日期:2017-07-11 15:39



Hello and welcome to SciShow.
大家好 欢迎来到科学秀
Our goal here is to excitedly and enthusiastically share the marvelous peculiarity of the world
and give people the opportunity to know more about themselves and their universe.
Recently, we were talking to some people at Google about this goal and they were like,
最近我们在谷歌上和一些网友聊起这个目标 他们的反应是
"What if, like, we gave you the most asked questions in the world?"
如果我们问你世界上最常问到的那些问题 你将怎么回答?
That seemed like a really good idea to us, so they did that.
这看起来是个不错的主意 他们真的就这么干了
And then after filtering out the ones about Kim Kardashian,
we were left with a list of ten of the most googled scientific questions ever.
This is the World's Most Asked Questions. Answering questions is what science is all about, and we love it.
这就是“世上最常问的问题” 科学的本质就在于回答问题 我们喜欢回答问题
So let's start out with the first one: What is the meaning of life?
Yeah, it doesn't necessarily sound like a question for SciShow,
but it kinda depends on your definition of "meaning" and your definition of "life."
但事实上这取决于 你对“意义”和“生命”的定义
The person asking is probably wondering what the purpose of THEIR life is...which I’m not going to weigh in on.
问问题的人关注的可能是他们自己生命的意义 这不是我想讨论的
And probably, Google isn't the place to look for that answer. But the purpose of life itself?
可能他们也不该到谷歌上寻找答案 但我想问的是广义上生命的目标是什么呢?
That's actually a question that science has come a good long way to understanding.
The biggest idea in understanding the history of life on earth,
and probably everywhere, if there is life elsewhere, is evolution.
或者其他存在生命的地方的各种生命的历史 最重要的概念是进化
Once upon a time, one thing made a copy of itself...creating a kind of immortality for that thing.
Though, of course, not really, because the thing died. But the instructions for making it were passed on.
当然 这并不是因为它本身长生不死 而是繁衍的指令已世代传承下来
Because the second thing had the instructions, it was able to make more of the things in the image of the first thing.
因为第二个繁衍出的生物收到了这样的指令 它就能根据第一个生物的形象繁衍出更多这样的生物
The things themselves kept dying, but the instructions lived on...
他们自身不断消亡 但繁衍的指令传承下去
and there we have the bizarre and occasionally upsetting meaning of life,
因此生物上来讲 我们就有了神奇的、偶尔令人苦恼的生命的意义
biologically...to pass on the instructionsfor creating more life.
那就是不断传递 繁衍创造更多生命的指令
Those instructions, these days, are DNA, or, for some simple organisms, RNA --
用现在的话说 这些指令就是DNA对简单的有机体来说是RNA
molecules that contain segments that code for different proteins,
and those proteins do the majority of the constructing of the actual organism.




In a weird way, the life of an individual organism is just a system for keeping the genes goin'.
有点诡异的是 单个有机体的生命仅仅只是一个 保存和传承基因的系统
Genes that don't contribute to that task, or especially if they interfere with it, won't
基因无法促进有机体的传承 如果基因干扰有机体的话就不能通过它
get passed because the organism will die before it has a chance to do any breeding.
And there we have the primary mechanism of evolution.
So, yeah, in a somewhat gritty sense, the biological meaning of life is
在某种程度上我们不得不勇敢承认 生命的生物学意义就在于
to live long enough to pass your genes on to the next generation.
So, basically...don't die...and have sex.
But simultaneously, there is a much more pleasant way of saying that.
The meaning of life is to create life. To perpetuate life.
生命的意义在于创造生命 保存生命
To sustain and grow this marvelous and astounding complexity that is unique in the known universe.
As for the meaning of your own life...that's up to you to figure out.
至于你自己生命的意义 这取决于自己的探索
Leading up to this project, we did a little SciShow viewer survey where we asked you,
为做这个项目 我们在科学秀的观众中做了一个调查
our viewers, a bunch of questions, including whether you felt like you knew roughly what you were doing here on earth.
问他们一些问题 包括你是否大概知道 你在地球上在做什么
In other words, whether you had some idea of the meaning of your life.
换句话说你是否知道 你的生命存在的意义
And the results of our very unscientific analysis of this survey were fascinating.
我们对这个调查的分析很不科学化 但结果却很有意思
A full two thirds of you feel like you know roughly what you're doing here on earth,
but those who didn't were were substantially more likely to suffer from chronic hiccups...
但另外的三分之一不知道 却有习惯性地打嗝的特点
so either knowing your place in the world decreases your likelihood of getting hiccups...
or getting hiccups increases the chance that you will feel aimless.
Or possibly there's some completely different effect going on,
or our completely non-scientific survey is not actually very good at predicting things.
或者我们这个完全不科学的 调查不善于预测
People who had some idea of their purpose were also more likely to have beards, be religious, and have fallen in love.
知道自己生命意义的人更有可能去留胡子 信仰宗教 和拥有爱情
And people who didn't feel like they knew what their purpose was were 26% more likely
to hold violet as their favorite color of the rainbow.
So that's just WEIRD! Of all the fascinating questions in the world, what question do you most want answered?
所以这非常奇怪! 在世上所有奇妙的问题中 哪一个是你最想知道答案?
Let us know on Facebook or Twitter or in the comments down below, and we will answer the
best questions in a new video at the end of the month.
Don't forget to use the hashtag #WMAQ and stay tuned for more questions answered here on SciShow.
别忘了加标签#WMAQ# 并关注更多我们在科学秀回答的问题

  • enthusiasticallyadv. 热情地,热心地
  • occasionallyadv. 偶尔地
  • evolutionn. 进化,发展,演变
  • marvelousadj. 令人惊异的,了不起的,不平常的
  • primaryadj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的 n. 最主
  • contributevt. 捐助,投稿 vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因之一
  • mechanismn. 机制,原理 n. 机械,机构,结构
  • chronicadj. 长期的,慢性的,惯常的
  • surveyv. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视 n. 调查,纵
  • interferevi. 妨碍,冲突,干涉