日期:2017-07-22 17:51



If you've ever had to take a drug test for sports or work,
a well-meaning friend might have warned you to skip that poppy seed bagel for breakfast.
肯定会有个热心朋友 劝你早饭别吃大烟籽面包
It sounds like an urban legend, but poppy seeds might actually make you test positive for opiates –
说来你可能不信 但大烟籽还真能让你药检呈阳性
a group of highly-regulated or illegal drugs that can be really addictive.
Turns out, morphine and poppy seeds come from the same plant: the opium poppy.
So it's possible that a tiny, but detectable, amount of morphine or related chemicals might
show up in a urine test, all because of an innocent-looking food.
在尿检检出 祸首就是这个无辜的食物
Opium is a milky goo that's naturally made in the opium poppy's seed pods.
This plant goop contains a lot of different alkaloids,
which are a class of nitrogen-containing chemicals that have a lot of effects on the human body.
它们这类含氮化合物 可对人体产生多重影响
Some alkaloids can mimic or block different neurotransmitters,
which are chemicals that bind to receptors in your brain.
这些神经递质就是种化合物 能与脑内受体结合
And this can affect how you perceive pain or euphoria, and can even lead to addiction.
从而影响人对疼痛、快感的感知 进而成瘾
You might have heard of the alkaloid morphine, for instance.
比方说你可能听过的吗啡 就是这种生物碱
It's found in opium, and it's a powerful painkiller and precursor to the illegal drug heroin.
它是鸦片的成分 它不仅能当强效镇痛剂 还能合成毒品海洛因




Poppy seeds don't contain many or any alkaloids on their own
but they might get some chemical residue on them while they're being harvested.
The trace amounts of opiates that might end up in your poppy seed muffin
won't come anywhere close to a prescription dose of morphine.
But urine tests that are designed to detect drugs are pretty sensitive.
The first step in a typical urine test is to check whether there's any drug molecules at all.
It's called an immunoassay, because it uses antibodies,
免疫检定顾名思义 其依靠免疫系统抗体蛋白
like the proteins in your immune system to recognize specific molecules,
like opiates the antibodies are also engineered to make a detectable signals to say hey there are some chemical here!
就比方说鸦片 这些抗体被设置得会主动报告 嘿 这有种化合物
If the immunoassay test comes up positive, the next step is to double-check those results,
若免疫检定结果呈阳性 则下步为结果复核
and see how much of each chemical there is in there.
For that, scientists can use a technique called gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,
为此 科学家可依靠气相色谱法质谱法联用技术
to separate and analyze different kinds of molecules.
以分辨 分析不同分子
Abusing opiates would leave a lot more morphine in your system than just snacking on poppy seed muffins,
鸦片滥用可使体内吗啡含量飙高 吃大烟籽蛋糕可比不了
so that's why the concentration matters in a drug test.
In the 2000s in the U.S., the threshold for opiates in a urine sample
was raised from 300 to 2000 nanograms per milliliter, to hopefully reduce false alarms from anything like poppy seeds.
由纳克每毫升300升至2000 以期减少大烟籽等引发的误判
Still, if you are about to take a drug test,
理虽如此 你要是打算药检
it might not hurt to eat a nice safe blueberry bagel with your morning coffee just in case.
早饭不妨安稳地吃蓝梅面包配咖啡 好以防万一
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