介词 ON AT IN BY的用法
日期:2017-08-30 11:03



I'm having a hard time reading on the train right now.Unh. Hold on, I'll start the lesson.Hi. James from engVid.Sorry, I was on the train.
我现在在火车上很难阅读。等一下,我来开始讲课。嗨,我是 engVid 的 James。不好意思,我刚才在火车上。
I want to teach you a lesson about four basic prepositions that we use in English that sometimes get confused, and I understand why, so I'll keep it basic.
But because it's basic, it's going to be 80% correct.
That's a good thing, that means you can go to the website and learn more from other lessons we have.
But just know that sometimes there'll be exceptions, and I may not cover it here today.
I'll even give you two exceptions to help you, but why waste time?Let's go to the board.


Here's Mr. E, you'll notice he has a calendar, he has a clock, and: "You are here"?Oh, "here".
这是 E 先生,你会注意到他有一个日历,有一个钟,以及“你在这儿”?啊,"here"。
"Here" is a location, we're here right now, doing a lesson.That's the location: engVid.
"here" 是一个位置,我们现在在这儿讲课。那就是我们所处的位置,也就是 engVid。
Let's go to the board and do the rest of the lesson, shall we?Here's: "at", "on", "in", and "by".
我们来看白板,讲一讲这节课剩下的内容,好吗?今天要讲的介词是:"at" 、"on" 、"in" 和 "by"。
"At", I love it because it's very specific, so you always know where you are, exactly.Problem: for transportation, "at" doesn't have anything.
我很喜欢 "at",因为它非常明确,所以你总能知道自己确切的位置。问题是,在交通方面,"at" 没有任何用法。
Hmm. So let's go to the next one.Let's go to "on", on.
我们来看下一个。我们来讲 "on"。
"On" is used for, let's say, large vehicles or large ways of travelling, such as buses...sorry, trains, buses, planes, and boats.
"on" 后面接出行的大型交通工具,比如巴士......不好意思,火车、巴士、飞机和船。
I'll come back to boat in a second; it's an exception.
On the train, on the bus, and on the plane, unless you're Bill Gates, Donald Trump, or me-I'm not in that list-you don't have your own train, plane, or bus.
火车、巴士和飞机都要用介词 "on",除非你是比尔盖茨、川普或者我(我不在那个名单里),否则你是不会拥有自己的火车、飞机或巴士的。
So you usually share it with a bunch of people or a few people, it's large.
So we say: "You're on the bus", because it covers a big area, so there are many people sitting in that area.
我们说“你在巴士上”时用介词 "on" 是因为它覆盖了一大片区域,所以有很多人坐在那片区域里。
When I get to location, you'll see what I mean.Boat is a small exception.
For many people in the world, they have their own boats because maybe they do fishing, or rowing, which is a type of boat that you go by yourself.
In that situation, you can use "in".So, if the boat is small enough, say: "in": "I'm in a boat right now."
在那种情况下,你可以用 "in" 。所以如果船只够小,那么说“我现在在一艘船上时”就可以用介词 "in" 。
But if it's a big boat, you have to say: "I'm on a boat."Another exception for the "on" rule is bicycle.You're always "on" a bicycle.
但是如果是大船,说“我在船上时”就必须用介词 "on" 。介词 "on" 用法的另一个例外情况是自行车。在自行车上时要用 "on" 。
I know, I said big vehicles, but remember: a bicycle is small, and it doesn't really have a motor or an engine, so we kind of give it its own thing,
because you have to sit on the bicycle, and you can never really be in a bicycle.
Is that good?Now, let's go to "in"."In" is funny because there are only two things for "in"."In" we use for car and taxi.
理解了吗?现在我们来讲 "in" 。"in" 很搞笑,因为只有两种交通工具前加的是 "in" 。我们表示在小汽车里和出租车里时用介词 "in" 。
The easy way to think about it is usually you own your own car; it doesn't belong to a group of people.
People just don't get on your car every time you stop it, they go in and say: "Take me somewhere."
And a taxi, well, when you're in a taxi, it is kind of your car.You pay the driver and you keep the car.
So, this is one of those few cases where, because it belongs to me, I am in my car or I am in the taxi, because the taxi belongs to me as long as I pay the money.
It's one of these funny exceptions.
I don't know why, because you can put more people in a car, but I guess because you can actually own this transportation, it's yours.
Think of it like the small boat.The small boat, one person is in it, you can be inside of it.
All right? Cool.The last one we're going to do is "by".This is how you get there.So, "by" is different.
懂了吗?很好。我们要讲的最后一个介词是 "by" 。这表示的是你到达那儿的方式。所以 "by" 不太一样。
When we talk about "in" and "on", you are...we are talking about how you are in the vehicle.
我们讲 "in" 和 "on" 时,我们讲的是你在这种交通工具里面。
Are you sitting on the bicycle, I can see you on it?You know, a boat is on water.But "by" just means: How did you get here?
你是不是坐在自行上,我能看到你坐在上面?比如船是浮在水面上的。但是 "by" 的意思只是“你是怎么到这儿来的?”
So, when someone responds to you with: "By car", "by plane", they're telling you how they got here.
所以当别人用 "by car" 、"by plane" 来回答你时,他们是在告诉你他们是怎么到这儿来的。
Not if they're in the plane, or on the plane.They are just...that's how they got there.
So, how did I get here to do this video?Wouldn't you like to know.I'm kidding, I came here by car.
So, yes, I was in my car and drove here, but I would tell somebody: "I got here by car, not by bus", and that would tell them the difference in the transportation I took.
"How did you get here?"You like that?
Good, so that's "by", this is how you did it; and the way you traveled is here, "in" and "on".
很好,那是 "by" ,表示的是你如何做到的,而表示出行方式时要用 "in" 和 "on" 。
Remember there is a small exception for small vehicles, so a small boat you can be in.Remember small.
记住,小型交通工具有一个小例外,所以在一艘小船上可以用介词 "in" 。记住是小型交通工具。
And a bicycle, you're always on the bicycle, because people see you sitting on it.
还有自行车,自行车前面要用介词 "on" ,因为人们看到你坐在上面。
We good? Excellent.Now, that is the lesson for transportation.Let's look at location.
You'll notice that the same rules or ideas apply.Remember I said I liked "at" because it's specific?
你会发现同样的规则也适用于这里。还记得我说过我喜欢 "at" ,因为它很明确吗?
Notice the dot, it's very specific."Meet me at my house."
That does not mean down the street, that does not mean in another city.
It means: My house.You, meet me at my house, specific location.
Or I'll give you an address: "Meet me at 51 Eglington."
或者我会给你一个地址:“到 Eglington 51号来找我。”
Not: "In 51 Eglington", no."At", that means right there.
不能用介词 "in" ,不行。要用 "at" ,意思是就在这里。
You can see the number and the place.Like it? I do, too.
"On", if you notice, this is a dot, and this is like a carpet or an area.
来看 "on" ,注意看的话会发现这是一个点,而这像个地毯或一个区域。
This is why I said on the bus, the train, and the plane - they are big, they have an area.
这就是我说在巴士上、火车上、飞机上要用介词 "on" 的原因,它们很大,覆盖了一片区域。
And because of that, we say "on" because you stand in an area.
因此我们要用介词 "on" ,因为你是站在一片区域上。
So, "on", we put things on a table.Imagine...nope, how about this?
所以这是 "on" ,我们把东西放在桌上的时候也用介词 "on" 。假设......不行,这个怎么样?
This is a better table.I'm going to put something on the table.
You can see it on, and here is an area.Cool? That's for "on".
你可以看到它在上面,而这是一片区域。没问题吧?那是 "on" 的用法。
"In" I can use the same thing.That's the next one.
讲 "in" 的用法也可以用同样的东西。那是我们要讲的下一个介词。
"In", there is a surface, but you have to go over and in something.
在 "in" 的这个图里有一个表面,但是你必须穿过表面进入某个物体里面。
Remember I said "on" here?This is now "in".You can't see it anymore, can you?
还记得我说 "on" 是在这个位置吗?现在这是 "in" 的位置。你看不到它了,对吧?
Because it's inside with a bunch of markers, it's inside.
But when it's on the surface, you'll notice "on", you can see it."In", like magic, it disappears. Okay?
但是当它用 "on" 表示在表面上时,你会发现是可以看到它的。而 "in" 像魔法一样把它变没了。
So, "in", usually you have walls or something surrounding you that you can look up and see the walls.
用 "in" 时,你通常被墙或什么的围在里面,往上看时能看到墙。
You'll see there's the board here, and there are three other walls, so I'm in a room.
But I'm on the floor because I'm standing on the floor.
Okay? So if the floor was here, this would be me. Ta-da.
But I would go in the room, and now you need a door to see me.Okay? So, "in" and "on".
但是我会走进房间,现在你就需要有一扇门才能看见我了。懂了吗?以上是 "in" 和 "on" 的内容。
"By", many of you know "close" and "near".
现在来讲 "by" ,你们很多人都知道 "close" 和 "near" 有“靠近”的意思。
So, if you think of two things...Okay? Here's one thing, here's two things.
We can say: "This is by the red marker."Similar to saying "close" or "near", we just say "by".
我们说“这个在红色马克笔旁边”时就可以用 "by" 。这和用 "close" 或 "near" 差不多,只不过我们用的是 "by" 。
There's 8% of this marker, I said 80% lesson, but it seems it's gone down.Well, "by" is similar to "close" or "near".
这里有这只马克笔的8%,我说过80%的课程,但这似乎减少了。"by" 和 "close" 及 "near" 差不多。
And you notice the arrows, here, show you, if I say I'm close to your house or by your house, it's similar to saying "by" or "near".
注意这里的这些箭头显示,如果我说我离你家很近或在你家旁边,用 "by" 或 "near" 是差不多的。
Okay? Cool.Now I'm going to deal with time.When we deal with time, we'll start at "at".
懂了吗?很好。现在我要讲时间了。讲时间的话,我们从 "at" 开始。
"At", remember I said very specific, that's why I like it?This is when you say things like: "At 9:15", "At 12:00".
还记得我说过 "at" 非常明确,所以我很喜欢它吗?讲“九点十五”,“十二点”时用的都是介词 "at" 。
It says very specific time when we deal with hour and minute.
"What time will I meet you?""At 10:30."Specific, that doesn't mean 12:00.That's not "at". Okay?Day...sorry, "on".
“我什么时候见你?”“十点半。”很明确,指的不是十二点。那就不是 "at" 了。天......不好意思,"on" 。
When we talk about "on", we talk about days: "On Monday", "On Tuesday".
我们用 "on" 来表示天,比如星期一、星期二前面用的都是 "on" 。
And if you're confused, think of it this way: A day has 24 hours, it's kind of got a surface to it.
It's not just one specific time; it's got a little bit of time on it.So, on that day, okay?
那并不只是一个具体的时间,而是一大段时间。所以天前面要用介词 "on" ,知道了吗?
Anything can happen on that day on the surface.We stand on it, and we walk across it.
You wake up, then you go to sleep.So, on that day.
你每天醒过来,然后去睡觉。所以天前面要用 "on" 。
Funny enough, you can say things like: "On Christmas day", "On Monday", "On my birthday".
搞笑的是,讲在圣诞节、在周一、在我生日那天都可以用 "on" 。
So if you have a word that has a day in it, you can use "on".Told you I'd make it easy.
所以如果看到里面有 "day" 的单词,前面都可以用介词 "on" 。就说过我会讲得简单点的嘛。
It's 80% true, there'll be exceptions, I know, someone will say one.
But just think: "Did I say 'day' in there? 'On' the holiday." Right?
但是只要想着:“我说的单词里是不是有 'day' ?那就用 'on the holiday' 。”
You can say it, because it's got "day", make it easy.
可以这么说,因为它里面有 "day" ,简单点。
Okay, now we've talked about specific time with "at", and on the day with "on", but let's look at "in".
好了,我们已经讲了具体的时间要用 "at" ,在天前面要用 "on" ,现在我们来看 "in" 。
When I say something like: "In September", what I'm talking about are long periods of time.
当我说 "in September" 时,我所指的是较长的时间段。
We can say that for years, months, and weeks.
年、月和周前面都可以用 "in" 。
So, for instance, I can even go back in the past and say: "In 1992, I came to Canada."
Or: "In September, I will buy a hat."
Now, we're talking about specific time, as we did in "on" and "at", but this time we're talking about longer periods of time, and we're being very specific.
现在我们要讲具体时间,就像在讲 "on" 和 "at" 时讲得那样,不过这一次我们讲的是更长的时间段,而且讲得非常明确。
Now, I'm going to go to one more for you and we're going to go by "by".
现在我再给你们讲一个,我们要来讲 "by" 。
"By" is fantastic because it's the end of a specific time.
"by" 非常棒,因为它表示的是具体的最后期限。
If I say: "I need it done by tonight", that is the time, it's specific, and that's the end time or your limit.
And funny enough, that's the end of my lesson, I'm at the limit.I hope you've enjoyed it.
E has been helpful, bringing out the calendar and the clock, and giving us a location.
E 帮了很大的忙,拿出了日历和钟,给了我们一个位置。
Quick recap: You can use "at", "on", "in", and "by" for transportation, location, and time.
快速概括一下:在交通工具、位置和时间前可以使用的介词有 "at" 、 "on" 、"in" 和 "by" 。
When we deal with transportation, there are a couple of exceptions you want to remember.
"On" is used for large groups of people travelling by train, bus, plane, or boat.
"on" 用在一大群人乘坐的交通工具前,比如火车、巴士、飞机或船。
But sometimes a boat can be for one person, and you can say "in".
但是有时候船可以是一人乘坐的,所以可以用 "in" 。
We also use bicycle for "on", and that's because you sit on the bicycle.
自行车前也是用 "on" ,因为你是坐在自行车上面的。
When we talk about "in", we use it for car and taxi, because that's usually your private vehicle.
"in" 用在小汽车和出租车前,因为那通常是你的私人交通工具。
Even though you say taxi's public, when you're in it, it's yours as long as you pay for it, and it's also small. Okay?
"By" is how you get there; by car, plane, or train.
"by" 表示的是你到达那儿的方式,比如坐车、坐飞机或坐火车。
When we went for location, we talked about specific with "at".
讲到位置时,我们说了明确的位置要用 "at" 。
On the surface or in an area for "on", like a carpet, think like carpet."In", think like a box, you go in a box.
在表面或在一片区域内时用 "on" ,就像一张地毯一样,参照地毯来理解。"in" ,假设有个箱子,你走进一个箱子里。
And "by" is similar to "close" or "near" or "close to" when you used it.
"by" 用起来跟 "close" 或 "near" 或 "close to" 差不多。
And finally, for time, we talked about specific time, okay, using these prepositions."At" is one time only.
最后,关于时间,我们用这些介词表示的是明确的时间。"at" 指的只是一个时间。
"On" is for days: "On Monday", "On Christmas day".
"on" 用在带 "day" 的单词前,星期一、圣诞节前都是用 "on" 。
"In" is used for longer periods of time, like: "In September", or we can go back into the past: "In 1992".
"in" 用来指更长的时间段,比如在九月用的就是介词 "in",或者可以回到过去,在1992年就可以用 "in" 。
And finally, end time when we use "by". Okay?And we say that's the end.And that's the end of this particular lesson.
最后,表示结束时间用 "by" 。那就是最后的内容了。这节课到此就结束了。
So, I'd like to thank you, once again, for coming to engVid.And what did I say?
我想再一次感谢你们来到 engVid 。我说了什么来着?
I need you to go to www. eng as in engVid...English, V, as in video. com (www. engvid. com) where you can go do the quiz and see how well you learned your lesson.
我想要你们登陆 www. engvid. com , eng 就是 English 的 eng ,V 是 video 的 v ,你们可以在那儿做做小测验,看看你们这节课学得怎么样。
Okay? And by now, I think you've got 80% of it correct.Okay? See ya later.
