This is BBC news, the headlines.
这里是BBC新闻头条 。
The United States has imposed new sanctions on North Korea over its nuclear weapons program.
美国针对朝鲜的核武器项目对其施加了新制裁 。
Donald Trump has signed an executive order aimed at preventing companies and banks from dealing with Pyongyang.
唐纳德·特朗普签署了一份行政命令,阻止公司和银行与朝鲜进行往来 。
The president's decision comes ten days after the United Nations announced its own measures.
联合国宣布了其对朝鲜的制裁措施,十天后,特朗普总统做出了此决定 。
Mexican president has promised to continue the search for survivors of Tuesday's earthquake.
墨西哥总统保证继续搜救周二地震中的幸存者 。
He said rescuers are still looking for anyone alive in the ruins of ten buildings.
他说救援人员还在十栋建筑物的废墟中搜寻任何生还人员 。
Over 270 people across central Mexico are now known to have died in the quake.
目前墨西哥中部已有270多人在此次地震中遇难 。
And the prime minister of Dominica says at least 15 people have been killed and 20 others are missing after Hurricane Maria struck the Caribbean island on Monday.
多米尼加岛总理称飓风“玛丽亚”于周一袭击加勒比岛后,至少已致15人遇难,20人失踪 。
The storm then hit Puerto Rico and is now heading northwards towards the Turks and Caicos Islands and the Bahamas.
随后,飓风又袭击了波多黎各,现在正向东北方的特克斯和凯科斯群岛以及巴哈马群岛移动 。