字面意思来说你可以在你的脑袋里做任何你想做的事,任何事都行 。
For those who don't know what lucid dreaming is,
it's basically when you're dreaming and you can consciously control what happens.
清醒梦境就是当你在做梦时,你可以有意识地控制梦境中发生的事 。
Usually such person wakes up inside the dream and goes, whooa
and probably takes a dump in it, spans from the literal holy crap moment.
或许还会在这种我勒个去的时刻便便 。
The entire thing is pretty cool.
整件事做下来都非常爽 。
Once you realize you're dreaming, you can proceed to sprout wings and fly,
dance with some monkeys or bang pretty much anyone you want.
和猴子跳舞或是和任何喜欢的人交往 。
Lucid dreams can be so vivid that the person having them can hardly tell if they're dreaming or not.
清醒梦境是如此的生动,进入清醒梦境的人几乎分不清这是梦还是现实 。
Because of this, many practice doing a reality check, every time they think they're dreaming.
因此,每次他们觉得自己是在做梦时,都会进行现实检查 。
This usually consists of trying to do something impossible like breathing while your nose is plugged and your mouth is closed
or walking through a wall or puffing a magical girl monkey into existence.
或是穿墙以及大变活猴 。
It's honestly really really cool and it seems video games help you achieve this .
老实说还真挺酷,似乎是电子游戏帮助你实现了这些 。
It's widely known that what you do during the day can affect the dreams you have the following night
and so people who play video games often before going asleep are more proficient at controlling them which in turn leads to lucid dreaming.
所以在睡前打电子游戏的人通常更擅于控制自己从而进入清醒梦境 。
A lot of popular video games like Halo and Call of Duty are similar to dreams and the way you control an avatar in a separate world.
许多热卖游戏如光环和使命召唤,就和梦境以及异世界中控制虚拟人物的方式一样 。
The video games are almost like practice so that the skills you gain translate right into dreamland.
打游戏就像是在进行练习一样,你可以将其中练习的技能转化到梦境中 。
You're also able to control yourself more proficiently and your dreams themselves are more like a video game.
你也可以更加熟练地控制自己,你的梦境本身更像是一场电子游戏 。
Unfortunately, this doesn't allow for all the cool powers of lucid dreaming.
不幸的是,不是所有清醒梦境中的炫酷能力都能用于这场电子游戏中 。
Since the dreams themselves become more video game-like, the only person you can control is yourself.
既然梦境本身变得越来越像电子游戏,那么在此之中你唯一可以控制的人物就是你自己 。
So no puffing up magical monkey girls.
所以别想着猴子啦 。
However just being able to control your own movements gives you an edge with fighting nightmares
and even decreases the frequency of having bad dreams, also, games you end up in a nightmare.
你甚至可以降低做噩梦的频率以及在噩梦中挂掉的次数 。
So that they don't usually feel scared or afraid
but they decided to fight instead of running away viewing the entire thing like another round of Call of Duty,
except you know minus the annoying screaming ten year olds 。
除了你早就知道要把烦人的尖叫声调小 。
Jayne Gackenbach a psychologist at the Grand MacEwan University in Canada and the founder of this phenomenon
believes that this is a major find to help people who have recurrent nightmares
Jayne Gackenbach相信这一主要发现能够帮助经常性做噩梦的人
and even war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder.
甚至是帮助患有创伤后应激障碍的退伍老兵 。
So if you have recurrent nightmares or PTSD
or you just think running around in a video game like dream sounds fun then play some more video games
even if you're not interested in this, play some more video games anyways, video games are great.
就算你不感兴趣,多打打游戏,特别好玩 。