日期:2017-08-23 10:18



Boy, I don't know if I've ever been this excited.
天 我真是前所未有的激动啊
Today is the day. It is D-Day. Finding Dory is out in theaters today.
今天就是那个特殊的日子 今天是属于多莉的日子 寻找多莉今天开始在影院上映了
So, what are you all doing here then? You're going right after, right?
那你们都在这干嘛呢 你们等会儿就去看了 对吧
You're leaving- All right.
你们准备去看了 好的 各位
Finding Dory is, of course, the sequel to Finding Nemo, which came out in 2003.
寻找多莉 毫无疑问是2003年寻找尼莫的续集
You know how sequels always come out 13 years after the original?
I can't believe it's been 13 years.
I just kept swimming, I just kept swimming. Finally, we're here.
我就一直游啊游 我就一直游啊游 终于 我们到了



This morning my producers told me a quote by Andy Warhol where he said,
今天早上 我的制片人引用安迪·沃霍尔的话告诉我说
'The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting.' Stupid, right?
等得越久就越让人兴奋 多傻啊 对吧
I would have been just as excited if it came out late 2003.
2003年上映我会一样的兴奋 好吧
It is no secret I've been wanting a sequel to happen.
I've mentioned it on the show, I don't know,
我在秀里也提过的 记不清次数了
a couple of times, something, three, four, I don't know how many times.
差不多三四次吧 不记得具体次数
And now it's time for our new segment.
How come every animated movie is doing a sequel except Finding Nemo?
怎么除了寻找尼莫每个有活力的动画电影 都出了续集了
Can you believe it's been 11 years since the Toy Story movie?
11 years. What's more incredible, it's been seven years since the last Finding Nemo movie.
11年啊 还有更不可思议的 寻找尼莫电影上映已经七年了
If this is some kind of practical joke, it's not funny.
如果这是什么搞笑的梗 它并不搞笑
They made a movie on this and then it was so successful. Then they made a sequel.
他们做了一部很成功的电影 然后续集要来了
Which is what happens when movies are very, very successful, except in the case of Finding Nemo.
当电影非常非常成功就会有续集 除了这次的寻找尼莫
Boy, I bet that's frustrating.
天 我确信这真的让人很沮丧
Yeah. I thought I'll watch the Super Bowl and
是啊 我以为我会看看超级碗
it's fun, but it's just something I'll do once and I'll never do again.
那个挺有意思的 但仅此一次 没有下次
Like, what's the word for it? Yeah, Finding Nemo.
恩 有什么词可以形容一下这情况呢 对了 寻找尼莫
And Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo.
还有 寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫
Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo.
寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫
Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo.
寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫 寻找尼莫
It's a good example of what you can achieve if you really want something bad enough.
这是个多么好的例子 假如你极度想要实现某件事的话
It's that, what's the saying?
关于这个 那个叫什么来着
If you're mind can conceive it and your heart can believe it then get on TV and
如果你在脑海里幻想它 心里相信它会回到电视
beg for it until the people at Disney make it come true.
为它祈祷 直到迪士尼的家伙让它成真
It worked! I did it! I am so happy the day is finally here.
成功了 我做到了 终于上映了我兴奋得简直无以复加
When you've been waiting for something so
long it's actually a little strange when it finally arrives.
实际上 真正来临的时候感觉还挺奇怪的
It's like, I guess, when you're waiting for
感觉就像是 我想 当你等待着
like your wedding day or for the results of a pregnancy test.
Only this is much more important.
Well, I had a lot of people tell me how
恩 已经有一票人告诉我
excited they were for the movie which makes me very happy.
他们多激动了 我也因此更加开心了
I'm proud of it and all I can say is there will be a Finding Dory Two.
我很引以为荣 我能说的就是还会有寻找多莉2
It will be. Even if I have to draw it myself, there will be.
会有的 就算我得自己画出来 也会有的
And now I would like to celebrate Dory with a dance.

  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • quoten. 引用 v. 引述,举证,报价
  • bowln. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场 v. 打保龄球,
  • animatedadj. 生气勃勃的,栩栩如生的,动画片的
  • segmentn. 部份,瓣,弓形 vt. 分割
  • conceivev. 设想,构思,怀孕
  • incredibleadj. 难以置信的,惊人的
  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • celebratev. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬