日期:2017-08-31 09:25



This year we had a lot of rain in LA for the first time in a long, long time.
今年洛杉矶下了很多雨 很久很久以来的第一次哈
And there's this thing called Super Bloom. And it's thousands of flowers blooming in the desert.
所以就有了“百花齐放” 沙漠里成千上万的花朵都绽放了
It happens once every decade and it's an hour north of LA. So I'll never see it.
这种情况每十年出现一次 在洛杉矶北边一小时车程的地方 所以我从没见过
Might as well be on the moon, I don't go that far.
也可能在月球上 我到不了那么远
But I do love flowers, I really do. So I did something almost as exciting, I went onto the internet to look at pictures of flowers.
不过我喜欢花 很喜欢 所以我就做了同等兴奋的事情 我去网上搜花朵的图片
And I found some that I didn't know existed and probably you, maybe you do,
然后我就发现了一些我都不知道它们存在的花朵 或许你 你们可能知道




I don't know, maybe you know a lot about flowers, but this one, look at this flower.
不晓得 说不定你们很了解花呢 但是这个 看这朵花
That's a real flower. It's called a Monkey Orchid and it's amazing.
那是朵真花 它叫猴子兰花 真是太惊奇了
Have you ever seen one of these before?
It's crazy, it's a monkey with flower petals around its face.
太不可思议了 猴脸的周围长满了花瓣
It's what a monkey would look like if it went to Coachella, I think.
Isn't that crazy? Nature, it's amazing. Then I found this flower.
是不是很疯狂 这就是大自然 太神奇了 然后我又看到了这朵花
That's called hooker lips.
It actually has a few different names.
It's known as Kissing Lips, or the aunt who gives you $10 for your birthday.
比较出名的是吻唇 或者生日时给你10美元的姑妈
But it actually is called hooker lips. That's the name the scientists gave it.
不过它真的叫妓女唇 这是科学家赋予它的
But you have to be careful if you pick it, right around the corner, there's a pimp flower that will get really really-
但是如果你想摘它的话可要小心了 不远处可有一朵男妓花会对你非常非常
Mad at you. Then there's this flower right here, and let's see if you've learned anything so far.
生气 然后就是这朵花了 看你们现在能知道些什么
Can you tell if this is from South America?
How many people think it's from South American and how many people think it's from Europe?
多少人觉得它是南美的 多少人觉得它是欧洲的?
Anyway, you're all wrong. It's Rihanna at the Met Ball.
额 你们都错了 这是纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会上的蕾哈娜
I was just. It's a.
这 它
And finally, there's this flower right here. It is called the Naked Man Orchid
最后 还有这朵花 它叫裸男兰
Mm-hm, the one on the right is in full bloom.
嗯哼 右边这朵真是完全绽放成熟了啊
Anyway just wanted to share with you what I found.
总之 就是想跟大家分享一下我发现的东西
They say you should stop and take time to smell the flowers.
人们说你应该停下脚步 闻一闻花香
But right now, I'm gonna put my, I'm not gonna put my face anywhere near those things.
但现在 我要尽量远离这些东西
Instead I'm gonna dance.
