日期:2017-07-06 15:41



In 13 seasons nobody has brought the fire marshal to our stage more times than our next guest.
在13季节目中 没有人能超越接下来的这位嘉宾 只有他带多次带领消防队出现在我们的舞台上
Please welcome back our science guy, Steve Spangler.
I was in West Virginia training teachers to be better science teachers,
我在西弗吉尼亚周进行教师培训 以成为更好科学教师
and there's a lot of history of coal mining in West Virginia.
Mm-hmm. And so, they showed me this. This was a miner's hat... Mm-hmm.
嗯哼 所以 他们向我展示了这个 这是一个矿工的帽子 嗯哼
And then they gave me this, and this was very cool. This is an antique.
然后他们给了我这个 这个非常酷 这是一个古董
This is, like, a miner's lantern.
这是 呃 一个矿工的灯
So, look at what happens. This is long before they ever had batteries. Right.
那么 看看会发生什么 在他们有电池之前的很长一段时间 对


They would actually put a chemical in the bottom...
Uh-huh. And then drip water in and light this on fire. On their head?
啊哈 然后他们向其中滴水 点着它 在他们的头上?
On their head. Wow. So, that's what we're gonna do.
在他们的头上 哇 所以 这就是我们将要做的
All right, so put on your safety glasses. This is gonna--no, no we're gonna do it in here.
好吧 带上你的安全镜 这是要…不 不 我们要在这里进行
So, watch what happens. The secret is, this stuff here called calcium carbide--look at the little rocks.
那么 看看会发生什么 秘密就是 这里的东西 叫做电石 看这个小石头
Mm-hmm. See 'em? Yeah. Those little rocks, when they get added to water,
嗯哼 看到他们了么?嗯 这些小石头 当将它们加入水中时
produce acetylene gas--eh, kinda smell weird. Very strong smell. Yeah.
会产生乙炔气体 呃 闻起来有点奇怪 很强烈的气味 对
And the water goes in like this, so that's perfect.
把水像这样放进去 就很完美了
So now--here hold out your hand. You're gonna hold on to the acetylene.
那么现在 伸出你的手 你要抓住乙炔
I mean, you're gonna hold on to the calcium carbide.
我的意思是 你要抓住电石
Okay, when I ask you to, you're gonna dump it in here, and then I...
好 当我发出命令时 你要把它丢进这里 然后我
Am gonna light it on fire. Great. Okay? All right, so dump it in.
我就会点火 很好 好么?好的 那就把它丢进去
How far do I run after that? No, you don't have to run.
做完之后我得跑多远 不 你不用跑
Okay. Okay. Okay, just stick--you're gonna be okay. Okay.
好的好的 嗯 只是伸出… 你不会有事的 好吧
See, it's just bubbles. See, it's nothing. All right, yes. Nobody cares.
看 这只是泡沫 看 没什么 好吧 没人在意的
Okay. And see you just--you li--See how you light it on fire? Wow.
好吧 看 你只要 你 看怎么点火 哇
Now here's the craziest thing. Imagine that on your head.
现在是最疯狂的事 想象一下在你的头上
So, this thing is burning on your head... Yeah. Which is crazy.
那么 他要是在你的头上燃烧 好吧 太疯狂了
Yeah. But that's what they had to go through. Here I can do this.
是啊 但是这是他们必须经历的 我可以在这做
See, isn't that great? Mm, wonderful. Okay, perfect. So, I was just thinking--
看 是不是很棒 恩 很精彩 好的 完美 嗯 我在想
Thank you. All right, so, that's not reallyI know that you're not--
谢谢你 好的 那么 这不是真的 我知道你不是
Well, it doesn't really last long, I mean...
嗯 他不会持续很长时间 我的意思是
I mean, no. They have to keep doing that and walk another foot. Yeah, no, no, no.
我意思是 不是 他们得一边干这个 一边用另一只脚走路 嗯 不 不 不
It was much better. It was a beautiful flame, but I was thinking this would be more fun.
这个更好 它有美丽的火焰 但是我在想这样可能会更有趣
So, look, I'm gonna do it now with a juice container.
恩 看啊 我要用一个果汁容器做实验
So, if we put some water in this juice container,
恩 如果我们在果汁容器内放入一些水
and then we add the rocks... Mm-hmm. We're gonna produce acetylene gas.
然后加入电石 嗯哼 我们会生产出乙炔气体
Now I have to wait for the perfect amount of oxygen
to get in there, and then, you are gonna light it on fire.
然后 你来点火
Great. Okay, so I just wanna make sure--here. Make sure that you can strike it. Ready? So, it's--yeah.
好的 恩 我只是想要确定 这 确定你能 使用它 准备好了么?嗯 是的
That's perfect. So, when I ask you to, you're gonna touch that little hole that's back there.
很好 那么当我发出命令时 你要接触这个后面的小洞
Mm-kay? Like--No! Not yet. Not yet. No, no, I know, but--Yeah, that's it.
好么 就像… 不 还没好 还没好 嗯嗯 我知道 但是 是 就是这样
That's what you're gonna touch. So, watch. See how the rocks go in.
这是你将要接触的地方 然后 看 当把电石放进去
So, you see the bubbling action that's inside?
Yeah. Right. So, it's building that up, but then I thought I'd make it do something fun,
嗯 对 他正在发生反应 我觉得我应该做些有趣的事情
so that's why the bandana gets shoved down inside like this.
'Cause we gotta build up some pressure. Ha! You oughta wear the...
来帮我们创造一点压力 哈 你需要戴
Should So, now. Can I wear something? They said it's gonna be loud.
应该 那么 现在 我能戴一些东西么?他们说这个可能会很吵
Oh, you can wear those if you want. Yeah, that's fine. All right. Okay.
噢 如果你想的话你可以戴这个 好 很好 好的
Well, they told me I should. Well, that's good.
嗯 他们说我应该戴 嗯 很好
I've lost my he--okay, light it. Uh-huh. Okay, and now, light it on fire. Ready?
我失去了我的…好的 点燃它 啊哈 好 现在 点火 准备好了么?
See how it goes? What? Huh? See, now this is useful
看我说的怎样 什么 啊? 看 这个是有用的
because it's not just shooting a bandana in the air.
You have been so nice. Every time I'm on, you give me underwear.
你一直很好 每次我来 你都会给我内衣
Yep. So, now, I have 18 pair of underwear, and I brought them back, so--and we're just gonna use 'em.
是 现在我有18条内裤 我把他们带回来 我们要用他们来做实验
Yeah. These are--Yep. I didn't wear all of these. No, thank goodness. Just one.
好的 这些是 嗯 我没有穿过他们哦 还好 谢天谢地 只有一个
Okay. So, here's what we're gonna do.
好吧 这个是我们将要做的
All right. In just a second, I put water in all of these, and then I've got
好吧 第二 我要把水 都倒进这里面去
our little calcium carbide rocks that are here.
So, you and I are gonna drop those in all the way across. Mm-hmm.
那么 咱俩要把他们扔进 这些通道里 嗯哼
And then we're gonna jam the underwear down inside.
And then--yes that's very good. That's gonna be even louder. Yes.
恩 这样很好 这个的声音会更大
And then--here. I brought this for you as well.
然后 这里 我把这个给你
Here's your torch. Okay, so you need a torch. Where's that going?
这是你的火炬 好 你需要一个火炬 它要用在哪
Well, the torch is gonna touch the hole that's right there,
恩 火炬需要接触这里的洞
but then we're gonna aim 'em down to the audience like this. Perfect. You got it? Yeah.
但是我们得把它们像这样瞄准台下的观众 完美 你明白了么? 当然
All right, so why don't you stand on this side of me
好的 你为什么不站在我的这一边呢?
over here like this. This is not the way they want to get Ellen underwear. This is not--
像这样站在这里 这不是他们 想要得到艾伦的内衣的方式 这不是
It's a great way to get Ellen underwear.
All right, so here's what we're gonna do.
好吧 这是我们将要做的
Watch this--so, this is gonna go down inside.
看这个 我们得把它扔进去
They're bubbling right now, so here's the little bubbling.
他们现在在冒泡 这里有小泡泡
Good, and now you're gonna put on your headphones.
好的 现在你得戴上你的耳机
Okay, sorry to stand in front of you, but that's great, and so, now--here.
好吧 抱歉站在你的前面 但是很好 现在 这里
If you don't mind, hang onto those and just--yeah.
如果你不介意 抓住那些 只要 对
A color at a time will be perfect, so here we go.
一种颜色一次将会很完美 那么我们开始吧
A little bit of black underwear in this one. This is perfect.
这个是有点黑色的内衣 这很完美
These are always fun at school. All right, so this is good.
这些在学校里总是很有趣 好的 这很好
Kids love--oh, that's a party at home. All right, so this is good.
孩子们喜欢 噢 这是在家里的一个派对 好的 这个很好
Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam. Ellen, hit that one.
嘣 嘣 嘣 嘣 嘣 艾伦 点这个
Light it like this and then touch it, ready? Okay, touch it.
像这样点燃它 然后接触它 好了么?好的 接触这个
Hit that one! Go! Get that one right there! Bam! Ta-da! Wow.
点这个 继续 点这边这个 嘣 哒哒 哇
So, look what we're gonna do here.
那么 看看这里我们将要做的
Now watch this, I just want you--if you don't mind, stand right here. I don't mind.
看这个 我想要你 如果你不介意的话 站在这里 我不介意
Okay, so here what's gonna happen. See the liquid nitrogen that's here?
好的 这是将要发生的 看到这里的液氮了么?
So, now the liquid nitrogen goes into the bucket.
Now, we've taken the liberty of putting liquid nitrogen in all of those other buckets.
关于这个我们已经获得许可 把那些液氮都倒进其他所有桶里
So, there's 20 liters in each of those buckets.
Look at--they're frozen. The cans are frozen. They're very very very very very cold.
看这个 他们冻住了 罐子被冻住了 他们非常 非常 非常冷
So, now the next part is gonna be the best part,
and that's this, is that we have really hot water
他是这样 我们的桶里有非常热的水
in the buckets, right? So, now the hot water will be
对么 那么现在 热水将被
in the buckets and then I'm going to--on three. I go, "Three, two, one, go."
倒进桶里 然后我将要 在数三声之后 我说"3 2 1开始" 然后开始
We're gonna dump the hot water in the bucket. Mm-kay? Uh... All right, so, good.
我们要把热水倒进桶里 好吧? 呃 好的 那么 很好
Haven't you been through enough already? Hey, hey! Put your safety glasses on.
你没过够么?嘿 嘿 带上你的安全镜
I'm in here. Well, I'd still put 'em on if I were you. All right this is awesome.
我在这里了 嗯 如果我是你的话 我还是会带上它 好吧 这很可怕
You guys ready? We'll commence as I'm gonna go, "Three, two, one, go," and we're gonna do it.
你们都准备好了么?我喊开始我们就要开始了 三 二 一 开始 然后我们就这么做
Got it? Ready? Don't they put their things down? Shields down. Okay...
明白了么?准备好了么?他们不把他们的那个放下来么?放下防护罩 好的
Pick up your water. Are you feeling good? Feeling good? Here we go. Count us down.
拿起你们的水 你们感觉还好么?感觉可好?我们开始了 开始倒数
Three...two...one...go! Freaking so cool! Wow. Now... Uh...
三 二 一 开始 太他妈酷了 哇 现在 啊
Go to our website to learn more about Steve and his science kit of the month club.
在我们的网站上可以了解更多关于史蒂夫的事 以及他的月俱乐部的科学装备
