日期:2017-09-03 17:16



Ow...What's wrong?Yeah, I know, I have a toothache.It hurts, I have to go to the dentist.What's a "dentist"?A "dentist" is a tooth doctor.
Do you hate going to the dentist? Uh-huh.I love going to the dentist, I don't know why.
Ever since I was a child, I have absolutely loved going to the dentist.
Maybe because my dentist gave me stickers to play with or something to take home.
I don't know, I've just never been afraid of the dentist.
I always thought that it was really cool to see all the tools that the dentists use and put them in my mouth.I was a strange child.


Not much has changed except I've gotten bigger.My name is Ronnie, today, I'm going to teach you about going to the dentist.
现在也没怎么变,除了我长高了些。我叫 Ronnie,今天我要跟你讲去看牙医。
Oh, the torture, oh, the pain, oh, the fear, oh, the fun.I'm going to teach you some basic vocabulary that you need to know if you go to the beautiful dentist.
First of all, we have in English singular and plural.So, singular is one "tooth".
首先,在英语中,名词有单数和复数两种形式。单数就是一颗牙齿,也就是用 "tooth"。
So you can say, "My tooth hurts", or "I have a toothache", singular, "tooth".So "tooth" means one.
所以你说“我的牙齿疼”或“我牙疼”时,要用单数形式,用 "tooth"。"tooth" 指的是一颗牙齿。
If you want to talk about more than one tooth, you have to say "teeth".
如果你想讲两个及以上的牙齿,那你就得用 "teeth"。
Now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please be very careful with your pronunciation of the word "teeth" and "tooth", especially "teeth".
女士们先生们,姑娘小伙们,请一定要注意 "teeth" 和 "tooth" 的发音,尤其是 "teeth"。
If you do not stick your tongue out and say "teeth", it sounds like you say "tits", "tits".It sounds like you say "tits".Don't say that.
如果你读 "teeth" 时不把舌头伸出来,那听起来就像你在说 "tits" (乳房)。听起来就像 "tits"。不要这么说。
So: "tooth" and "teeth", you must stick out your tongue to get the pronunciation of this word all right.
所以读 "tooth" 和 "teeth" 时,你一定要把舌头伸出来才能把这些单词读对。
The next word you might know already, but think this is strange, and think, "Gum? Chewing gum?
下一个单词你可能已经认识了,但是你会觉得这很奇怪,并想:“ Gum?口香糖的那个 'gum' 吗?”
What? What?What is...dentist? Chewing?No, I don't know, I don't get it."
"Gums" are basically the pink-- can you get in there? -- the pink part above your teeth.
我们在这里说的 "gums" (牙龈)指的是这个粉色的,看得到吗?牙齿上方粉色的这个部分。
So if this is a picture of my black teeth, I have a pink tissue above my mouth or in my mouth that surrounds my teeth like this, and these are called "gums".
如果这个黑色的部分是我画的牙齿,在我嘴巴上面或在我嘴巴里有一些粉色的组织像这样包裹着我的牙齿,这些就叫 "gums"。
It is always plural.We don't say "gum", we don't say "my gum", we say "gums".So in your mouth, hopefully you have teeth.
这个单词一般都是用复数形式。我们不说 "gum",不说 "my gum",而说 "gums"。在你的嘴巴里,但愿你有牙齿。
Some of you might not have all of your beautiful teeth, but that's okay.Don't worry.
You have your teeth, and you have gums.So "gums" is the pink part here.Sometimes your tooth is sore.
So you might say, "Oh, my tooth is sore, I have a toothache."Say this with me: "toothache", "toothache", "I have a toothache."
所以你可能会说:“啊,我的牙齿痛,我牙疼。”跟我读:"toothache","toothache",表示牙疼时可以说 "I have a toothache"。
That means there's something wrong with your tooth, it's causing you pain.
Uh-oh! Most of the time, the reason why you have a toothache is because you have a cavity, "cavity".Now, a "cavity" is simply a hole in your tooth.
啊哦!你牙疼一般都是因为你有了 "cavity" (龋洞)。"cavity" 就是你牙齿上的一个洞。
So this is a beautiful, red, healthy tooth, and what happens is a cavity makes a hole in your tooth,
and it begins to rot right down to the root or the vein in your tooth, and that causes you pain.
So a "cavity" basically just means a hole in your tooth.
所以 "cavity" 就是你牙齿上的一个洞。
And because this is rotting away, it causes pain in the nerve in your mouth, causing you to get a toothache, not a good feeling, not a good situation.
Unfortunately, the dentist is very expensive in Canada, so I recommend that you brush your teeth at least two times a day, to help with the bad breath as well.
You may have known a lesson on bad habits, bad breath.We don't like that.
One of the reasons you may have bad breath, or someone, not you, is because you have a cavity.
So what you're going to do is you're going to call the dentist.You are going to make an appointment.
Now, you might have noticed that I have written n-n-v-v-v-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n; "n" means "noun".
你可能注意到了我在这些词前面写了 "n" 和 "v","n" 指的是名词。
So this means it is a noun, and "v" means a "verb".
这表示它是个名词,而 "v" 指的是动词。
So what's going to happen is you're going to call the dentist's office, and you are going to "make an appointment".
"Make" is a verb, so you're going to call and make an appointment.
"make" 是个动词,所以你要打电话并做预约。
The dentist's receptionist is going to say, "Tomorrow at seven? No."They will arrange a time for you.
I know sometimes talking on the telephone is difficult, so if you can communicate with a dentist through email,
or if you can actually go to a dentist's office, it will be easier for you.
But it doesn't matter if you call, email, or go there, you're going to make an appointment.
What's going to happen is the doctor is going to give you a check-up...or the dentist, sorry, the tooth doctor is going to give you a "check-up".
This just means he or she will check your teeth, check if they're healthy; make sure you don't have any cavities; make sure your gums are okay.
They may even give you an X-ray.That's very expensive, too.
他们甚至还可能会给你拍个 X 光。那也非常贵。
An "X-ray" is a picture of the bone structure in your mouth.
“X 光片”就是你嘴巴里的骨骼结构的照片。
The X-ray lets the doctor know any additional things, cavities you can't see on an X-ray,
X 光片能让医生知道所有额外的事情,在 X 光片上看不到龋洞,
but if there's inflammation or something wrong with the inside of your teeth, the X-ray will show the dentist this.
但是如果你的牙齿发炎了或内部有什么问题,牙医从 X 光片上都能看出来。
Then it's time for the drill.If you have a cavity, the dentist is going to take a drill...
然后就该 "drill" (钻子)上场了。如果你有龋洞,牙医会拿个钻子......
Now, you may know the word "drill".Let's say you wanted to hang something in your apartment.
你可能认识 "drill" 这个单词。假设你想在公寓里挂点东西。
You're going to take a screw and a machine, that doesn't look like a drill, but that's okay.
And, basically, a "drill" is going to make a bigger hole in your tooth.Guess what, this really, really, really hurts.
So it's like taking a hammer or an electrical thing and going "aah" and drilling your tooth.They usually give you some kind of help.
They usually give you some kind of drugs or medicine so you don't feel the drill going in.
So what happens is they take their beautiful dentist drill; they drill a hole; and they drill all the bad stuff out of your cavity.
Then they take what's called a "filling".I forgot to write this down.
然后他们会用叫做 "filling" (填充物)的东西。我忘了把这个写下来了。
A "filling" basically fills your cavity with usually a white or sometimes silver -- gold if you're really, really, really rich -- compound
and it stops the hole or it stops the cavity from growing.
So they drill, and then they fill or they put in a filling to cover your tooth.
The next thing that they're going to do is they're going to have to put a cap on your tooth so that food or foreign objects, like an airplane, doesn't go back into your tooth.
他们要做的下一件事是在你牙齿上放一个 "cap",这样食物或异物,比如飞机,就进不了你牙齿里了。
So a "cap" is basically like a lid or a hat.It's a tooth hat, it's a hat for your tooth to protect it from all the drilling.
所以 "cap" (帽,盖,罩)就是个像盖子或帽子一样的东西。是一个牙帽,是为牙齿准备的帽子,可以在钻过洞后把它保护起来。
So a "cap" is what happens at the end after the drilling.After the filling, you get a beautiful cap.
所以 "cap" 就是在钻完牙之后用的。填充完牙齿之后,你会得到一个美丽的牙帽。
Maybe when you go for your check-up or your appointment, you don't have a cavity.Yay! What they will do is they will clean your teeth.
They usually use a fluoride solution, and they scrape all the dirty stuff off your teeth.This is called "tartar", oh, not "tarnar", excuse me.
他们通常会用一种氟化物溶液把你牙齿上所有的脏东西都擦掉。这个叫做 "tartar" (牙垢),哦,不是 "tarnar",请原谅我。
So this is called "tartar", and it's basically a build-up of dirty, dirty, dirty stuff on your teeth.So they scrape it so your teeth are nice and clean.
这个叫 "tartar",就是在你牙齿表面累积的脏东西。他们会把它擦掉,这样你的牙齿就变得好看又干净了。
Maybe there is no help for your tooth.Maybe the cavity has eaten all of your tooth, and your teeth, tooth needs to be taken out.
What happens in this case is you have two options.You can get an implant.
这种情况下,你有两个选择。你可以做个 "implant"。
Do you know another place you can get implants?An "implant" means basically, a fake tooth.
你知道可以弄 "implant" 的另一个地方吗?"implant" (假体)就是指假的牙齿。
So they put another drill in your mouth, and they're going to put, like, a nail or a screw, and they just put a fake tooth, and they screw it into your mouth.
It looks real, it's wonderful.Now did I forget to mention that the doctor is very, very, very expensive and painful?
Or the other option you could go with is a false tooth, or plural, false teeth.A lot of older ladies and gentlemen have false teeth.
You can take them out, scare the grandkids.So you have options.
If you have money, you can have beautiful new teeth, no one will ever know you had a cavity.
Go to YouTube, subscribe to my lessons.Go to www. engvid. com, leave me a comment, tell me if you like or hate the dentist and why.Don't forget, brush your teeth.Goodbye.
去 YouTube 订阅我的课程。去 EngVid 网站给我留言,告诉我你喜欢还是讨厌牙医以及原因。别忘了,要刷牙哦。再见。

  • singularadj. 个人的,单数的,独一的,唯一的,非凡的 n.
  • arrangevt. 安排,整理,计划,改编(乐曲) vi. 协商,计
  • compoundn. 混合物,复合词 n. 院子(用围墙圈起来的场地)
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • veinn. 静脉,纹理,叶脉,岩脉 vt. 使有脉络,用脉络装
  • rotn. 腐烂,腐蚀,败坏 v. 腐烂,使 ... 枯朽,衰
  • stickn. 枝,杆,手杖 vt. 插于,刺入,竖起 vi. 钉
  • optionn. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权 v. 给予选择
  • brushn. 刷子,画笔 n. 灌木丛 n. 小冲突,争吵 vt
  • solutionn. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液