日期:2017-09-05 17:19



Commonly confused words!You will maybe mix up words.These words are very close in meaning, but they're actually different.
My name's Ronnie, I'm going to help you figure out some four...six words that are confusing in English, and you think maybe they're even the same word.
我叫 Ronnie ,我要帮助你弄清楚四......六个在英语中很容易弄混的单词,你甚至可能会认为它们是同一个意思。
They are not the same word.They are different, they have different meanings.Don't ever get them wrong again.
Okay, so, commonly confused words.The first one is "fun", and you confuse this with "funny".And I say, "What's the difference between 'fun' and 'funny'?"
好了,我们今天要讲的就是经常被弄混的单词。第一个是 "fun" ,你会把它和 "funny" 弄混。我要问:“ 'fun' 和 'funny' 之间的区别是什么?”
And you say, "Oh, I know...'fun' is an adjective."It's the police again, they've come to get me, we're having too much fun.
你说:“啊,我知道, 'fun' 是个形容词。”警察又来了,他们是来抓我的,我们玩得过于开心了。
And I say, "Well, if 'fun' is an adjective, what kind of word is 'funny' then, hmm?"
我问:“好吧,如果 'fun' 是形容词,那 'funny' 又是什么词呢?哈?”
And you go, "Oh, it's an adjective, too."So what's the difference?


The difference is "fun" means you are having...woohoo, a great, great time doing something.
区别就是,"fun" 的意思是你做某事做得非常非常开心。
You are having fun, it's great.Maybe you are drinking.
Maybe you are watching English videos, maybe you are studying.
I really wouldn't think that studying would be fun, but learning on the internet is fun.
Then we have "funny.""Funny" means it makes you laugh.If something is funny, you will laugh.
然后是 "funny" 。"funny" 的意思是它让你捧腹大笑。如果某件事很搞笑,你就会笑出来。
A lot of people say "I went to Disneyland and it was funny."Oh, why, what happened?"We went on a roller coaster."
很多人说“我去了迪士尼乐园,非常 funny 。”啊,为什么?发生了什么?“我们坐了过山车。”
Uhhh, okay, but a roller coaster's not "funny".
额,好吧,但是过山车不能用 "funny" 来形容。
If I went to an amusement park, I wouldn't look at a roller coaster and go, "Hahaha...what, what, what, look at it, it's a roller coaster, it's funny."
No, you would go on the roller coaster and go "Woo hoo! It is fun."
So, difference, "fun" means, basically, a good time -- "I'm having a good time." -- versus "funny" -- it makes you laugh.
所以区别就是,"fun" 基本上指的是欢乐的时光,比如“我玩得很开心。”,与此相对的,"funny" 的意思是它会令你大笑。
This word looks like "la ha uhghhjg" but the pronunciation is actually "laugh".
这个单词看上去读音像 /lahauhgh/ ,但它其实读作 /laef/ 。
"Fun" means it's a good time, like at a party."Funny" means it makes you laugh.You can have both together.You can go to a party.
"fun" 指的是玩得开心,比如在派对上。"funny" 指的是它会令你大笑。可以把这两个词用在一起。可以去参加一个派对。
The party can be super fun, and someone at the party could be funny, maybe there's a clown, clowns can be funny.
Next one is "surprise" versus "shock."I hear a lot of people say, for example, "I went home last night, and I saw my mom and my dad naked, I was surprised."
下一组是 "surprise" 和 "shock" 。我听到很多人说,举个例子:“我昨晚回家的时候看到我妈妈和我爸爸光着身子,我感到很惊奇。”
Were you having a party?Are you getting out a camera, "Hi Mom, hi Dad, what's up....?"
No, no, no, no, you were not "surprised" surprise.
不不不不,你在这里不能用 "surprised" 来表达你的惊讶之情。
You were scarred for life.You were in "shock" or, in the past tense, you were "shocked".
这给你带来了终生的创伤。要用 "in shock" 或过去式 "shocked" 来表示你的震惊。
You weren't happy about something, you were "shocked".So, "surprise" we always use for a positive event.
当你对某件事感到不是开心的那种惊讶时,要用 "shocked" 。所以,我们总是用 "surprise" 来表示开心的活动。
For example, if you bought a lottery ticket and you won, "Surprise! You have a million dollars!"Cool! Compared to "shocking" news.
Let's say that you just got a phone call that your friend is in the hospital, because they got hit by a donkey.
"Surprise! Your friend got hit by a donkey"."No, I'm shocked! My friend got hit by a donkey."
"Surprise" is always positive."Shocked" is always a bad thing, or a negative situation.
"surprise" 表示的总是好事。"shocked" 表示的总是坏事,或者不利的情况。
On to the last one, "famous" versus "popular".These are very similar in meaning, but again, different.
来讲最后一组: "famous" 和 "popular" 。这些在意思上非常相似,但是再说一遍,它们是不同的。
"Famous" means many people know you or know someone.
"famous" 表示很多人认识你或认识某人。
So if you look at an example, you can take any president of the United States of America.
I would wager a bet, any president, or prime minister in the world, most people would know their name.
So if I took the President of Canada...we don't have a President of Canada.
If I took the Prime Minister of Canada...nah, I don't want to take him.
If we took the President of America, if we took George W.Bush, the past president of America,
most people have heard of the word "bush" before, mmm-hmm...George W.Bush.
大多数人以前听过 "bush" (灌木丛)这个单词,可不是嘛...... 这是乔治·沃克·布什。
But, many people know this name; many people know the name "Bush".
但是,很多人知道这个名字,很多人知道 "Bush" 这个姓。
Popular: do you like George Bush, George W.Bush?
来讲 "popular" ,你喜欢乔治·沃克·布什吗?
I'm sorry, George W.Bush was very, very famous, but he was not popular.
"Popular" means many people actually like someone.
"popular" 的意思是很多人喜欢某人。
So people who are popular, they don't have to have a lot of people that know who they are, but they have to have a couple of people who actually like them.
Another example of someone who is "famous", but not "popular"-- again, it's all about the government, isn't it-- would be the famous, but much hated, Hitler.
Everyone knows who Hitler is.I hope people don't like Hitler.Come on, really?This guy's terrible!So Hitler is famous but not popular.
Maybe when you were in high school, there was the "popular" boy...who talked like this, and was so popular, okay?
Or there was the "popular" girl.People liked the popular boy or the popular girl.
But if you went to a different school and you said, "Hey, do you know Benny, the guy that talks like this?"
但是如果你去一个别的学校问别人:“嘿,你认识 Benny 吗?就是说话这个样子的家伙。”
They'd go, "No, I don't know Benny."Benny is well-liked or popular at your school, but many people don't know who he is.
他们会说:“不,我不认识 Benny 。”Benny 在你学校倍受喜爱或很受欢迎,但是很多人并不知道他是谁。
Famous -- popular, surprise -- shock, fun -- funny.That's all for now, www. engvid. com -- do a quiz.Bye.
我们今天讲的三组易混词分别是: "famous" 和 "popular" , "surprise" 和 "shock" , "fun" 和 "funny" 。今天就讲到这儿啦,请登陆 www. engvid. com ,做个小测验。拜。

  • confusedadj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • woov. 向 ... 求爱,追求,恳求
  • amusementn. 娱乐,消遣
  • lotteryn. 彩票
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • negativeadj. 否定的,负的,消极的 n. 底片,负数,否定
  • confusevt. 混淆,使困惑,使混乱
  • pronunciationn. 发音