日期:2017-09-06 06:14



I like husbands, they're strong. They smell like nachos, but I don't want one.
我喜欢丈夫 他们很强壮 他们闻起来像玉米片的味道 但我不想要
And here's some reasons why in a segment I call why I don't have a husband. Here's the first one.
这就是理由 这是我们“我为啥不要丈夫”的环节 这是第一个
There's a perfectly good table behind them and yet that's how they choose.
他背后就有一张桌子 然而他还是选择踩在别人身上
At least he's wearing ear protection safety first always.
至少他还戴着护耳用具 安全第一嘛




I mean really, seriously. All right, here's the next one.
说真的 至于吗 好 下一个
Maybe we should get some movers, no we've got it, just. Here's another one.
或许我们应该找点搬运工人 不用了我们能搞定 下一个
I don't mind beards, I don't mind bowls, but a beard bowl, uh-uh. Here's the next one.
我对胡子没意见 对碗也没意见 但是胡子碗 呃呃 下一个
Honey will you take the kid for a stroll? Sure. And finally here is a video.
亲爱的 你能带孩子去逛逛吗? 没问题呀 最后还有个视频
That's a lazy. He changes diapers with a hose, I think.
那可真懒啊 他估计连换尿布都用管子
If you have a picture reminding me why I don't have a husband, please send it to me.
如果你也有能提醒我为啥不要丈夫的照片 给我发来哦

  • protectionn. 保护,防卫
  • segmentn. 部份,瓣,弓形 vt. 分割
  • bowln. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场 v. 打保龄球,
  • strolln. 闲逛,漫步 v. 闲逛,漫步