日期:2017-08-27 17:07



Hi. Where are you?I can't see anything, help.Oh, that's better. Hello.Today, I'm going to teach you about glasses.
嗨,你在哪儿?我什么都看不见,救命啊。这样好多了,大家好。今天我要跟你们讲的是 "glasses" (眼镜)。
These are sunglasses, but what I'm going to teach you about today are more important than sunglasses.They are glasses for bad eyesight.
So if you have bad eyesight, maybe you do this when you try to read something.
Or you look far away and you...this, what I'm doing with my eyes, it's a verb, and it's called "squint" or "squinting".
或者当你看远时会......我现在用眼睛做的动作可以用一个动词来表达,那就是 "squint"或 "squinting" (眯起眼睛来看)。
So I...or maybe you, squint because you can't see something properly.


If this has happened to you, you might be a victim of bad eyesight.So you need to go to an eye doctor.
Now, a lot of doctors like to use bigger words to make it more difficult for you to actually contact someone.
So in doctor words, an eye doctor's proper name is an "optometrist".
所以用医生的行话来说,眼科医生的正式名称是 "optometrist" (验光师)。
If you speak a Latin-based language, maybe you use the same word.
"Opto" means "eye", and "tometrist" means...I don't know, "doctor"? I don't know.
"opto" 是眼睛的意思,而 "tometrist" 的意思是......我不知道,可能是医生的意思?我也不清楚。
But I do know that "opto" means "eye", so an "eye doctor", in the proper form, is "optometrist".
但是我确定 "opto" 就是眼睛的意思,所以眼科医生的正式名称就是 "optometrist" 。
If you have a problem with your eyes, you have to go to an eye doctor.
And they will get lots of money from you, do lots of tests, and then you get to wear glasses. Cool.
So the very, very first thing is we have two adjectives to describe why you may have bad eyesight.
These are the most common phrases that people use.
Now, because these two words end in "-ed", they are adjectives.
因为这两个词都是以" -ed" 结尾的,所以它们都是形容词。
Because these are adjectives, like every adjective in English, you have to use the verb "to be".
因为这些都是形容词,所以就像英语中所有的形容词一样,你使用它们时要加上动词" to be" 。
So you cannot say, "I nearsighted" or "I farsighted", you have to say, "I am nearsighted" or "I am farsighted."
所以你不能说 " I nearsighted" 或者 " I farsighted",要说 "I am nearsighted" 或 "I am farsighted"。
So "nearsighted" means you cannot see things that are far away.
"nearsighted" (近视的)的意思是看不清远处的东西。
So when you wake up in the morning, depending on how bad your eyesight is, you can't read the alarm clock, or you can't read the clock.
If you're in a classroom and you sit at the back of the class, I always did that,
and I was always like this, "I can't see what the teacher's written, I need glasses, I'm not getting glasses."
So if you can't see things far away, you're called "nearsighted".
Guess what? "Farsighted" is the opposite of that.So if you can't see things really close up, you are what we call "farsighted".
你知道吗? "farsighted"(远视的)和 "nearsighted" 正好相反。如果你看不清很近的东西,那你就得了远视。
These are the layman's terms, the regular terms that we would use for this kind of bad eyesight.
The doctor's terms for, first of all, "nearsighted", is "myopia"."Myopia" means exactly the same as being "nearsighted".
医生对近视的专业术语是 "myopia" (近视)。"myopia" 和 "nearsighted" 完全是一个意思。
But "myopia" and "hyperopia" are nouns.So because these guys are nouns, we have to use "have".
但是 "myopia" 和 "hyperopia" (远视)是名词。那么,因为这两个词是名词,我们必须用上动词 "have" 。
So you could say, "I have myopia" or "I am nearsighted", they're the same.
所以你可以说 "I have myopia" 或者 "I am nearsighted",这两个是一个意思。
Or you could say, "I have hyperopia" or "I am farsighted". Okay?
可以说 "I have hyperopia" 或者 "I am farsighted",知道了吗?
Most commonly, we would use this, "nearsighted", "farsighted".
我们一般用的都是 "nearsighted" 和 "farsighted" 。
Depending on what language you speak, maybe you use these in your language, and that's easier for you?
Perfect. Do whatever's easiest.The next thing that we have is another noun.
We say, "I have an astigmatism".Repeat after me, "I have an astigmatism."Your turn, do it again.
我们会说:" I have an astigmatism" (我有散光)。跟我读:"I have an astigmatism." 。轮到你了,再来一遍。
Okay. So "I have an astigmatism", this means that your eyes do not focus well, and everything is blurry.
"I have an astigmatism" 的意思是你的眼睛无法正常聚焦,你看起东西来都是模糊不清的。
It doesn't matter if it's far away or close up, it's blurry, things are, like, doubled.
It's like you've drank a hundred beers, and you're constantly having double vision.
So if you have something wrong with your eyes, you're going to have to wear -- as a verb -- glasses.
所以如果你的视力出了问题,你得戴上 "glasses" (眼镜)。
Now, please be very, very careful, you don't wear "glass", I'm sure that would hurt.You're going to have to wear "glasses".
一定一定要注意,不能说 "wear glass" (戴玻璃),那肯定很疼。要说 "wear glasses"。
It's very important that you pronounce the end of the word, so it sounds like "glasses".
一定要把这个单词的尾音读出来,这样人家听了才知道你说的是 "glasses"(眼镜)。
Maybe you are sick of glasses, and you got contacts.
可能你戴够了眼镜,然后买了 "contacts" (隐形眼镜)。
The long form of "contacts" is, actually, "contact lenses".
"contacts" 的完整形式其实是 "contact lenses" 。
But we never say "contact lenses", it takes too long, we just say "contacts".
但是我们从来不说 "contact lenses",太长了,我们只说 "contacts"。
Now, some people, those crazy people out there, can get colored contacts.
So you can actually make your eyes a different color.
I've seen this, some people even have contacts that have swirls, so their eyes look swirly and crazy.
And some people get very unnatural colored contacts, like purple.
So be careful, that blue-eyed girl that you're looking at might really have brown eyes.
Okay. The other kind of thing that you have to be concerned about when you get older, maybe, are a kind of glasses called "bifocals".
好了,你上年纪后可能会很关心的另一个物件是一种叫做 "bifocals" (双光眼镜)的眼镜。
"Bi" means "two", so "bifocals" actually have two different lenses in the glasses.
"bi" 指的是“两个”,“双”,所以 "bifocals" 就是有两种不同镜片的眼镜。
A lot of older people find that their eyesight is deteriorating, getting worse and worse.
So instead of having to switch glasses from nearsighted to farsighted, you actually get one pair of glasses that have two lenses.
It takes a lot of getting used to if you have bifocals because, I'm sure if you look, you get confused, and it's like you're drunk again.
Bifocals are only in glasses.Now, maybe you are sick to death of glasses, and you've tried contacts.
You just can't take it anymore, every day you clean the contacts; you put them in your eyes; they rip.
I am speaking from experience, I used to have glasses.I never wore them, then I had contacts.
So when I was younger, people said, "Ronnie, you need glasses."But I didn't wear my glasses.
I did, in fact, get contacts, and I could see again.And I realized that people were looking at me because I'm a little strange.
But what I did is I had laser surgery, "Hallelujah! I can see!"Laser surgery is, actually, a laser or beam, let's go.
于是我去做了 "laser surgery" (激光手术),然后,天呐!我又能看清东西了!激光手术用到的其实就是一束激光,手术开始。
They take your eyeball, they cut open..."What? They cut open your eyeball?" Oh, yeah.
There's a skin that covers your...a layer of skin that covers your eyeball, they cut it open with a laser.
They lift it up, and they shoot a laser.And magic! It fixes your eye.
Clearly, I am not an optometrist, and I don't really know how to do laser surgery.
But if you'd like to send me a check for $2000, I'll do your laser surgery.
Just subscribe to my YouTube channel, EnglishLessons4U, I'll get you a sweet deal on laser surgery, cannot guarantee the results.
订阅我的YouTube 频道:EnglishLessons4U,我可以给你打个折,效果就不能保证了。
Laser surgery makes one happy lady or gentleman because you do not have to wear glasses anymore.
If you have problems with your eyes, what's your problem?
What's your eye problem? Are you nearsighted? Are you farsighted? Do you have an astigmatism?
I...I was blessed with two, I had an astigmatism, and I was nearsighted.I couldn't see anything, I got the laser surgery.
Bam! I can see all of you right now.See you later.
