日期:2017-07-14 16:42



Last week the incredible Adele was here and we taped too much to fit into the show.
上周 超赞的阿黛尔上了我的节目 我们为了节目 拍摄了很多很多内容
And so after the show we played five second rule with her and this is what happened.
在节目结束之后 我们玩了个“五秒绝杀”的游戏 来看看发生了什么
So here's what we do.
Twitch is going to give us a category I'll go first so you'll see how it goes.
推奇会给我们一个题目 我先开始 你看看怎么玩
And I have to name three things in that category within five seconds.
我需要按照他给的要求 在五秒钟以内说出三样符合这个类别的东西
As soon as I name the three things, I hit it to see if I've done it within five seconds.
一旦我说完了三样东西 我要马上按下这个铃 看看我是不是在五秒钟以内完成的
And we'll take turns going back and fourth, and I have not seen these, you have not seen these.
我们轮流来说 我之前没看过这个 你也没看过哦


Ellen, name three of your favorite beverages. Vodka, Gin and Tequila.
艾伦 说出三种你最喜欢的饮料 伏特加 琴酒 还有龙舌兰
My go? Name three ways to say hello. Hi, hey, ciao,Olá,salut
轮到我了? 三种方式说“你好” 嗨 嘿 再见(法语)你好(西班牙语)你好(法语)
Okay you got a lot in there. Is ciao hello or is it goodbye?
噗 你说了好多 ciao是你好还是再见?
No I think it's goodbye but I don't know, it may be hello.
我记得好像是再见的意思 我也不知道 说不定是你好的意思
Olá,salut means hi. There you go. Well you did it and we had time.
ola salut肯定是你好的意思 恩 轮到你啦 干得不错 快说吧 我们有时间限制
Okay, Ellen, name three ways to say goodbye. Ciao, goodbye, adios.
好好好 艾伦 三种方式说再见 再见(法语) 拜拜 一路平安
All right, Adele, name three things you do when the lights go out. Sleep, dream, and whisper.
好的 阿黛尔 关了灯之后 你会做哪三件事情 睡觉 做梦 悄悄话
The baby's in bed so I have to whisper. Okay.
孩子睡了嘛 我们只能说悄悄话 好的
Okay, besides Adele, name three other musicians that make you cry.
除了阿黛尔 说三位让你感动到哭的音乐家
Tony Orlando and Dawn. And Andy Williams. oh Boy.
托尼·奥兰多和黎明 还有 还有 安迪·威廉斯 哦 我的妈呀
Adele, name three famous people that only go by one name.
阿黛尔 说三位 单个名字的音乐家
Madonna. Cher. Out of time. Rihanna. I could have named myself.
麦当娜 雪儿 时间到啦 蕾哈娜 我应该说我自己呀
You, yeah you could have named yourself. I could have, okay.
你啊 对啊你可以说你自己嘛 我本应该说的 好吧
Yeah. Ellen, name three things you go to the doctor for.
恩 艾伦 说三种你去看病的理由
I have a sore throat or I have a rash. Or I have a headache. 0.2.
我喉咙痛 我身上有皮疹 或者 我头痛 可以啊 还剩0.2秒
Adele, name three curse words you say when you're angry. Really? Okay.
阿黛尔 你生气的时候会说哪三个词 真的要我说吗 好吧
That's good, you did it. All right? Okay. I did double. I double double say.
可以 你太棒了 可以吗 恩 我说了两次 说了两次 两次
Yeah, you nailed it though. And well it's timed. Okay.
恩 你还是在时间内说完了 恩 时间多了 好吧
All right, Ellen here we go.
好的 我们继续 艾伦
Name three curse words you say when you're angry.
Adelle, name three names for you lady parts. Mini moo, vagaygay and a pizza
阿黛尔 说出三种女性的私处 小妹妹 玉门 披萨
Mini moo's the way when you're describing it to a child,
vajayjay is like hey, pizza is when someone's nasty. Word.
玉门 用在像现在这种场合 披萨 用来吐槽别人很污 神奇的单词
Ellen, name three things you like to do on the weekend.
艾伦 说三件你在周末喜欢做的事情
I like to hang out with my animals, I like to play tennis, I like to play golf.
带我的宠物们出去溜达 打网球 打高尔夫
Adelle name three ways to cure a hangover.
阿黛尔 说三种宿醉后醒脑的方式
Coconut water, and alkaseltzer, and paracetamol not Advil, yeah.
椰子汁 泡腾片 扑热息痛
Wow, you knew that pretty quick. Ellen, three red fruits.
哇 你都脱口而出嘛 艾伦 三种红色的水果
An apple, a strawberry, and a peach. No? No. Okay.
苹果 草莓 还有 桃子 不是吗? 不是 好吧
What would've it been? Raspberry. Yes, raspberry. Darn it. Yeah.
那有什么 树莓? 恩 树莓 该死恩
Last one. Name three of your favorite things to clean.
最后一个 你最喜欢打扫的三个地方
The top of the kitchen, bathrooms, and toilets. Wow, wow. She's the winner.
厨房顶 浴室 还有厕所 哇 哇 哇 她赢啦
