日期:2017-08-27 07:34



It's time for our segment, why I don't have kids. These are pictures that you send in of adorable kids doing terrible things.
又到了“我为什么不要孩子”的环节了 这些是你们发来的超可爱的孩子干了超恐怖的事情的照片
This was sent in by Heather from Chillicothe, Ohio, my daughter found my makeup.
这张是俄亥俄州奇利科西的希瑟发来的 女儿找到了我的化妆品
Look at the dog, the dog is like. Don't try to put this on me.
快看那只狗 狗狗好像在说“别想在我身上涂那玩意儿”
Sarah from Reno, Nevada, here's my daughter and her grapefruits.
内华达州里诺的萨拉 这是我女儿和她的西柚
Precious, they grow up so fast don't they.
珍贵 她们可真是早熟啊
Ashley from Wrightstown, Wisconsin, this is our one-year-old in our dog dish stand.
威斯康星州赖茨敦的艾希莉 这是我们一岁的小家伙和狗食支架
All right, so your child is obviously unhappy, obviously needs help.
好吧 你的孩子明显不开心 需要帮助




What do you do? Grab your camera.
你该做什么 快抓起相机来一张
Emily from Las Vegas, Nevada, my two-year-old and four-year-old got into a 25 pound bag of flour and a Costco size bottle of olive oil.
内华达州拉斯维加斯的艾米丽 我两岁和四岁的孩子跑进了25磅重的面粉和一瓶好事多橄榄油里
That's what you get for having a 25 pound bag of flour, I don't know why-
你要是存25磅面粉就会有这种后果 我不明白
Why do you need that much flour?
You don't only send me pictures of your kids, you send me videos, please enjoy.
你们不光给我发了照片 还有视频呢 请欣赏
Did you pull the bean bag into your crib and break it?
What are you doing? You think it's pretty having peanut butter in you hair? Yeah.
你在搞啥呢 你觉得把花生酱弄到头上很好看?对哒
Thanks for turning those in, if your kids do something you think I should see, send it to me.
谢谢你们发这些视频来 如果你们的孩子做了些搞怪的事 请给我发过来
