米歇尔和艾伦 谁跟欧普拉关系更好
日期:2017-08-15 05:59



We were talking about "Selma,"
and Oprah of course produced that movie.
当然地 欧普拉制作了那部电影
We're both friends with Oprah.
Oprah is my neighbor, and so we're probably better friends.
她是我的邻居 所以我们可能算是更好的朋友吧
But, um, but you hang out with her sometimes too.
但是 嗯 你有时候也会跟着她混
Yeah, every now and then. Do you know--When's the last time you saw her?
是的 时不时会 你知道…你上次见她是什么时候呢?
Oh... Uh, we screened "Selma" at our home.
啊… 嗯 我们一起在我们家里放了《塞尔玛》




So a while ago. I saw them--
那么 就是刚才 我看到了…
I saw the screening that she screened in Santa Barbara,
so I saw her, but I just saw her last weekend.
所以我看到她了 但仅是上个星期看到了
Yeah, well, I was still on her magazine cover first,
嗯好吧 我还在她第一本杂志封面上出现过呢
but, yeah, I mean-- No, no. I just--
但是嗯… 我的意思是 不不不 我只是
It--Well, maybe first the way it worked out, but I was first on it,
它… 好吧 可能一开始是这样的 但我才是第一个在杂志封面上的
and then yours came out first or something like that.
之后你们才是接着第一个来的 大致是那样吧
Oh, yeah. I'm not sure. Look, it's not important who knows her better.
啊好吧 我也不确定 听着 谁跟她更熟些并不重要
It's not important, it's not important.
这不重要 这不重要
But on the count of three we'll say her middle name,
但是 数到三的时候 我们一起说出她的中间名
because I'm sure you know her middle name.
Okay? One, two, three... Michelle. Carol.
可以吗?一 二 三…米歇尔 卡罗尔
No, do you really know it? I do know it.
啊不 你真的知道吗 我的确知道的
I don't know it. I just found out today. It's "Gail."
我并不知道 我是今天才发现的 是“盖尔”
Oh, yeah, I did know that. It's "Gail."
啊 是的 我确实是知道的 是盖尔
I did know that. But you were saying your name.
我确实是知道哒 但是你刚刚说的是你的名字
Yeah, she was named after me. Yeah, of course.
是的 她以我的名字来命名的嘛 是的 当然
