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Search-and-rescue operations are underway in Mexico where a powerful 7.1 the magnitude earthquake has killed at least 130 people.
墨西哥正在进行搜救行动,那里发生了7.1级强地震,至少已致130人死亡 。
The president said 27 buildings have collapsed in the capital alone.
墨西哥总统称仅首都就有27栋楼坍塌 。
Some people are feared trapped in the ruins.
可能有人被埋在废墟中 。
Large numbers of volunteers joined the emergency services as the desperate search for survivors gathers pace.
随着绝望的搜救行动加快步伐,有大量志愿者加入到了紧急服务中 。
Hurricane Maria strengthened as it sweeps west across the Caribbean with sustained winds of more than 280 kilometers an hour.
飓风“玛丽亚”席卷加勒比海西部, 风势有所加强,持续风速高达每小时280多千米 。
The Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico are facing a potentially catastrophic direct hit.
维尔京群岛和波多黎各很可能直接面临灾难性的袭击 。
President Trump has said the international order is under threat from a small group of rogue nations.
特朗普总统称国际秩序受到了一小群野蛮国家的威胁 。
He told the UN General Assembly he would totally destroy North Korea if it threatened America.
他在联合国大会上说如果朝鲜威胁到了美国,他将把朝鲜彻底毁灭 。
He also claimed Iran was being run by a “murderous regime”.
他还称伊朗正处于“残暴政权”的统治之下 。