Welcome to English in a Minute!
A slope can describe a surface or area that is not level.
斜坡可以描述不平坦的表面或区域 。
If something is slippery, it is hard to stand on.
如果某个东西很滑,那就不容易站在上面 。
It sounds as if Jonathan and Anna will fall down.
好像乔纳森和安娜要摔倒了 。
So, Jake came into the office late again.
杰克上班又迟到了 。
He told me he has been drinking every night this week.
他跟我说他这个星期每天晚上都在喝酒 。
Jake should be careful. He's on a very slippery slope.
杰克该小心点了 。他正处于滑坡谬误中 。
I agree. He could lose his job.
我同意 。他可能会丢掉工作 。
A slippery slope is a series of events that can be hard to stop once it has begun.
滑坡谬误是指一旦开始就很难停止的一系列事件 。
If you are on a slippery slope, you are losing control and heading for trouble.
如果你处于滑坡谬误中,你就会失去控制,惹上麻烦 。
It's best to stop yourself before that happens!
And that's English in a Minute!