I have to admit,Anna and Jonathan are sometimes right about things.
我得承认,有时候安娜和乔纳森在某些事情上是正确的 。
Right as Rain
How can a weather event be correct about something?
Are you feeling better today?
You sounded sort of ill the other day.
前几天你看起来像是生病了 。
Oh, yeah, I’m right as rain.I think I had a little too much cake and a few too many donuts at my birthday party!
对,我现在挺好的 。我觉得可能是我吃了太多的蛋糕和好多甜甜圈就是过生日那天!
Well, if you want to stay right as rain,you might want to try eating some vegetables sometimes...
好吧,要想保持非常健康的状态,你可能得多吃些 蔬菜 。 。 。
Being “right as rain” means to be perfectly fine or in good health.
“right as rain”意思是 很棒或者非常健康 。
Since the 1500s, many English expressions have started with “right as,” such as “right as a line” and “right as a bank.”
自16世纪以来,许多英语表达 都以“right as”开头,比如(字幕错误,应该是like)“像线一样直”和“像银行一样精明” 。
It probably became popular because of the matching “r” sounds.
这个表述开始流行 是因为 right和rain中的“r”押韵 。
And that’s English in a Minute!